Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Paolumu Weapon Stats and Skills

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This is a list of all the weapons that can be made with materials obtained from Paolumu in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and Iceborne. Each weapon's stats, slots, sharpness, and more are shown here.

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Swords and Shields Hunting Horns Switch Axes Light Bowguns

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List of Melee Paolumu Weapons

Paolumu Swords and Shields

Lumu Knife I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
3 168 0 -
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ーーー
Lumu Knife II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
4 182 0 -
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ーーー
Lumu Tabar I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
5 210 0 Blast 270
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ①①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Lumu Tabar II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
6 224 0 Blast 300
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ②①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Lumu Tabar III
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
6 238 0 Blast 330
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - 3 times ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Lumu Nightmare I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
9 336 0 Blast 360
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Lumu Nightmare II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
10 350 0 Blast 480
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.

Paolumu Hunting Horns

Lumu Horn I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
3 546 10 -
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ーーー
Notes White, Blue, Cyan
Lumu Horn II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
4 588 10 -
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ーーー
Notes White, Blue, Cyan
Lumu Barone I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
5 630 10 Water 420
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ①①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Notes Purple, Blue, Cyan
Lumu Barone II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
6 672 10 Water 480
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ②①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Notes Purple, Blue, Cyan
Lumu Barone III
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
6 714 10 Water 570
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - 3 times ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Notes Purple, Blue, Cyan
Lumu Drone I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
9 1008 10 Water 630
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Notes Purple, Blue, Cyan
Lumu Drone II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
10 1050 10 Water 690
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Notes Purple, Blue, Cyan

Paolumu Switch Axes

Lumu Axe I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
3 420 10 -
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ーーー
Phial Type Power Phial
Lumu Axe II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
4 490 10 -
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ーーー
Phial Type Power Phial
Lumu Smasher I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
5 525 20 Blast 360
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ①ーー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Phial Type Power Phial
Lumu Smasher II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
6 560 20 Blast 390
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ②ーー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Phial Type Power Phial
Lumu Smasher III
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
6 595 20 Blast 420
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - 2 times ③ーー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Phial Type Power Phial
Mechanical Lumu I
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
9 805 20 Blast 480
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Phial Type Power Phial
Mechanical Lumu II
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
10 875 20 Blast 540
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- - - ③①ー
Hidden Element This weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
Phial Type Power Phial

List of Ranged Paolumu Weapons

Paolumu Light Bowguns

Lumu Blitz Ⅰ
 Lumu Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 169 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Lumu Blitz ⅠⅠ
 Lumu Blitz ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 182 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Lumu Typhon Ⅰ
 Lumu Typhon Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 195 15 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠⅠ
 Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 15 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠ
 Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 208 15 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Lumu Typhon ⅠV
 Lumu Typhon ⅠV Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 273 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo

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All Monster Weapons

List of Monster Weapons

Base Game Monsters

Standard Species

Anjanath IconAnjanath Barroth IconBarroth Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse Behemoth IconBehemoth
Deviljho IconDeviljho Diablos IconDiablos Dodogama IconDodogama Great Girros IconGreat Girros
Great Jagras IconGreat Jagras Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus Kirin IconKirin Kulu-Ya-Ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku
Kulve Taroth IconKulve Taroth Kushala Daora IconKushala Daora Lavasioth IconLavasioth Legiana IconLegiana
Leshen IconLeshen Lunastra IconLunastra Nergigante IconNergigante Odogaron IconOdogaron
Paolumu IconPaolumu Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei Radobaan IconRadobaan Rathalos IconRathalos
Rathian IconRathian Teostra IconTeostra Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi Tzitzi-Ya-Ku IconTzitzi-Ya-Ku
Uragaan IconUragaan Vaal Hazak IconVaal Hazak XenoXeno'jiiva Zorah Magdaros IconZorah Magdaros

Subspecies and Variants

Ancient Leshen IconAncient Leshen Azure Rathalos IconAzure Rathalos Black Diablos IconBlack Diablos Pink Rathian IconPink Rathian

Iceborne Monsters

Standard Species

Alatreon IconAlatreon Banbaro IconBanbaro Barioth IconBarioth Beotodus IconBeotodus
Brachydios IconBrachydios Fatalis IconFatalis Glavenus IconGlavenus Master Rank Kulve Taroth IconMaster Rank Kulve Taroth
Namielle IconNamielle Nargacuga IconNargacuga Rajang IconRajang SafiSafi'jiiva
Shara Ishvalda IconShara Ishvalda Tigrex IconTigrex Velkhana IconVelkhana Yian Garuga IconYian Garuga
Zinogre IconZinogre

Subspecies and Variants

Acidic Glavenus IconAcidic Glavenus Blackveil Vaal Hazak IconBlackveil Vaal Hazak Brute Tigrex IconBrute Tigrex Coral Pukei-Pukei IconCoral Pukei-Pukei
Ebony Odogaron IconEbony Odogaron Frostfang Barioth IconFrostfang Barioth Fulgur Anjanath IconFulgur Anjanath Furious Rajang IconFurious Rajang
Gold Rathian IconGold Rathian Nightshade Paolumu IconNightshade Paolumu Raging Brachydios IconRaging Brachydios Ruiner Nergigante IconRuiner Nergigante
Savage Deviljho IconSavage Deviljho Seething Bazelgeuse IconSeething Bazelgeuse Shrieking Legiana IconShrieking Legiana Silver Rathalos IconSilver Rathalos
Stygian Zinogre IconStygian Zinogre Viper Tobi-Kadachi IconViper Tobi-Kadachi


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