Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

The Crystalabra: Opening Hours and Things to Do

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The Crystalabra
The Crystalabra is a shop in Rune Factory 5 (RF5) owned and operated by Heinz. Read on to learn what you can do as well as the various info about the The Crystalabra!

What is The Crystalabra

The Crystalabra Opening Hours
Operating Hours Weekdays: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Holidays: 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Trading with Heinz: 3:00PM onwards
Initial Activities ・Trade items
・Exchange 5 pieces of crystals
・Purchase abilities, magic, and jewels
First Expansion ・Increased Magic Tomes and Rune Abilities
・Increased tradeable items
Second Expansion ・Lucas can upgrade your Magic Tomes
・Increased Magic Tomes and Rune Abilities
・Increased tradeable items
Third Expansion ・Increased Magic Tomes and Rune Abilities
・Increased tradeable items

Purchase items from either Heinz or Lucas

HeinzHeinz LucasLucas

You may purchase items at The Crystalabra by talking to either Heinz or Lucas. Items available for purchase include Magic Tomes, Rune Abilities, Crystals, and Jewels. Most of these items can be found around the many dungeons in the game so purchasing them isn't urgent.

Trade with Heinz

Trade with Heinz
Transacting with Heinz allows you to trade crystals and purchase items from his rotating stock. Heinz only appears at his shop around 3:00PM so if you are planning on trading crystals or purchase from his rotating stock, make sure to arrive at the specified time.

Upgrade Magic with Lucas

Upgrade Magic with Lucas
Upon expanding The Crystalabra for the 2nd time, you will be able to upgrade your Magic by talking to Lucas. It is worth noting that you can only upgrade Magic. Should you give any Rune Ability, it will not be upgraded and will simply be a present for him.

Materials required for upgrading

Level Material Required
1 → 2 500G
2 → 3 3000G
3 → 4 Sapphire
4 → 5 Platinum
5 → 6 Orichalcum
6 → 7 Deep Crimson Fur
7 → 8 Dragonic Stone
8 → 9 Rune Crystals
9 → 10 Small Crystals

What To Buy at the Crystalabra

Magic Tomes

Item Price Availability
Water LaserWater Laser 2400G Initial Offering
FireballFireball 2200G Initial Offering
Rock ScrewRock Screw 2300G 1st Expansion
Sonic WindSonic Wind 2500G 1st Expansion
Dark BallDark Ball 2800G 2nd Expansion
MedipoisonMedipoison 1800G 2nd Expansion
Light BarrierLight Barrier 3000G 2nd Expansion
Impact LaserImpact Laser 7800G 3rd Expansion
Grand SpikeGrand Spike 6500G 3rd Expansion
SparkleSparkle 8800G 3rd Expansion
Sonic StormSonic Storm 8800G 3rd Expansion

Rune Abilities

Item Price Availability
Dash SlashDash Slash 2000G Initial Offering
Power WavePower Wave 1300G Initial Offering
Flash StrikeFlash Strike 9300G Initial Offering
UppercutUppercut 3000G 1st Expansion
Reaper SlashReaper Slash 2700G 1st Expansion
Double KickDouble Kick 7800G 1st Expansion
Terra SwingTerra Swing 3000G 2nd Expansion
GustGust 2600G 2nd Expansion
Rail StrikeRail Strike 3800G 2nd Expansion
Delta StrikeDelta Strike 1500G 3rd Expansion


Item Price Availability
Ventus Crystal 50000G 1st Expansion
Glacies Crystal 50000G 1st Expansion
Terra Crystal 50000G 1st Expansion
Gaia Crystal 50000G 1st Expansion
Ignis Crystal 50000G 1st Expansion


Item Price
Aquamarine 1500G
Amethyst 500G
Yellow Core
Emerald 4800G
Green Core 2700G
Sapphire 9800G
Diamond 14400G
Skull Crystal
Blue Core
Ruby 7000G


Item Price
Light Crystal 3000G
Earth Crystal 2000G
Big Crystal 16000G
Small Crystal 120000G
Love Crystal 2080G
Water Crystal 2400G
Ice Crystal
Fire Crystal 1600G
Dark Crystal 1440G
Wind Crystal 2150G
Electro Crystal
Magic Crystal 350G

Rotating Stock

Rotating Stock
You can purchase a number of items from Heinz's rotating stock. Items such as equipment, abilities, food, and materials. In addition to rare items, you can also purchase wood and stone in large quantities. This is convenient for players in need of of these items but don't want to the hassle of farming them individually.

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

All Shops and Expansions Partial Banner.png
List of Shops and Best Expansions to Buy

Other Shop Guides

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