Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

All Harvest Festival Dates, Rewards, and Appeal Answers

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Rune Factory 5 - Harvest Festivals Guide All Festival Dates, Appeal Answers and Prizes.png

Harvest Festivals are fun contests that players can participate in with their top tier Vegetables in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to know when each Festival will occur in, the best vegetables for each Festival, and all the answers to the Appeal Segment in each contest!

All Harvest Festival Dates

Occurs on the 28th of Every Season

Rune Factory 5 - Harvest Festival Information.png

Festival Date
Spring Harvest Festival 28 Spring
Summer Harvest Festival 28 Summer
Autumn Harvest Festival 28 Autumn
Winter Harvest Festival 28 Winter

Harvest Festivals are seasonal Festivals that occurs on the 28th of every season. These festivals largely consist of players having to present Simone with a vegetable of their choice that they wish to include into the contest. These vegetables will then be judged, with the player being asked questions afterwards to justify their vegetable's right to have the top spot.

Players can begin the Festival by presenting Simone with a fully grown crop on the day of the Festival beginning at 11 AM onwards.

All Harvest Festival Answers (Appeal)

RF5 - Harvest Festival - Answering Questions in the Appeals Event

Jump to Answers
Hina Palmo Darroch Randolph
Priscilla Terry Murakumo Heinz
Elsje Lucy Julian Ryker
Scarlett Lucas Cecil Martin
Yuki Misasagi Radea -
This section is currently under construction. Check back here for more Answers that can be asked during Harvest Festivals!

The villagers which ask questions at the Festival are chosen randomly, but are determined at the start of the day. Each villager has 2 questions which they will randomly choose between. If you find your score in the Harvest Festival likely to be just shy of success, it's a good idea to save before the festival day and try again giving different answers.

Since the villagers who appear are set that day, and ask only 2 possible questions each, with a few tries, you'll likely be able to get all answers correct and get a higher placement than before. Unfortunately, there's no clear indication of whether your answers were right or wrong, so you'll have to judge from the points you received at the end whether your answers were correct.

Hina Answers

Question Ooh! Tell me! Are [Crop] flowers pretty?
Answer 1 Really pretty!
Answer 2 Not really.
Answer 3 This doesn't produce flowers.
Question Or did you just buy it at the store?
Answer 1 I worked very hard to grow it.
Answer 2 Yeah, it's store-bought.
Answer 3 Neither. It's from the forest.

Palmo Answers

Question Demonstrate the depths of your love for your [Crop]!
Answer 1 Shout words of love to the sky.
Answer 2 Pop it into Palmo's mouth.
Answer 3 Enter a trance.
Question This [Crop] is terrifically wonderific!
Answer 1 Yeah, whatever you said.
Answer 2 It's also scrum-diddly-umptious!
Answer 3 Actually, it's EXCELERIFIC.

Darroch Answers

Question What would you say was the hardest part?
Answer 1 Taking care of it every day.
Answer 2 Watering it properly.
Answer 3 Just getting the seeds.
Question Sorry, I didn't catch this thing's name. What's it called again?
Answer 1 It's called "Yum!"
Answer 2 "[Crop Name]"
Answer 3 "The Super [Name] Special"

Randolph Answers

Question How would you prepare it if you wanted to serve it with some fresh bread?
Answer 1 Stick it in a stew.
Answer 2 Blend it into a drink.
Answer 3 Enjoy it raw.
Question Who shall enjoy this [Crop]?
Answer 1 Everyone in town.
Answer 2 My special someone.
Answer 3 The hungriest person here.

Priscilla Answers

Question I'd love to cook something with your crops someday.
Answer 1 Be my guest!
Answer 2 Okay, but it'll cost you!
Answer 3 Hmm, I dunno...
Question Do you ever give your crops names?
Answer 1 Like, nicknames?
Answer 2 Yes, each and every one!
Answer 3 Maybe, maybe not.

Terry Answers

Question Simone organizes the Harvest Festivals, but there's one crop she can't stand. What is it?
Answer 1 Tomatoes.
Answer 2 Green peppers.
Answer 3 Leeks.
Question Which of these grows the fastest: strawberries, grapes, or apples?
Answer 1 Strawberries.
Answer 2 Grapes.
Answer 3 Apples.

Murakumo Answers

Question You grew it in your very own fields! Right?
Answer 1 Right-o!
Answer 2 Actually, no.
Answer 3 Nah, I found it in the woods.
Question Tell us how you poured your heart and soul into growin' this [Crop]!
Answer 1 I devoted my life to growing it.
Answer 2 Well, I watered it every day.
Answer 3 Uh, let me think about that...

Heinz Answers

Question Ares...Is it just me, or is that the Legendary [Crop] of Legend?!
Answer 1 It's just you.
Answer 2 Yes. That's exactly what this is.
Answer 3 Legendary what now?
Question Oho! What a dignified Leek you have there. Did you dig it up yourself,[Character Name]?
Answer 1 Yeah, I got right to the root of it.
Answer 2 No digging involved. I just pulled it up.
Answer 3 Yes. I mean, no. I mean...

Elsje Answers

Question Peeling veggies is such a pain...
Answer 1 You can eat it skin and all!
Answer 2 I'll help you prepare them!
Answer 3 Hard work makes it taste better!
Question Hmm...So could I eat this, like, right away?
Answer 1 It tastes even better in a stew!
Answer 2 Yep! Open wide!
Answer 3 Yeah, in bite-sized snack form.

Lucy Answers

Question Ares! It's you versus me! Who do you think is gonna come out on top?
Answer 1 Me. Duh.
Answer 2 You've got this in the bag.
Answer 3 Uh, aren't we figuring that out right now?
Question Y'know, I'm feeling kinda hungry. Let me have a bite of your entry. You're cool with that, right?
Answer 1 Yep! Go ahead.
Answer 2 Just a nibble...
Answer 3 (Heh heh. Let's play it cool...)

Julian Answers

Question Vegetables are gross, but Mom always says I hafta eat 'em. How do I make them taste NOT gross?
Answer 1 Blend them into juice.
Answer 2 Add them to a curry.
Answer 3 Stick them in a stew.
Question What do you, um...What do you think about Hina?!
Answer 1 I think she's absolutely adorable.
Answer 2 I think she's just lovely.
Answer 3 What do YOU think about her?

Ryker Answers

Question Why did you choose this particular [Crop] over all the others?
Answer 1 True love.
Answer 2 Because it was my best one.
Answer 3 The voices told me to do it.
Question This whole festival is deathly boring, and I don't want anything to do with it.
Answer 1 Okay then.
Answer 2 Why don't we eat some together?
Answer 3 So you can't stand vegetables?

Scarlett Answers

Question On a scale of one to ten, how would you grade your [Crop]?
Answer 1 A perfect ten!
Answer 2 I'd give it an eight.
Answer 3 Uhh...Maybe a three?
Question What did you focus on most while growing this [Crop]?
Answer 1 Watering it properly.
Answer 2 Monitoring the soil quality.
Answer 3 I paid attention to everything.

Lucas Answers

Question What would you say is the secret to your agricultural success?
Answer 1 Soil quality, watering quantity.
Answer 2 A blend of chemical assitants.
Answer 3 Nothing in particular.

Cecil Answers

Question Hmm...I have to say, I don't detect anything particularly remarkable about your entry. It lacks an air of mystery.
Answer 1 How 'bout the size-flavor ratio?
Answer 2 Well, duh. It's just a plant.
Answer 3 Actually, I've seen it walking around at night...

Martin Answers

Question A [Crop], hm? Do you think you could use it as a weapon?
Answer 1 Let its shape inspire your next project!
Answer 2 How 'bout you just eat it instead?
Answer 3 Is this another strange idea of yours?

Yuki Answers

Question What a splendid [crop]. Tell me, is this one of your favorite foods?
Answer 1 Uh-huh!
Answer 2 Nuh-Uh.
Answer 3 Nah, I just wanted to win.

Yuki's answers are user submitted, and have yet to be verified. Check back here for more updates!

Misasagi Answers

Question I'm trying to teach Hina to like Tomatoes. How can I convince her to try them?
Answer 1 Make tomato juice.
Answer 2 Hide them in a stew..
Answer 3 I'm sure she'll eat a tasty one!.

Radea Answers

Question Hey, why does this thing have water on it?
Answer 1 They're drops of juicy freshness.
Answer 2 I chilled it in cold water.
Answer 3 It's sweating in this heat.

Best Crops for Each Harvest Festival

Best Crops for Each Season

Rune Factory 5 - Best Crop.png

Season Best Crop
Spring Pumpkin, Potato
Summer Potato, Corn, Green Pepper
Autumn Radish, Leek
Winter Hot-Hot Fruit, Starfall Potato

Although any crop that is "in-season" can be used to compete, these are the best crops that players can go for when trying to win the Harvest Festivals during the first full year in the game.

The Crops presented at the Festival are judged on three factors – Seasonality, Crop Level, and Growth Speed. The first step is to choose a crop which is in season for the season the Harvest Festival will be in.

How to Get the Best Crop

RF5 - Harvest Festival - Best Crop to Bring

Steps to Grow a Winning Crop
  1. Plant a Crop in Season
  2. Use the Sickle when it's grown to get higher-level Seeds
  3. Replant the higher-level Seeds
  4. Repeat the process to continue raising the Crop's level

Each time the Crop is ready for harvest, use the Sickle on it to get higher-level seeds than the ones which were planted. Replanting these seeds and repeating this process each time will gradually raise the level of the resulting Crop, yielding a better score in the Harvest Festival.

Farming Guide and How to Grow Crops Well

All Harvest Festival Prizes

Spring Harvest Festival

Result Prize
1st Place Cooking Bread x9, Stat Medicine x1, Equipment x1, Food x1, 150P
2nd Place Cooking Bread x5, Equipment x1, Food x1, 100P
3rd Place Cooking Bread x3, Food x1, 50P
Participation Cooking Bread x1

Summer Harvest Festival

Result Prize
1st Place Cooking Bread x9, Food x1, Equipment x1, Stat Medicine x1, 150P
2nd Place Cooking Bread x5, Food x1, Equipment x1, 100P
3rd Place Cooking Bread x3, Food x1, 50P
Participation Cooking Bread x1

Autumn Harvest Festival

Result Prize
1st Place Cooking Bread x9, Food x1, Equipment x1, Stat Medicine x1, 150P
2nd Place Cooking Bread x5, Food x1, Equipment x1, 100P
3rd Place Cooking Bread x3, Food x1, 50P
Participation Cooking Bread x1

Winter Harvest Festival

Result Prize
1st Place Cooking Bread x9, Food x1, Equipment x1, Stat Medicine x1, 150P
2nd Place Cooking Bread x5, Food x1, Equipment x1, Stat Medicine x1, 100P
3rd Place Cooking Bread x3, Food x1, 50P
Participation Cooking Bread x1

Rune Factory 5 Related Links

Festivals Partial Banner.png

Festival Calendar

All Festivals

Season Date Festival
Spring 6 Cooking Contest
Spring 10 Bean-Throwing Festival
Spring 15 Fish Variety Contest
Spring 19 Flower Festival
Spring 28 Spring Harvest Festival
Summer 1 Beach Day
Summer 11 Buff-a-Move Festival
Summer 15 Buddy Battle Festival
Summer 19 Seaside Lights Festival
Summer 28 Summer Harvest Festival
Autumn 3 Handicraft Contest
Autumn 12 Valentine's Day
Autumn 15 Eating Contest
Autumn 19 Tricky Treats
Autumn 25 White Day
Autumn 28 Autumn Harvest Festival
Winter 3 Snow Brawl
Winter 13 Squid Catch
Winter 25 Christmas
Winter 28 Winter Harvest Festival
Winter 30 New Year
Spring 1


17 Anonymousabout 1 year

Lucas: The more I examine your [crop], the more delicious it seems. How do I best savor it? Focus on the flavors went over well.

14 Anonymousabout 2 years

A Yuki question : Oh, that makes me wonder... (Name), what did you have for dinner last night? -A fresh Salad -All the Bread I could eat (Best answer) -uhhh... what DID i Have?


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