Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Quick and Easy Money Making Guide

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Rune Factory 5 Money Making Guide

Money is an important resource that can be used in Rune Factory 5 (RF5), almost as important as the seeds you plant and the crops you yield. Read on to learn how to quickly make money in an easy way!

How to Make Money Quickly and Easily

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Curry Method Early Game Late to Mid-Game

Get 500,000G by Selling Royal Curry

This method is the best there currently is in-game and can be done at any point in the game. This is due to the requirement for it only being that you befriend Elsje and increase your Friendship Level with her to at least 3. She also needs to be recruited in your party for this method to work.

You can repeat this method as many times as you wish for as much money as you need.

No. Instruction
Befriend Elsje

・Increase the Friendship Level with Elsje to Level 3 or higher. You can do this by giving her her most liked or favorite Gifts.
・The Companion Crest can also help with this task if you have it.
・Get her into your party.
Injure Yourself

・You can do this through a number of ways such as using more RP than you have (which takes your HP due to the lack of RP), or by using the Flame Traps in the Kelve Lava Caves.
・HP needs to be brought down at least a quarter of what it used to be, or at most 20% of your maximum health.
Find a Monster

・Talk to Elsje first and tell her to "Stay Back".
・Head out and find a relatively weak monster. Don't attack – instead, goad it into attacking you (do not get knocked out during this juncture).
Grab and Ship the Curry

・While dodging the monster, wait for Elsje to slowly walk towards you. Keep your attention on her, as she will throw food at you.
・Dodge the food when Elsje throws it at you (it must land on the ground, which will allow you to pick it up later on).
・When the food lands, pick it up. She can throw a variety of things at you, but the target item is a Royal Curry. Head to your Shipping Bin and place the Curry there.
・Wait until 8 AM – you'll receive 500,000G for the Royal Curry, and other amounts for other food items you get from Elsje.

Making Money in the Early Game

Making Money in the early Game

Sell Dropped Items

Early on in the game, the most common Items that players can find (and subsequently sell) are those that they find in either the city or in the field. Although these items are cheap, if players ship them all, it will help to raise basic funds that are necessary for growing crops.


Another great way of earning enough money early on is by first completing the tutorial on fishing. This will grant players access to the Fishing Rod, allowing them to go out on fishing trips in order to catch fish that can later be sold.

Although the amount of money gained from fishing depends entirely on the type of fish players can catch, catching rare and high-priced fish is an avenue to generate decent amounts of money per fish. Players can even increase the chances of catching expensive fish by fishing with characters whom players have a Friendship Level of 3 or higher.

Defeat Bosses

Some of the bosses that players can find and fight early on the game can be repeatedly picked on for the expensive Items that they drop upon defeat. This is the first truly lucrative way of earning money, along with Seed Points.

Simply go out to dungeons and defeat the bosses at the end of each one. Collect their droped Items afterwards and get to selling!

Making Money Mid to Late Game

Making Money Mid to Late Game

Sell Crops

With access to a decent amount of money, enough to plant several crops, players can grow high-priced crops in their field. These can then be later on shipped to earn large amounts of cash per crop, giving players a sustainable way of earning money for their escapades.

The following are recommended crops to grow and sell, which can all be planted fairly early on in the game and provides players with an avenue of earning stable cash until the late game:

Crop Seed Price
Shipping Value
Turnip [Seed Price]
[Shipping Value]
Turnips can grow quickly, and gives a basic yield of 2 Turnips, making it an odeal crop for earning money in the early game.
Pumpkin [Seed Price]
[Shipping Value]
A continuously growing crop harvested every 3 days as long as players have HP.
Corn [Seed Price]
[Shipping Value]
Crop with a very high shipping value. Players can also use it as popcorn in a pan or as a fertilizer in a field.
Sweet Potato [Seed Price]
[Shipping Value]
Gives a basic yield of as high as 5. With cheap seeds, it is one of the more stable mid-tier crops that can be used for earning decent amounts of money.

Selling By-Products

If players build a Monster Barn, they can subsequently tame Monsters found out in the world and make use of their by-products as items to sell in exchange for decent amounts of money.

Monster Item and Shipping Value
Hornet Honey
Buffamoo Milk
Cluckadoodle Egg

Selling Crafted Items or Dishes

With a blacksmith or Countertop, players can craft or forge items that can then be subsequently sold off. Although the amount of money to be gained for the pieces themselves is not as substantial as those gained from crops, they do have the benefit of increasing in parallel a player's skill level.

Item Name Required Skill Value Required Materials
Sturdy Hoe Forging Lv. 15 120G Copper x1
Pickled Turnip Cooking Lv. 4 48G Turnip x1
Sweet Potato Cooking Lv. 20 240G Sweet Potato x1

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