Stellar Blade

How to Get Adam's Junkman Outfit

The Junkman is an obtainable outfit for Adam in the Wasteland in Stellar Blade. See the appearance of the Junkman, its details, and how to get it here.

The Junkman is an obtainable outfit for Adam in the Wasteland in Stellar Blade. See the appearance of the Junkman, its details, and how to get it here.

Junkman Overview

Junkman Appearance

Adam's Outfit Front and Back View
Stellar Blade -  Junkman Currently Unavailable

Junkman Details

Junkman Details
Stellar Blade -  Junkman

Grade: ★★★
The Scavengers favour sturdy and simple wear as they search through rusted metal on dry land. Once they find a treasure, they'll carry it back, but if they're unlucky... they have to face the Naytibas while carrying a heavy load.

How to Get Junkman

On a Hill South of the Wasteland

Overworld Location
Stellar Blade - Junkman Overworld Location
Map Location
Stellar Blade - Junkman Map Location

To get to the treasure chest, you will need to climb the ledges on the nearby cliffs then swing across several tree branches. Use Double Jump and air dashes to move between platforms.

Stellar Blade Related Guides

Stellar Blade - Exteriors

List of All Outfits (Exterior)

All Exterior Types

All Exterior Types
Nano Suits Face Decorations
Earrings Drone Appearances
Lily's Clothes Adam's Clothes

List of Adam's Clothes

Stellar Blade -  Sewer Rat
Sewer Rat
Stellar Blade -  Stargazer Wear
Stargazer Wear
Stellar Blade -  Chameleon
Stellar Blade -  Junkman
(Chameleon NG+)


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