Gundam UC Engage

Angelo Sauper Skills and Best Mobile Suits [C0066]


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Gundam UC Engage's Angelo Sauper [C0066] is a SR rarity pilot. Learn about Angelo Sauper's stats, skills, and best Mobile Suits in this page.

Angelo Sauper Basic Info

Angelo Sauper Overview

[C0066] Angelo Sauper
Angelo Sauper Icon
Gundam UCE- Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Icon
Rarity SR
PvE Rank PvP Rank
- -

Angelo Sauper Review

Coming Soon!

Angelo Sauper Mobile Suits

Angelo Sauper Signature Mobile Suit

This pilot has no signature Mobile Suit

Angelo Sauper Skills

Skill 1 Whenever an enemy is defeated, increase ranged sense by 41%(Stack up to 5 time(s))
Skill 2 When mobile suit unit category is "Sniper": when battle begins, increase reaction by 13%

Angelo Sauper Stats

Ranged Sense
Melee Sense

Angelo Sauper Available Gachas

Coming Soon!

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