Monster Hunter Now

Giga Grips Stats and Forging Materials

The Giga Grips is the Basarios Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Now. The stats, skills, forging materials, and upgrades of the Giga Grips can be found here.

Giga Grips Stats and Skills

Giga Grips Overview
MHNow - Giga Grips
Attack 160 Affinity -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 98
Special Skill
Skills Heroics Lv. 1 (G8)
Phial Type
Impact Phial

Giga Grips Forging Materials

Giga Grips Required Materials

How to Forge the Giga Grips
Monster Materials
Monster Hunter Now - Basarios Shell Basarios Shell x2
Monster Hunter Now - Basarios Wing Basarios Wing x1
Zenny Cost 300z

Giga Grips Upgrades

Giga Grips Weapon Tree

Name Attack Affinity Element
G2 Giga Grips 1 160 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 98
G3 Giga Grips 2 227 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 145
G4 Giga Grips 3 326 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 190
G5 Giga Grips 4 465 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 234
G6 Titan's Vise 1 600 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 276
G7 Titan's Vise 2 776 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 294
G8 Titan's Vise 3 1002 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 311
G9 Titan's Vise 4 1294 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 327
G10 Titan's Vise 5 1671 -15%
Monster Hunter Now - Poison 342

Monster Hunter Now Related Guides

Monster Hunter Now - Weapons Partial
Best Weapons Tier List

List of All Weapons and Guides

Close-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Sword and Shield Sword and Shield
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Great Sword Great Sword
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Long Sword Long Sword
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Monster Hunter Now - Hammer Hammer
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Monster Hunter Now - Dual Blades Dual Blades
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Monster Hunter Now - Lance Lance
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Monster Hunter Now - Charge Blade Charge Blade
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Monster Hunter Now - Gunlance Gunlance
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Long-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Bow Bow
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Light Bowgun Light Bowgun
Guide | List

List of All Charge Blades

MHNow - Proto Commission AxeProto Commission Axe MHNow - Bone StrongarmBone Strongarm MHNow - Jagras StrongarmJagras Strongarm
MHNow - Girros StrongarmGirros Strongarm MHNow - Pulsar StrongarmPulsar Strongarm MHNow - Mudslide BladeMudslide Blade
MHNow - Dear LutemisDear Lutemis MHNow - Dear HecatelDear Hecatel MHNow - Everfrost BladeEverfrost Blade
MHNow - Diablos WallDiablos Wall MHNow - Thanatos ForceThanatos Force MHNow - RathsbladeRathsblade
MHNow - Azure SoulbrandAzure Soulbrand MHNow - WeissritterWeissritter MHNow - UsurperUsurper's Lightning
MHNow - Garon StrongarmGaron Strongarm MHNow - TyrantTyrant's Charge Blade MHNow - Giga GripsGiga Grips
Daora's Thwartoise


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