Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

List of All Wild Plants

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RF5 - List of All Wild Plants.PNG

This is a list of all Wild Plants in the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about the effects of each wild plant, and more!

List of Wild Plants

Plant Effects
Rune Factory 5 - Withered GrassWithered Grass RP Recovery−20%, Status Ailment: Poison
Rune Factory 5 - WeedsWeeds HP Recovery−5
Rune Factory 5 - Indigo GrassIndigo Grass HP Recovery+80, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Blue GrassBlue Grass HP Recovery+30, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Red GrassRed Grass HP Recovery+120, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Yellow GrassYellow Grass HP Recovery+100
Rune Factory 5 - Black GrassBlack Grass HP Recovery+50, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - White GrassWhite Grass HP Recovery+200, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Orange GrassOrange Grass HP Recovery+150, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Green GrassGreen Grass RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Purple GrassPurple Grass HP Recovery+20, RP Recovery+3
Rune Factory 5 - Antidote GrassAntidote Grass HP Recovery+700
Rune Factory 5 - Medicinal HerbMedicinal Herb HP Recovery+20
Rune Factory 5 - MushroomMushroom Effects change randomly.
Rune Factory 5 - Bamboo ShootBamboo Shoot RP Recovery+8
Rune Factory 5 - Mealy AppleMealy Apple Strength -50%, Health -50%, Intelligence -50%, Fire -10%, Water Resistance -10%, Land -10%, Wind -10%, Light -10%, Dark -10%
Rune Factory 5 - Monarch MushroomMonarch Mushroom HP Recovery+100%, RP Recovery+100%, Recovery:Poison, Seal, Paralyze, Sleep, Fatigue, カゼ

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

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RF5 - Medicine Partial Banner.pngMedicine RF5 - All Fist List Partial.pngFish
RF5 - List of All Wild Plants Partial.pngWild Plants -


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