
Version 2.22.1 Update


★ Version Updates: Version 2.22.1 Update
★ New Events: Popularity Poll Event and Serruria Celebration Missions
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters: Morgana, Serruria and Yuni
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

Version 2.22.1 Update Banner - MementoMori

Here are the newest updates from MementoMori. Learn more about the updates and other game changes in Version 2.22.1.

MementoMori Version 2.22.1 Update

Version 2.22.1 was released on September 10, 2024 at 00:00 (UTC-7). The update will be mandatory on September 12, 2024 23:30 (UTC-7).


  • Added new events and features that are planned to commence soon
  • Added Yuni and Chiffon's Lament Monologues (to be implemented on 9/12)

Errors Fixed

  • Fixed a problem where a push notification may not be sent when the Guild Raid boss is unlocked
  • Fixed skill errors and skill descriptions (to be implemented on 9/12)
  • Other small errors have been fixed, and improvements to user-friendliness have been implemented.

9/12 Planned Skill Error Fixes

On 9/12, The following skill errors and skill descriptions will be fixed.

Type of Correction Description
Behavioral Corrections Corrections for effects that only have changes in the ways they operate.
Description Text Corrections Corrections that have only been made to the description text. There are no changes in these skills' behaviors.

Error Details

Error Detail: Amleth Before Changes After Changes
Curtains Cut Down Lv 1

Description Text Corrections

has a 30% chance to deal 1 additional physical attack equal to 360% of her ATK has a 70% chance to deal 1 additional physical attack equal to 360% of her ATK (4 additional attacks max)
Oathkeeper Lvl 2

Behavioral/Text Corrections

The chance to deal an additional attack becomes 50%, and its damage becomes equal to 400% of her ATK The additional attack's damage becomes equal to 400% of her ATK

Behavioral Corrections

Character and Skill Behavioral Corrections
Chief Officer Fenny
Fixed a problem where, under specific conditions, Fenny's [Invisibility] would unintentionally become disabled if there were both allies who were enhanced with [Invisibility], as well as those who were not, in the party
Fighting Words
Corrected the skill's behavior so that, in accordance with the description, the increase in Belle's ATK cannot be dispelled
Cursed Bullet
Corrected the skill's behavior so that, in accordance with the description, any increases/decreases from buffs/debuffs are applied to Dian's max HP, from which it is referenced for the damage she deals to herself and the direct attack she deals to the enemy targets
Servant's Expertise
Fixed a problem where, under specific conditions, Dian's [Invisibility] would unintentionally become disabled if there were both allies who were enhanced with [Invisibility], as well as those who were not, in the party
I'm Ready to Die
Fixed a problem where, under specific conditions, if Claudia is afflicted with a debuff that deals continuous damage, like [Bleed], and enhanced with [Ready to Die] at the same time, the continuous damage from the debuff may be multiplied by 2
Dancing Paw-tners
Fixed a problem where the number of characters afflicted with [Resonance] would be 4 or more if there were 2 or more copies of Mimi in either the ally party or enemy party, so now the number of afflicted characters will only be 2

Activation Order of Passive Skills

  • Corrected the activation order of Passive Skills so that those that activate at the start of the battle are guaranteed to activate before those that activate at the start of the turn, as there were problems where some skills were not activating in the order that was written in their skill descriptions
  • Fixed a problem where Passive Skills that activate at the start of the battle may not activate in their respective characters' action phase orders if said Passive Skills' activation conditions overlap with each other
  • Due to the corrections above, corrected Passive Skills that grant [Shield] at the start of the battle so that they grant [Shield] "at the start of the 1st turn, allowing the [Shield] to be granted after referencing any [Increased ATK] buffs from Passive Skills that increase ATK at the start of the turn.

Guild Battles

  • Fixed a problem in Guild Battles/Grand Battles where, under very rare conditions, skills with This skill activates only 1 time per battle written in the description could activate 2 times during consecutive battles

Things To Keep In Mind

  • Do not uninstall Mementomori while updating.
  • Perform an Account Link before updating the app.
  • You may be put into the Recommended World, which may not be the World you've progressed in, after updating the app. You may switch back to your main world at the title screen.
  • Update times may vary depending on your device.
  • Updating is recommended to be done over a Wi-Fi connection.

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