Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Meline Crystal Caverns Walkthrough and Story Guide

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Rune Factory Meline Crystal Caverns Story Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough and story guide for Meline Crystal Caverns in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about how to reach and complete Meline Crystal Caverns, important items to pick up, and strategies for defeating the Boss Monster!

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Atohl's End

Meline Crystal Caverns Map

B1 B2

Meline Crystal Caverns Walkthrough Summary

How to Reach Meline Crystal Caverns

1 Rest in your bed
2 Scarlett will wake you, and you will follow her to the Livia's office where you will meet Gideon.
3 Rest in your bed
4 The next day, head to Livia's office to trigger a cutscene
5 Head to the Great Tree Plaza at any time starting from 7am
6 Rest in your bed
7 Head to the Restaurant at any time starting from 7 am
8 Head to the Meline Crystal Caverns

Inside Meline Crystal Caverns

1 Proceed along the paths in the Meline Crystal Caverns
Grab the the Fireball Spell located in the chest near the Entrance
Pick up the Cure Spell near the central stairs on B1 of the caverns
Obtain the Cursed Ring in the Small Room to the west on B2
Get the Earth Spike Spell from the northernmost room on B2
2 Defeat the Boss
3 Lucas will now start working at the Crystalabra

Tips for Clearing Meline Crystal Caverns

checkmarkRaise your level to around 30

checkmarkEquip the Steel Edge as your recommended weapon

checkmarkStay healthy by picking up the Cure Spell

Raise Your Level to Around 30

Raise your level to be around 30

Meline Crystal Caverns can be cleared comfortably if your character's level is around 30. Not only are there a wide variety of enemies, but their attacks can deal a lot of damage in a short time, so be sure to raise other skills such as Farming to get to the appropriate level.

Equip the Steel Edge as Your Main Weapon

Get the steel edge to have a battle advantage

Steel Edge is a Dual Blade weapon you can obtain in the Kelve Lava Caves. It not only allows you to attack quickly, but its damage output is also very high, making it the ideal weapon to take on the various enemies in the caverns.

Stay Healthy by Picking Up the Cure Spell

Get the Cure Spell to make battling easier

The Cure Spell can be found in the chest right before the central staircase on B1 of the caverns. Since it uses RP instead of items to restore your HP, it makes both exploration and combat much easier.

How to Defeat the Meline Crystal Caverns Boss: Kraken

Meline Crystal Caverns Boss Monster Kraken.jpg
Battle Tips
・Wait for an opening and attack it head on
・Watch out for its projectile attack
・Continue Moving when it dives underground

Wait For an Opening and Attack it Head on

Attack when you see an opening

Since Kraken is in the water, you aren't able to attack it while you are on land. Because of this you are forced to attack it head on. As this can be very risky, be sure to wait until Kraken finishes attacking, while constantly moving to avoid its various attacks.

Watch Out For its Projectile Attack

Avoid the multiple projectiles

Watch out for the large amount of projectiles that Kraken fires in one of its attacks. Their landing spot is determined by a red circle, so avoid standing in those areas to reduce damage taken.

Keep Moving When it Dives Underwater

Keep moving to avoid the tentacles

Start running when you see Kraken dive underwater. If you stand still, you will be attacked by its tentacles that pop out of the water and take massive damage. As long as you continue to move, you can easily avoid this attack.

Meline Crystal Caverns Monster List

Boss Monster

Monster (Base Lv.) Info
(Lv. 27)
Location: Lake Yumina
When defeated, drops:
Squid , Lamp Squid , High Quality Squid Ink , Glacies Crystal Fragment

Regular Monsters

Monster List
Rune Factory 5 - Monster BoxMonster Box Rune Factory 5 - Emperor PenguinEmperor Penguin Rune Factory 5 - FurpyFurpy
Rune Factory 5 - Flower LilyFlower Lily Rune Factory 5 - AmphibiteeAmphibitee Rune Factory 5 - Palm CatPalm Cat
Rune Factory 5 - TundraTundra Rune Factory 5 - GrowlerGrowler Rune Factory 5 - Rockhopper PenguinRockhopper Penguin
Rune Factory 5 - Fake Green PepperFake Green Pepper

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