Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Festival Calendar and Best Festivals to Host

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RF5 - List of Festivals and Best Festivals to Host.png

This is a list of Festivals in Rune Factory 5 and a guide on which Festivals you should choose to host. Learn about the differences between the festivals and the advantages of each.

Best Festivals to Host

Contests are First Priority

Festivals which fall into the Contest category see villagers competing to get a high score and crown a winner. When you participate in contests, you'll receive a Recipe Bread at the minimum just for participating, and the prizes will improve to include Food and Equipment as you get a better result. Since you'll get a prize no matter what, Contests are the best festivals to host early in the game.

From the start, the Bean-Throwing Festival, Fish Variety Contest, and Buff-a-Move Contest are good choices to host first.

Dialogue Events are Low Priority

Festivals like the Flower Festival and Beach Day allow you to enjoy conversations with other characters and bring a Marriage Candidate along for a date. These allow you to interact with villagers you don't usually have conversations with, but as all the shops in town will be closed these days, it can be said that the demerits outweigh the merits in the early stages of the game. If you have a date to bring along, you can receive a Present from them, so consider your Friendship Level with other villagers before hosting these Festivals.

List of Festivals


Date Name Req. SEED Points How to Host
1 New Years - Automatically held
6 Cooking Contest 1000 By Directive
10 Bean-Throwing Festival 1000 By Directive
15 Fish Variety Contest 1000 By Directive
19 Flower Festival 1500 By Directive
28 Spring Harvest Festival 1000 Automatically Held

Points Required for 1st Place

Festival Points Required
Cooking Festival First Year: 350
Year After Winning: 1600
Bean-Throwing Festival Standard Year: 12000
Year After Winning: 20000
Fish Variety Contest Standard Year: 15 Types
Year After Winning: 20 Types
Spring Harvest Festival Standard Year: 250
Year After Winning: 1100


Date Name Req. SEED Points How to Host
1 Beach Day - Automatically Held
11 Buff-a-Move Contest 1000 By Directive
15 Buddy Battle Festival 1000 By Directive
19 Seaside Lights Festival 1500 Automatically Held
28 Summer Harvest Festival 1000 Automatically Held

Points Required for 1st Place

Festival Points Required
Buff-a-Move Contest Standard Year: 18000
Year After Winning: 19500
Buddy Battle Festival ・Before Clearing the Main Story: Monster Level of 40 or higher
・Before Clearing the Main Story(After winning): Monster Level of 80 or higher
・After Clearing the Main Story: Monster Level of 130 or higher
・After Clearing the Main Story(After winning): Monster Level of 200 or higher
Summer Harvest Festival Standard Year: 250
Year After Winning: 1100

Autumn (Fall)

Date Name Req. SEED Points How to Host
3 Handicraft Contest 1000 By Directive
12 Valentine's Day 1500 Automatically Held
15 Eating Contest 1000 By Directive
19 Tricky Treats 1500 By Directive
25 White Day 1500 Automatically Held
28 Autumn Harvest Festival 1000 Automatically Held

Points Required for 1st Place

Festival Points Required
Handicraft Contest Standard Year: 300
Year After Winning: 1500
Eating Contest Standard Year: 18000
Year After Winning: 20000
Tricky Treats Standard Year: 250
Year After Winning: 550
Autumn Harvest Festival Standard Year: 250
Year After Winning: 1100


Date Name Req. SEED Points How to Host
3 Snow Brawl 1000 By Directive
13 Squid Catch Contest 1000 By Directive
25 Christmas 1500 Automatically Held
28 Winter Harvest Festival 1000 Automatically Held
30 New Year's Eve - Automatically Held

Points Required for 1st Place

Festival Points Required
Snow Brawl Standard Year: 3.1m
Year After Winning: 3.6m
Squid Catch Contest Standard Year: 9 Squid
Year After Winning: 14 Squid
Winter Harvest Festival Standard Year: 250
Year After Winning: 1100

How to Host Festivals

Make a Directive with Eliza

Festival Calendar - Make Directives with Eliza.jpeg

Aside from the Festivals which are held automatically each year, the player must pay SEED Points to host a Festival by making a Directive with Eliza.

Find Eliza on 1F of Rigbarth Outpost (SEED) and from the Directives menu, choose to organize a festival to choose from a list of upcoming Festivals to host.

Rune Factory 5 Related Links

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Rune Factory 5 Guides
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RF5 - Characters Partial Banner.png Characters RF5 - Monsters Partial Banner.pngMonsters
All Shops and Expansions Partial Banner.pngShops and Expansions RF5 - Food and Cooking Recipes Partial Banner.pngFood and Cooking
Festivals Partial Banner.pngFestival Calendar RF5 - Weapons Partial Banner.pngWeapons
RF5 - Farm Tool Partial Banner.pngFarm Tools RF5 - Armor Partial Banner.pngArmor
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RF5 - Medicine Partial Banner.pngMedicine RF5 - All Fist List Partial.pngFish
RF5 - List of All Wild Plants Partial.pngWild Plants -


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