Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Calamity's Edge Walkthrough and Story Guide

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RF5 - Calamity

This is a walkthrough and story guide for Calamity's Edge in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about how to reach and complete Calamity's Edge, important items to pick up, and strategies for defeating the Boss Monster!

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Calamity's Edge Walkthrough Summary

1 Go outside the Silo for a cutscene
2 Enter the second gate behind the Silo to reach Calamity's Edge
You won't be able to bring any party member through the gate.
3 Reach for the gate at the end of the path while defeating the monsters and destroying the gates along the way
4 Defeat Gideon
5 Enter Audea through the fissure and defeat The Fathomless Dread
6 Watch the ending scenes

Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide

How to Beat Gideon

RF5 - Gideon
Battle Tips
・Recommended level is 120
・Has quick and hard to predict attacks
・Prepare HP and RP recovery items

Keep your health up

RF5 - Gideon

Gideon has the most versatile moveset among the main story bosses. He can close the gaps with sword thrusts and can unleash quick sword slashes if you're using melee attacks on him. In addition to sword attacks, Gideon can also use spells that gets even stronger during the second phase.

Bring healing spells and food items that recover both HP and RP and be sure to keep your character healthy as much as possible since you won't always have the chance to heal, considering Gideon's speed.

How to Beat the Final Boss: The Fathomless Dread

RF5 - The Fathomless Dread
Battle Tips
・Back away after each combo

Back away after each combo

RF5 - attacking The Fathomless Dread

You can attack The Fathomless Dread on any part of its long body since it doesn't have a specific weak point. After completing a combo, back away from the boss as it will likely unleash an attack that will be difficult to dodge if your camera is focused on it.

The Fathomless Dread is much easier than Gideon and there are no particular attack patterns to watch out for. As long as you're around lv120 and you have some HP and RP recovery items with you, you can take down the final boss without struggling too much.

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2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

thats true! I even bring the last boss (3rd floor) from the floating speed and the Medusa from lighting area and the last boss (dragon) from basasara hideway.. I even don't need to fight Gideon lol I just need to keep use the heal magic

1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

I'd like to make a slight correction here. You may not be able to bring any Townsfolk through the gate to Calamity's Edge to fight against Gideon or The Fathomless Dread, but you CAN bring monsters! I had the color fairies (Red, Yellow, and Blue) with me, and they made the boss fights much, much easier. I can only imagine how much easier things would be if someone brought tamed Boss Monsters. That's all~ Thanks for the info and the content! Super helpful during my playthrough.


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