Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

List of All Marriage Candidates (Love Interests)

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RF5 - Best Marriage Candidates

Pick the ideal bride or groom in Rune Factory 5 by choosing the best love interests among the bachelors and bachelorettes! Read on to see the list of all marriage candidates, their birthdays, and their likes and dislikes!

Bachelorette Marriage Candidates

All Bachelorette Marriage Candidates
Priscilla Scarlett Lucy
Fuuka Ludmila Beatrice


Priscilla Profile Priscilla
Voice Actor Megan Taylor Harvey
Birthday 27 Spring
Present Cake
Likes Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Hot Milk, Flan, Pancakes, French Toast, Pink Cat, King Pink Cat, Charm Blue, Great Charm Blue, Fireflower, Big Fireflower, All Feathers
Disikes All Fish Except Squids, All Liquids, Mushroom, Monarch Mushroom, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A sweet ray of sunshine who was born and raised in Rigbarth. Tends to make many mistakes in her day-to-day life, but people forgive her due to her kind and cheerful nature. Prepares well in advance for any event, making her surprisingly dependable. Some past incident has left her too terrified to leave town, but she wants to overcome this fear.

How to Date Priscilla and Romance Events


Scarlett Profile Scarlett
Voice Actor Erica Mendez
Birthday 18 Summer
Present Warrior's Proof
Likes Onigiri, Baked Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Bamboo Rice, Rice Porridge, Milk Porridge, Egg Bowl, Octopus Rice, Fried Veggies, Boiled Spinach
Disikes Union Stew, Cabbage Cakes, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A half-elf, half-human SEED ranger currently on a long-distance assignment in Rigbarth. Her life goal is to be just like her father. Always does things by the book, to the point of being excessive. Absolutely hates hearing a story without an end or changing the subject before finishing a conversation. A bit rigid and stuck in her ways, although she feels conflicted about whether that's for the best.

How to Date Scarlett and Romance Events


Lucy Profile Lucy
Voice Actor Erica Lindbeck
Birthday 16 Autumn
Present Pineapple
Likes All Other Fish, All Other Poles, All Fruits, milk, Milk (M), Milk (L), Monkey Plush
Disikes Ghost Hood, Spider's Thread, Pretty Thread, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A childhood friend of Priscilla who's always there to cheer her up and make sure she doesn't find herself in any dangerous situations. Loves physical activity, hates losing, and constantly challenges the protagonist to competitions. She's in high spirits all the time and gets along with just about everybody, but quickly grows lonely without any company.

How to Date Lucy and Romance Events


Fuuka Profile Fuuka
Voice Actor Cristina Vee Valenzuela
Birthday 29 Summer
Present Sea Bream
Likes All Other Fish, All Crystal Flowers, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Love Crystal, Ruby, Diamond, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Crystal Skull
Disikes Carrot, Royal Carrot, Green Pepper, Green Pepper Rex, Pickles, Pickles Turnips, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A were-animal traveler who drifted from country to country until she finally ended up in Rigbarth. Experienced many hardships in her life but has reached a point where she can laugh them off. As a second-language learner, she's gradually picking up human speech. Honest to a fault and can tell when someone's lying by instinct alone, even with a language barrier.

How to Date Fuuka and Romance Events


Ludmila Profile Ludmila
Voice Actor Brianna Knickerbocker
Birthday 5 Winter
Present Four Leaf Clover
Likes All Flowers Without Grass Names, All Flower Seeds, All Rings, Rainbow Trout, Rainbow Sashimi, Handknit Scarf, Fluffy Scarf, Love Scale, Prelude to Love
Disikes Fur, Quality Fur, Quality Puffy Fur, Yellow Fur, Penguin Down, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed DIsh, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A succubus who lives for love and is totally head-over-heels for the protagonist. Has great endurance and can put up with a lot of punishment. Enjoys finding herself in risky (and sometimes risqué) situations. Seems to do whatever she pleases but is actually quite serious and abides by her own set of rules. Her succubus nature has caused people to suffer in the past, so she tends to keep her distance from others.

How to Date Ludmila and Romance Events


Beatrice Profile Beatrice
Voice Actor Julie Ann Taylor
Birthday 14 Winter
Present Dolphin Brooch
Likes Strawberry, Sultain Strawberry, Meteor Strawberry, Jam Roll, Mixed Juice, Apple, Baked Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Cake, Fruit Sandwich, Flan, Pumpkin Flan, Bread
Disikes Doria, Seafood Doria, Gratin, Seafood Gratin, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A noblewoman on a secret mission. Although sheltered and out of touch with the outside world, she has a strong sense of responsibility. Her many talents include playing instruments and riding monsters. While she originally planned to leave as soon as she finished her business in Rigbarth, she has a change of heart once she gets to know the protagonist and the townsfolk.

How to Date Beatrice and Romance Events

Bachelor Marriage Candidates

All Bachelor Marriage Candidates
Martin Reinhard Cecil
Murakumo Lucas Ryker


Martin Profile Martin
Voice Actor Griffin Puatu
Birthday 8 Autumn
Present Star Pendant
Likes All other ores, All Fruits, Scrap Metal, Scrap Metal+, Ammonite, Pink Melon, Conqueror Melon
Disikes All Mushrooms, Abalone, Blowfish, Object X, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


An apprentice striving to become the greatest blacksmith the world's ever known. Not fond of talking to others and easily misunderstood due to his blunt nature. Takes immense pride in his work (it's rumored that he secretly names his tools) and usually only has smithing on his mind, but his world starts to change once he meets the protagonist.

How to Date Martin and Romance Events


Reinhard Profile Reinhard
Voice Actor Chris Hackney
Birthday 30 Autumn
Present Failed Dish
Likes Formuade, Invinciroid, Cold Medicine, Object X, Silver Boots, Iron Shield, Mail, Turnip Seeds, Pink Turnip Seeds, Strawberry Seeds, Yam Seeds, Potato Seeds, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food
Disikes All Crystals, All Gems, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A talented knight who pledged an oath of fealty to the Kingdom of Norad and has a long history in politics. The reason behind his visit to Rigbarth remains unknown. Possesses a strong sense of duty and a fierce intellect, but since he never tries to force his morals on others, he's earned a reputation as a trustworthy person. However, he starts to share a whole different side of himself with the protagonist.

How to Date Reinhard and Romance Events


Cecil Profile Cecil
Voice Actor Zeno Robinson
Birthday 12 Spring
Present Chocolate Cake
Likes All Fruits, All Brooches, Crystal Skull, Fish Fossil, Ancient Fish Feather Fins, Dragon Bones, Unbroken Ivory Tusk, Conqueror Melon
Disikes Milk, Milk (M), Milk (L), Yogurt, Cheese, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


Martin's naïve younger brother who idolizes detectives and is trying to become one himself in order to track down their missing parents. He and Martin don't talk much these days, but even though they're a little distant, Cecil still loves him with all his heart. His insatiable curiosity helps him make friends with the protagonist.

How to Date Cecil and Romance Events


Murakumo Profile Murakumo
Voice Actor Kaiji Tang
Birthday 2 Summer
Present Ivory
Likes All golem stones, Big Giant's Nail, Dragon Fang, Blue Giant's Glove, Bull's Horn, Pizza, Seafood Pizza, Dumplings, Meat Dumplings, Chinese Manju, Gyoza, Steamed Gyoza, Boiled Gyoza
Disikes Cake, Cheesecake, Pancakes, French Toast, Chocolate, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A very jovial, somewhat careless, and self-sacrificing were-animal who runs Rigbarth's only inn. Cares deeply about others, and so tends to go overboard giving customers freebies due to his overwhelming desire to make them happy. Unfortunately, this means he often fails to make a profit. After meeting the protagonist, he learns to consider things from his patrons' point of view and starts thinking about how to improve his inn.

How to Date Murakumo and Romance Events


Lucas Profile Lucas
Voice Actor Mark Whitten
Birthday 1 Spring
Present Pink Cat
Likes All Crystals, All Liquids, Udon, Curry Rice, Mysterious Powder, Can, Rare Can
Disikes Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Boot


An amnesiac gentleman who wandered into town one day. Just about everything piques his interest, and he constantly takes notes on whatever catches his attention. Despite having lost his memories, he's impressively well-versed on many subjects, and can judge the worth of any gemstone without fail.

How to Date Lucas and Romance Events


Ryker Profile Ryker
Voice Actor Alejandro Saab
Birthday 27 Winter
Present Proof of the Chief
Likes Fairy Elixir, Great Hammer Shard, Ancient Fish Feather Fins, Poison King, Wind Crystal, Popcorn, Roasted Yam, Glazed Yam, French Fries, Toast, Jam Roll, Baked Onigiri, Baked Apple
Disikes Curry Rice, Curry Manju, Curry Bread, Dry Curry, Curry Udon, Object X, Scrap Metal, Weeds, Withered Grass, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Rock, Branch, Can, Rare Can, Boot


A sleepy apprentice carpenter who owes a great debt to his mentor. His hands are as quick as his wits, but his lack of work ethic means he doesn't get along with the diligent Martin. Often lectured by those older than him and treated as a peer by those younger than him. Although he's constantly dozing off during the day, at night a cooler, more mysterious side of him emerges.

How to Date Ryker and Romance Events

Is Same-Gender Marriage Possible?

Yes, You Can Marry the Same Gender

The Western release of Rune Factory 5 has included same-gender romance options, supporting the new feature same-gender marriage. This makes it possible for players to marry the love interest of their choosing without avatar-swapping, changing character appearance, or other conditions.

Is Same-Gender Marriage Possible? | Can You Marry the Same Gender?

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

RF5 - Tips and Tricks Partial Banner

Tips and Tricks

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List of All Outfits and How to Change Clothes -
Romance Guides
List of All Marriage Candidates How to Raise Friendship Level
All Romance Events (Stories) How to Get Married
How to Have Children Is Same-Gender Marriage Possible?
Confession Guide: How to Confess to Love Interest How to Get a Double Bed
How to Complete Chronic Slacker | Ryker's Event Guide -


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