Gundam UC Engage

Mash Best Mobile Suits and Skills[C0129]


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Gundam UC Engage's Mash [C0129] is a SR rarity pilot. Learn about Mash's stats, skills, and best Mobile Suits in this page.

Mash Basic Info

Mash Overview

[C0129] Mash
Mash Icon
Gundam UCE- Mobile Suit Gundam: THE ORIGIN Icon
Rarity SR
PvE Rank PvP Rank
- -

Mash Review

Mash is a pilot who can provide decently high melee sense to his mobile suit. However, not only does he provide nothing else, but a significant portion of his melee sense is only accessible once one of your allies is defeated. This makes him an undesirable pick for content such as Main Quest and Phantom Ace.

It is highly recommended that you replace him with a similar pilot once you can.

Mash Mobile Suits

Mash Best Mobile Suit

This pilot has no best Mobile Suit

Mash Alternative Mobile Suits

Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - DenDen'an-Zon (Black Vanguard) Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage - DenDen'an-Gei (Black Vanguard)

Mash Skills

Skill 1 Whenever an ally is defeated, for 20 second(s), increase melee sense by 74%
Skill 2 When mobile suit unit category is "Black Mobile Suit': when battle begins, increase melee sense by 51%

Mash Stats

Ranged Sense
Melee Sense

Mash Available Gachas

List of Gacha Banners

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