Monster Hunter Now

List of All Skills

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Monster Hunter Now features a variety of skills you can use to enhance your hunter with offensive and defensive capabilities! Here is a list of all the equipment skills and special skills you can have and how to get them.

List of Equipment Skills

Offensive Skills

Offensive skills will enhance your strength to deal devastating attacks and combos.

Skill Description
Resuscitate Increases damage when you are suffering from a status ailment.
Hunter's Unity The more companions there are activating the same skill, the greater the damage inflicted.
Artillery Increases the damage of gunlance's ammo/Wyvern's Fire attacks, charge blade's phial attacks, and sticky ammo.
Latent Power Raises Affinity and Special Gauge fill rate when certain conditions are met.
Power Prolonger Extends the duration of the powered-up state granted by dual blades, long swords, and charge blades.
Status Sneak Attack Makes it more probable to inflict status ailment buildup when attacking a monster from behind.
Critical Boost Increases the damage multiplier of critical hits.
Skyward Striker Increases the damage of aerial attacks.
Sleep Attack Increases weapon's sleep buildup.
Resentment When taking damage, attack power is increased for 15 seconds.
Dragon Attack Increases weapon's dragon-element value.
Attack Boost Increases attack power.
Poison Attack Increases weapon's poison buildup value.
Fire Attack Increases weapon's fire-element value.
Water Attack Increases weapon's water-element value.
Ice Attack Increases weapon's ice-element value.
Thunder Attack Increases weapon's thunder-element value.
Critical Eye Increases affinity.
Fortify Increases attack power for a certain period each time you revive after fainting during a hunt.
Weakness Exploit Increases affinity when attacking a monster's weak spot.
Focus Shortens charging time for weapons with charge attacks by certain %, and increases the fill rate of the Spirit Gauge by certain %.
Recoil Down Reduces bowgun recoil.
Offensive Guard Increases attack power for certain seconds after executing a well-timed guard.
Burst Landing consecutive hits in a short span of time increases attack power for certain seconds.
Heroics Increases attack power when your health drops below a certain level.
Reload Speed Reduces reload time for bowguns.
Sneak Attack Increases damage when attacking a monster from behind.
Peak Performance Increases attack power when your health is full.
Special Boost Increases the damage of special skills.
Solidarity (Pumpkin Hunt) Increases attack power the more of your fellow hunters have this skill activated.

Defensive Skills

Defensive skills will assist you in surviving challenging hunts enough to overcome powerful monsters!

Skill Description
Special Insurance Special Gauge increases when fainting during a hunt.
Bleeding Resistance Grants a chance to prevent bleeding status.
Tremor Resistance Negates ground tremors.
Sleep Resistance Grants a chance to prevent sleep status/prevents sleep.
Health Boost Increases health.
Defense Boost Increases defense.
Poison Resistance Grants a chance to prevent poison status/prevents poisoning.
Paralysis Resistance Grants a chance to prevent paralysis status/prevents paralysis.
Fire Resistance Decreases damage from fire-element monsters.
Water Resistance Decreases damage from water-element monsters.
Ice Resistance Decreases damage from ice-element monsters.
Thunder Resistance Decreases damage from thunder-element monsters.
Divine Blessing Chance of halving the damage caused by a monster's attack.
Guard Reduces damage and knockback when guarding against monster attacks.
Last Stand Increases defense when your health drops below a certain level.
Artful Dodger Makes perfect evades easier to perform.
Guts Survive lethal damage taken at certain health or above.

Utility Skills

Utility skills will provide you with various ways of improving your performance in hunts aside from more damage or defenses.

Skill Description
Teostra Blastpowder Makes it easier to rid yourself of blastblight and easier to inflict blast buildup on monsters.
MrBeast Challenge! Great things will happen after using certain attacks!
Bubbly Dance Reduces the effects of bubbleblight.
Kushala Frostwind Reduces the effects of wind pressure/dragon wind pressure, and increases ice element attack power.
Quick Work Increases the speed of sheathing or transforming your weapon.
Happy New Year (2024) Wish other players a Happy New Year.
Evasive Concentration Fills Special Gauge after performing a perfect evade.
Concentration Increases special gauge fill rate.
Paralysis Attack Increases weapon's paralysis buildup.
Evade Extender Extends evasion distance.
Partbreaker Increases damage accumulated upon breakable parts.
Firm Foothold Reduces knockback when taking damage.
Earplugs Reduces/Nullifies the effects of weak monster roars.
Rising Tide Increases attack power and defense as the hunt timer runs out.
Windproof Reduces/Negates the effects of wind pressure.
Slugger Increases stun power.
Lock On If using close-range weapons, it displays a lock-on button while hunting, allowing a specific monster body part to be targeted.

List of Special Skills

Special Skills for All Weapon Types

Weapon Special Skill Description
Monster Hunter Now - Sword and Shield Perfect Rush Combo Lunge into the enemy with a dizzying flurry of strikes and bashes.
Monster Hunter Now - Great Sword True Charged Slash Gathers all of the body's strength into a devastating slash attack.
Monster Hunter Now - Hammer Spinning Bludgeon Utilizes the rotational force of the hammer to deliver a shattering blow.
Monster Hunter Now - Long Sword Spirit Helm Breaker Leap skywards and plunge into foes with this deadly secret technique.
Monster Hunter Now - Light Bowgun Wyvernblast Counter A single shot unleashing the full destructive might of Wyvernblast ammo.
Monster Hunter Now - Bow Dragon Piercer Uses all of the body's might to release and arrow that can pierce through anything.
Monster Hunter Now - Dual Blades Heavenly Blade Dance A series of fatal attacks that soar high into the sky, slicing through monsters.
Monster Hunter Now - Lance Dash Attack A lethal, full-throttle thrust that penetrates through all defenses

How to Use Special Skills

How to Get Skills

Equipped Armor or Weapons Provide Skills

Monster Hunter Now - Equipped Armor or Weapons Provide Skills
Equipment will passively grant you the skills they provide if you have them equipped. Both weapons and armor can provide skills. Each weapon and piece of armor will have different skills, and it's up to you to find the perfect mix for a build that plays well for you.

Best Builds and Armor for Each Weapon

Equipped Weapons Provides Special Skills

Monster Hunter Now - Equipped Weapons Provides Special Skills
Your equipped weapon will determine what Special Skill you have. Special Skills are limited powerful moves you can do during hunts to deal massive damage during a window of opportunity.

Upgrade Equipment Grades to Unlock Skills

Monster Hunter Now - Upgrade Equipment Grades to Unlock Skills
Low-tier armor and weapons will only grant skills if upgraded to a higher Grade. The higher-tier materials required for Overgrading your equipment will be more available as you progress through the story and increase your Hunter Rank.

Higher Grades Upgrade Existing Skills

As you increase the Grade of your equipment, it can also increase the level of an existing skill instead of adding a new skill.

Higher Skill Levels Improve Skill Effects

Monster Hunter Now - Higher Skill Levels Improve Skill Effects
When you accumulate more points for a single skill, the effects of that skill will improve. Some skills, however, can only be improved up to a certain point.

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