Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

List of All Fish

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RF5 - List of All Fish.png

This is a list of all Fish used in cooking in the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about Fishing, which fishes can be reeled on your own, which fishes require a partner in fishing, and more!

How to Get Fish

Fishing using Poles

You can get fish by equipping any pole you have and facing a body of water. SImply press B when a fish interacts with your lure to reel it in. Depending on your pole, the fish that will interact with your lure will vary.
List of All Poles

Special Fish require a Partner

Once you have established ties with the other villagers of Rigbarth, you can ask for their help when fishing for special fish. These special fishes will require two people to reel them in. You can only ask help from the villagers, once per day so be sure to make it count.

Buy at the General Store

Initially, the General Store will not sell any fish. However, after renovating the General Store for its first expansion, fish will now be added in its inventory and you can now purchase Fish from Hina.

List of Fish

Fish Caught Alone

Fish Price How to Get
Pond Smelt 10 G ・General Store (Bought)
Fairy (Drop)
・Rigbarth (Fished)
Pike 12 G ・General Store (Bought)
・Ripple Beach (Fished)
Masu Trout 15 G ・General Store (Bought)
・Phoros Woodlands River (Fished)
Cherry Salmon 18 G ・General Store (Bought)
・Phoros Woodlands River (Fished)
Squid 24 G ・General Store (Bought)
Kraken (Drop)
・Ripple Beach (Fished)
Needlefish 30 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Crucian Carp 35 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Girella 45 G ・Pond of Hope, Ripple Beach (Fished)
Mackerel 60 G ・Pond of Hope (Fished)
Sardine 70 G ・Ripple Beach (Fished)
Salmon 80 G ・Pond of Hope, Ripple Beach (Fished)
Shrimp 85 G ・General Store (Bought)
・Rigbarth (Fished)
Char 92 G ・Phoros Woodlands River (Fished)
Gibelio 100 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Turbot 120 G ・Ripple Beach (Fished)
Chub 130 G ・Phoros Woodlands River (Fished)
Rainbow Trout 150 G ・Phoros Woodlands River (Fished)
Flounder 190 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Skipjack 220 G ・General Store (Bought)
・Pond of Hope, Ripple Beach (Fished)
Lobster 960 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Snapper 1280 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Autumn Flounder 2000 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)

Rigbarth has a variety of fish depending on the season

The fish in the stream at the heart of Rigbarth will have different fish depending on the season you fish in it. If you are planning a certain dish or eyeing for a certain fish, it is recommded that you fish it within the season it spawns.

Fish Caught with a Friend

Fish Price How to Get
Splendid Alfonsino 100 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Abalone 250 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Octopus 350 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Seerfish 500 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Cutlassfish 600 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Lamp Squid 1800 G Kraken (Drop)
・Rigbarth (Fished)
Throbby Snapper 3500 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Yellowtail 3800 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Marlin 4000 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Blowfish 4200 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Red King Crab 5000 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Tuna 5600 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Taimen 6500 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Sunsquid 6800 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Sunfish 8000 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Glitter Snapper 8800 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Golden Salmon 9000 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)
Golden Octopus 9500 G ・Rigbarth (Fished)

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3 Anonymousover 2 years

Found Autumn Flounder in Forest of No return water area.

2 Anonymousover 2 years

You can also fish Glitter snapper, snapper and throbbing snapper in a small pond (B2) on the cloud map. Also I fished Glitter snapper in a small pond outside of the post game maze at Phoros Wood, though it seems to be a rare caught. Just look for the giant fish shadow, there is a high chance to be a glitter snapper.


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