Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

List of Crafting Materials

This is a list of available Crafting Materials in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8). Read on to learn how to get each Crafting Material, and more!

List of Crafting Materials

Item Effects How to Get
Lava FragmentsLava Fragments ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・10 pts
Lava GeodeLava Geode ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・50 pts
Lava CrystalLava Crystal ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・250 pts
Ice FragmentsIce Fragments ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・10 pts
Ice GeodeIce Geode ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・50 pts
Ice CrystalIce Crystal ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・250 pts
Electric FragmentsElectric Fragments ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・10 pts
Electric GeodeElectric Geode ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・50 pts
Electric CrystalElectric Crystal ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・250 pts
Rainbow FragmentsRainbow Fragments ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・10 pts
Rainbow GeodeRainbow Geode ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・50 pts
Rainbow CrystalRainbow Crystal ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・250 pts
Beautiful SeashellBeautiful Seashell ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・500 pts
Shark FinShark Fin ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
・15000 pts
Ethereal EgestaEthereal Egesta ・Material used to create weapons.
Other Obtain Method
・Purchase in Ben's Funky Wagon near Lantern St.
Empty Cough Drop TinEmpty Cough Drop Tin ・Material used to enhance weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
Squid TentaclesSquid Tentacles ・Material used to create weapons.
Hawaiian Haunt Exchange
Cemedine Super X HyperwideCemedine Super X Hyperwide ・Material used to create weapons.
Purchase in Shop
・POPPO Jinnai Station Store
Cemedine Super XCemedine Super X ・Material used to create weapons.
Purchase in Shop
・POPPO Jinnai Station Store
Cemedine Super X GoldCemedine Super X Gold ・Material used to create weapons.
Purchase in Shop
・POPPO Jinnai Station Store

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

Items Partial

List of All Items

All Item Types

Recovery Status
Crafting Materials Upgrade Materials
Battle Other


2 Error checkerabout 1 year

Cemedine super x: welcome pharmacy ijincho Cemedine super x: hyperwide: Poppo E. Shichifuku street Cemedine super x gold: POPPO Jinnai Station Store

1 Anonymousabout 1 year

Cemedine Super X Hyperwide is not in jinnai poppo


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