Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Whispering Woods Walkthrough and Story Guide

★ Follow along with our Story Walkthrough.
☆ Build your bonds by giving the best gifts for each character!
★ Learn how dishes are prepared in our Cooking Guide.
☆ Wield the strongest types of weapons in combat.
★ Earn SEED Points to develop and improve town.
☆ Capture Wanted Monsters to increase your SEED Rank!

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This is a walkthrough and story guide for Whispering Woods in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about how to reach and complete Whispering Woods, important items to pick up, and strategies for defeating the Boss Monster!

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- Belpha Ruins

Whispering Woods Map

Whispering Woods Walkthrough Summary

Tutorial Explanation

1 Choose your character's gender
2 Defeat the Wooly and the 2 Hornets that appear.
3 Choose your name and birthday
4 Head down the stairs to meet field captain Livia
5 Examine the soulsphere
6 Clear the field by placing weeds and twigs in the shipping bin
You can pick up multiple items of the same type by holding down theA Buttonand lining the cursor on the next item
7 Use the hoe to till the soil
You can hold down the B button to till multiple patches of soil
8 Sow turnip seeds in the tilled soil
Holding down the B button will allow you to sow multiple seeds at once
9 Use the Waterpot to water the seeds
10 Return to your room and rest
11 Head to the buildings that are pinned on your map.
12 Report to Livia
13 Accept Priscilla's request by visiting the Task Board
14 Go to the restaurant
15 Report to Livia after completing Priscilla's request

Steps 1 and 3: Decide Your Name, Gender, and Birthday

Choose your name and birthday after waking up
Gender Cannot be changed
・You can change your appearance after beating the game
・Marriages are limited to the opposite sex
・Things such as you appearance and voice will change as time passes
Birthday Cannot be changed
・You receive a present on your birthday
Name ・Can be changed at your home
・Other pepole will call you by the name that you choose

At the start of the game, you will asked to choose your gender, name and birthday. Your gender and birthday cannot be changed mid-game, and many important events are based on what you choose, so think carefully before deciding.

Professor and Renamer

You can change your name at the Professor and Renamer's house

It is possible to change your character name mid-game. Head to house in the Southeast part of Rigbarth whenever you feel like changing it.

Pinned Areas are the Locations for Story Quests

World Map

Objective Marker
Waypoint Marker

Whenever you view your map (press the - Button), the areas related to the Main Story will be pinned. If you're unsure as to where to go to progress the Main storyline, check your map to view any areas that are pinned.

Things to Do Before Fighting Nine-Tailed Fox

1 Accept Livia's Request at the Task Board
2 Increase the size of your bag and decide the date for a festival
You can now customize things around the town with Directives
3 Accept Ryker's Request
4 Place the storage box you receive from Ryker in a place of your choosing
5 Accept Palmo's Request
6 Use your axe to harvest lumber from branches and lumber from tree stumps and branches
You can now harvest Lumber and Material Stones
7 Accept Lucy's Request
8 Put the turnip you received in the shipping crate, then report to the Task Board at 8 am
9 Accept Hina's request
10 GIft someone a Toyherb
11 A pin should have appeared on the Inn in your map. After talking to Hina and Murakamo, head to the Whispering Woods to search for Hina's mother
12 Defeat the Boss of the Whispering Woods, Nine-Tailed Fox
★Taming Nine-Tailed Fox early will make future battles much easier
13 After finding Hina's Mother, report to Livia
You can now use the Seed Spell
14 Sleep in your bed to finish the quest.

1:You can take on many requests using the Task Board

The Task Board

Many requests, often not related to the Main Story, can be accepted at the Task Board. You can receive items and farm tools as thanks for completing these quests, so prioritize completing any request that are still remaining.

8: You must wait until the items placed in the Shipping Crate are shipped

Check Your Shipping Bin

Lucy's request requires you to place the turnip you get from her in the shipping crate, but the request doesn't end there. Any request that requires using the shipping crate will not be completed until 8am the next day, so make sure to check the Task Board at the appropriate time.

12: Taming Nine-Tailed Fox will make future battles much easier

Nine-Tailed Fox ・The Nine-Tailed Fox's Favorite item is the same Nine-Taield Fox Bell that it drops after defeating it
・Its powerful long-range attacks are incredibly useful during battle

Boss Monsters, similar to regular monster can be tamed when you give them a item. As the NIne-Tailed Fox is not only fairly easy to tame, and is very strong during battle, we recommend befriending it.

How to Beat Nine-Tailed Fox

How to Beat Nine-Tailed Fox
Battle Tips
・Attack Nine-Tailed Fox form the side
・Make sure to avoid its charged attack

Attack Nine-tailed Fox From the Side

Attack From the Side

Most of NIne-Tails Fox's Attack come from the front, so move to its side when attack to avoid taking damage.

Make sure to avoid its charged attack

Dodge the charging attack

When Nine-Tails Fox become surrounded in a yellow aura, it is charging a powerful attack. If hit, your HP will be completely depleted, so make sure to avoid it when it at all costs.

Whispering Woods Monster List

Boss Monster

Monster (Base Lv.) Info
Nine-Tailed FoxNine-Tailed Fox
(Lv. 5)
Location: Phoros Woodlands
When defeated, drops:
Nine-Tailed Fox Bell , Fur (S) , Gaia Crystal Fragment

Regular Monsters

Monster List
Rune Factory 5 - GoblinGoblin Rune Factory 5 - RibbiteeRibbitee Rune Factory 5 - Orc ArcherOrc Archer
Rune Factory 5 - OrcOrc Rune Factory 5 - InsectInsect

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RF5 - Story Walkthrough Partial Banner.png
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