Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

True Strike Smithy: Opening Hours and Things to Do

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Rune Factory 5 - True Strike Smithy
True Strike Smithy is a shop in Rune Factory 5 (RF5) where you can purchase different Weapons you can use in combat! Read on to learn more about True Strike Smithy, its upgrades, Tandem Smithing, and more!

What is the True Strike Smithy (Blacksmith)?

Opening Hours Regular Days: 09:00 to 18:00
Holidays: 09:00 to 14:00
First Expansion Effects:
・Additional Equipment in the shop
・Can purchase Ores from Martin
・Previously upgraded gear can be inspected by Darroch to see which materials were used for upgrades.
Second Expansion Effects:
Tandem Smithing unlocked
・More Recipes available
Third Expansion Effects:
・Expanded shop inventory.

Purchase Items From Clerks

Rune Factory 5 - Purchase Items From Clerks

True Strike Smithy Clerks
DarrochDarroch MartinMartin

From the beginning of the game, players will be able to have access to True Strike Smithy and be able to purchase some basic equipment from either Darroch or Martin.

The types of equipment and other services they sell you will increase or be added only when you buy Expansions for the shop from Palmo, such as purchasable Ores from Martin or Tandem Smithing.

Check Materials of Upgraded Equipment

Rune Factory 5 - Check Materials of Upgraded Equipment
When upgrading equipment, it may be somewhat difficult to remember which materials you have already used to upgrade it. You can easily rectify this by talking to either of the Clerks to check in on your equipment.

This service at the shop is only accessible after Expanding True Strike Smithy once.

How to Access Tandem Smithing

Unlocked at Second Expansion

Rune Factory 5 - Unlocked at Second Expansion
Tandem Smithing is another way of creating various equipment for your use with the assistance of another character. To access it at the shop, you'll need to expand True Strike Smithy twice, where a new forge will be added into the shop afterwards.

Approach this forge and interact with it to access the menu for Tandem Smithing.

Enhance the Performance of Equipment

Tandem Smithing
Smithing in the regular way (by yourself) is more than enough to create powerful weapons or equipment, provided that you have the necessary skills for them. Tandem Smithing adds on to this by providing you with bonuses to your crafted equipment that varies from the characters that you craft with. You can only do Tandem Smithing once per day.

These "bonus effects" are further compounded by the type of weapon you'll be crafting – meaning to say that even if you craft with the same character, you won't be getting the same kinds of bonuses when crafting two different equipment.

Tandem Smithing Increases Friendship Level

Stop within the bar!
Items you craft with a partner will help to increase your Friendship Level with that particular character. This is an excellent way to increase your Friendship Level with characters without having to resort to showering them with numerous gifts every day.

It also has the benefit of providing you with valuable equipment you'll need as you encounter progressively tougher monsters to fight against when doing any Requests or story related missions.

How to Raise Friendship Level

Items for Sale at the True Strike Smithy (Blacksmith)

Farming Tools

Item Price
Clippers 1900
Brush 2400
Skilled Pole 25000
Beginner's Pole 5000
Cheap Pole 1500
Silver Hammer 30000
Bronze Hammer 5000
Cheap Hammer 1500
Lumber Axe 30000
Chopping Axe 5000
Cheap Axe 1500
Quality Sickle 25000
Iron Sickle 3000
Cheap Sickle 300
Lion Waterpot 25000
Tin Waterpot 3000
Cheap Waterpot 150
Seasoned Hoe 25000
Sturdy Hoe 3000
Cheap Hoe 150
General's Hoe TBD
Magnifying Glass 2000


Item Price
Hell Branch 409100
Mage's Staff 120000
Lightning Wand 65500
Silver Staff 13000
Staff 6280
Rod 1300
Demon Axe 96666
Basilisk Fang 71500
Pole Axe 11800
Battle Scythe 6590
Battle Axe 1380
Chaos Edge 186550
Platinum Edge 104400
Steel Blades 71040
Thief Knives 23900
Steel Edge 6500
Short Dagger 1310
Dragon Claws 126000
Fists of Water 98000
Fists of the Earth 64000
Punching Gloves 21500
Brass Knuckles 4660
Leather Gloves 290
Gigant Hammer 134980
Bone Hammer 78800
Great Hammer 22400
War Hammer 6120
Battle Hammer 340
Chaos Blade 125105
Platinum Sword 95730
Aqua Sword 11800
Cutlass 6380
Steel Sword 1210
Broadsword 90
Feather Lance 124710
Heavy Lance 96800
Corsesca 58800
Trident 18800
Lance + 4580
Lance 1700
Spear 200
Snow Crown 130500
Bio Smasher 105000
Katzbalger 50080
Sea Cutter 14600
Zweihander + 4450
Zweihander 1675
Claymore 160


Item Price
Strider Boots 188000
Bone Boots 68900
Silver Boots 14280
Cheep-Cheep Sandals 320
Leather Boots 80
White Ribbon 80000
Orange Ribbon 50000
Yellow Ribbon 10000
Blue Ribbon 500
Brand Glasses 6500
Green Ribbon 500
Platinum Shield 12700
Magic Shield 71500
Chaos Shield 21500
Round Shield 5440
Warrior's Shield 4100
Iron Shield 1240
Small Shield 70
Wind Cloak 72780
Chain Mail 18000
Cotton Cloth 4980
Vest 1300
Shirt 120
Protector 106200


Item Price
Ruby Ring 19800
Magic Earrings 425000
Magic Charm 150000
Witch Earrings 160000
Magic Ring 180000
Star Pendant 75000
Poison Ring 19800
Platinum Bracelet 1020000
Power Gloves 312000
Paralysis Ring 19800
Bronze Bracelet 8500
Silver Pendant 5000
Sturdy Gloves 120000
Focus Earrings 1500
Shield Ring 68000
Silent Ring 19800
Critical Ring 65000
Silver Bracelet 27200
Gold Bracelet 72800
Work Gloves 1500
Leather Belt 1600
Charm 350
Emerald Ring 19800
Amethyst Ring 19800
Aquamarine Ring 19800
Platinum Ring -
Yarn 300
Talisman 60000

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

All Shops and Expansions Partial Banner.png
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Serendipity The Crystalabra
True Strike Smithy How to Unlock Ludmila's Flower Shop
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