Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Rigbarth Maze Walkthrough and Guide

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RF5 - Rigbarth Maze Walkthrough and Guide

Rigbarth Maze is a post-game dungeon in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about how to unlock and clear Rigbarth Maze, important items to pick up, and strategies for defeating the bosses!

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How to Unlock Rigbarth Maze

Complete the main story

RF5 - Calamity

Rigbarth Maze is a post-game dungeon, which means you have to complete the main story first before you can unlock it. The monsters inside Rigbarth Maze are also more powerful than the ones you encountered in SEED Floating Fortress so be sure to prepare before challenging this last dungeon.

Complete Walkthrough and Story Guide

Unlock the dungeon through Saint Eliza

RF5 - Rigbarth Maze Extra Directive

After defeating the final boss and watching the ending scenes, go back to the Rigbarth Outpost and talk to Eliza. She will now have a new option for Extra Directives—Directives that are unlocked by beating the story—at the bottom of the list.

Select Extra Directives and scroll down to the bottom to find the Rigbarth Maze option, which costs 3,000 SEED Points. Purchase the Directive to reveal a portal on the tower at the center of Phoros Woodlands.

Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide

Enter the Guiding Tower

RF5 - Rigbarth Maze location

Warp to Phoros Woodlands: Entrance and head east until you reach the tower icon on your map. There's a save point at the entrance if you need it. Once you're ready, press A on the portal and enter the Rigbarth Maze.

Rigbarth Maze 1F to 4F

Jump to a section!
1F to 4F 5F to 9F
10F to 14F 15F to 20F

Walkthrough Summary

1 Follow the path to the southeast corner of the map to reach the portal to 2F
Clear the platform on the west side and open the chest nearby to obtain Magical Potions.
Before you enter the tunnel on the east side of the map, clear the platform north to obtain The Protein and Magical Potions.
2 Head south to the room at the center of the map and defeat the Blazing Hecatonchire
From the room before the boss, head south and clear the room to obtain a Heart Drink and Magical Potions.
3 Proceed south and turn right to find the yellow switch
4 Take the other path to find the blue switch
5 Go back to the room with the pond and run south to reach the portal to 3F
6 Follow the path to the southeast corner to 4F
Clear the room on the northeast corner for a chest containing a Leveliser and Orichalcum.
7 Head south and defeat Tiamat
8 Use the portal nearby to move to 5F

How to Beat Blazing Hetacochire

RF5 - Blazing Hecatonchire
Battle Tips
・Back away when it starts stomping
・Ground slam attack has a second shockwave

Ground slam attack has a second shockwave

RF5 - Blazing Hecatonchire double slam

Most of Blazing Hecatonchire's attacks are telegraphed and can be avoided by staying and attacking from behind. However, when the boss slams the ground and makes a small shockwave, quickly dash out as this will be followed immediately by a much larger shockwave.

Defeating the Yellow Dragons

RF5 - defeating Yellow Dragons

The Yellow Dragons that you encounter starting on Rigbarth Maze 3F have ridiculous defense stat that even your 1500 ATK character will deal 0 damage with regular attacks.

The best way to pierce through their crazy DEF is to use a strong fist weapon like the Fists of Light.

Weapon Materials
Fists of Light
Skill Level: 53
Light Crystal x2
Big Crystal

You can craft this weapon even without the recipe as long as your Forging skill is around 53.

With a fist weapon equipped, punch one of the dragons once and you should be able to grab it by pressing the A button. Slam the dragon to the ground by pressing the A button again to deal thousands of damage to the dragon and the enemies near the impact point. Take note that grab attacks consume RP.

How to Beat Tiamat

RF5 - Tiamat
Battle Tips
・Occasionally heals itself
・Use the ice pillars to block the tsunami

Use the ice pillars to block the tsunami

RF5 - Tiamat tsunami attack

Like Leviathan from Meline Crystal Caverns - Depths, Tiamat can also summon a tsunami that will hit the entire platform, which it will telepgraph by spinning around. You can avoid this by hiding behind the icicles that it creates using its tail slam attacks.

Rigbarth Maze 5F to 9F

Jump to a section!
1F to 4F 5F to 9F
10F to 14F 15F to 20F

Walkthrough Summary

1 Go around the east side and head north to reach the portal to 6F
Defeating the enemies at the southeast corner reveals a chest with a Vital Gummi and an Intelligencer.
Clearing the room with the swinging guillotines spawns a chest on the nearby room containing a Pumpkin Flan of the Stars.
2 Defeat Murder Beast
3 Pass through the door on the west side to reach 7F
4 Reach for the portal on the southeast corner to reach 8F
Clear the enemies near the southwest curve to reveal a chest with The Protein.
5 Take the west tunnel and hit the pink switch behind the breakable wall
The east tunnel leads to another breakable wall where you can find a chest containing Magical Potions and an Object X.
6 Go back to the middle path and head south
7 Break the west wall and hit the green switch
8 Go back to the middle path and break the east wall to find the red switch
9 Move two rooms south and defeat Hell's Pincers
10 Enter the portal on the south end of the map ot reach 9F
The chest in front of the portal contains Invinciroids.
11 From the circular path at the center of the map, enter the large room at the northeast corner and hit the red switch
12 Clear the large room at the northwest corner to reveal the blue switch
13 Follow the path on the southwest corner to find the yellow switch
Go to the southeast room to find a chest with a Leveliser.
14 Go past the nearby lowered yellow gate and head south to reach the portal to 10F

How to Beat Murder Beast

RF5 - Murder Beast
Battle Tips
・Avoid the needles on its back
・Swipe attack hits multiple times

Swipe attack hits multiple times

RF5 - Murder Beast swipe attack

Since you won't be able to melee this boss from behind because of its spikes, you'll have to attack it up front. Attacking Murder Beast head on still isn't safe, though, as it can execute a double swipe that hits multiple times.

Quickly dash away when it raises its arms to avoid getting murdered by both swipes, or wait for Murder Beast to release all the spikes on its back so you can wrap around it.

How to Beat Hell's Pincers

RF5 - Hell
Battle Tips
・Use its shell to block the wave attack

Use its shell to block the wave attack

RF5 - blocking the wave attack

Once Hell's Pincers' health bar goes down by a quarter, it will start hurling its shell at you. Without its shell, the boss will have increased speed, so prepare to dodge a lot.

Before it takes its shell back, Hell's Pincers will unleash a wave attack across the room. The waves will have a gap that you can pass through but in case you're far from that gap, you can take cover behind the shell to break the waves.

Be careful of enemies with faint attacks

RF5 - Faint attacks

Monsters with Faint attacks will start appearing at 5F. Faint attacks have a chance to instant KO your character regaradless of your HP and DEF stats. You can take them out from afar using spells, but if you only have melee weapons with you, make sure to have Faint Res.

Eat a Curry Manju

The most efficient way to survive faint attacks is to eat a Curry Manju. This dish gives 100% Faint Res until the effect wears off, which is more than enough time to get to a safer floor.

Ingredients Result
Curry Rice
(Rice + Curry Powder + Carrot + Potato)
Curry Manju
HP +5000, HP +47%, RP +1000, Fire Res +10%, Dark Res +10%, Faint Res +100%

You can use any curry dish in place of Curry Rice, but the ingredients for Curry Rice is easier to procure than the other curries.

Wear equipment with Faint Res

Use one of these materials below in upgrading your equipment to give it Faint Res. Take note that your Forging/Crafting level should meet the Difficulty level of these materials or you'll need a ton of RP for the upgrade process.

Material Effects
Warrior's Proof STR +58
INT +5
Faint Res +15%
Proof of Rank STR +15
INT +48
Faint Res +15%
Big Bird's Comb ATK +22
Faint Res +50%

Also, remember that these equipment only reduces the chance of getting one shotted, so still try to avoid taking hits from Faint attacks!

How to Upgrade Weapons

Rigbarth Maze 10F to 14F

Jump to a section!
1F to 4F 5F to 9F
10F to 14F 15F to 20F

Walkthrough Summary

1 Proceed to the platform at the center and defeat Naga
2 Take the south portal to 11F
3 Head southeast to reach the portal to 12F
4 Proceed to the next room and defeat Garon
5 Take the south portal to 13F
6 Take the south path until you reach the portal to 14F
Clear the platform right before the south portal to reveal a chest containing a Leveliser.
7 Enter the room and defeat Shoebert
8 Head south to find the portal to 15F

How to Beat Naga

RF5 - Naga
Battle Tips
・Has quick frontal attacks
・Stay away when it starts coiling

Stay away when it starts coiling

RF5 - Naga coiling

Among all of Naga's attacks, the one you should watch out for the most is its flame pillar attack. Naga will start this attack by coiling quickly and creating a large flame pillar that deals damage on contact. This pillar will also create big fireballs that will crash down the platform.

How to Beat Garon

RF5 - Garon
Battle Tips
・Has quick dash attacks
・Prevent it from jumping using a spell seal

Prevent it from jumping using a spell seal

RF5 - sealing Garon

Once Garon's health drops to below 50%, it will start using a jump attack. This attack isn't dangerous at all and a big circle will appear to tell you where Garon will land.

The reason why you should wait for this attack is because you can throw a spell seal to lock Garon in place, allowing you to unleash combos and ultimate attacks for a brief period.

Dragonic Stones start appearing at 13F

RF5 - Dragonic Stone ore

Dragonic Stone ore deposits will start to appear at Rigbarth Maze 13F. These minerals are used in forging and crafting endgame equipment so be sure to check all mining spots from this floor onward!

How to Beat Shoebert

RF5 - Shoebert
Battle Tips
・Bring high level allies to draw aggro
・Bring Cure All and other restorative items
・Watch out for its screech attack

Watch out for its screech attack

RF5 - Shoebert screech attack

Stay away from Shoebert every time it pauses as it can suddenly unleash a multi-hit screech attack that can inflict Paralyze, Fatigue, and Sick.

It is also recommended to bring high leveled party members to draw aggro so you can melee Shoebert safely. Shoebert has quick and high damaging attacks that are difficult to avoid if you're too close.

Rigbarth Maze 15F to 20F

Jump to a section!
1F to 4F 5F to 9F
10F to 14F 15F to 20F

Walkthrough Summary

1 Head north to the other portal on the west side of the map to reach 16F
Take out the enemies on the lake area to reveal a chest containing a Leveliser.
2 Walk inside the next room and defeat Arachne
3 Take the south portal to 17F
4 Follow the path until you reach the gate with Death Witches and High Pixies, smash the left wall with your hammer, then continue southeast
You'll find a chest on the east side containing the recipe for Golden Salmon Meuniere.
5 Defeat Giga Dragon Mummy before proceeding to the portal to 18F
6 Proceed to the central room and defeat Death Lance
7 Continue south to 19F
8 From the central area, head to the eastmost room first and defeat all enemies inside to find the blue switch
The treasure rooms on this floor require specific Giant Crops to unlock.
9 Do the same to the westmost room to find the red switch
10 Head all the way to the southmost room and clear the area to find the yellow switch
11 Go to the central room and take the portal to 20F
12 Defeat Reincarnation
13 Open the Resplendent Chests and exit the dungeon

How to Beat Arachne

RF5 - Arachne
Battle Tips
・Can inflict Poison
・Webs reduce movement speed

Webs reduce movement speed

RF5 - Arachne web attack

Arachne can create webs on the floor that will slow down anyone who steps on it. Avoid these webs as they will make it harder to dodge Arachne's quick attacks, especially the Poison Breath attack.

Shade Stones are found at 17F

RF5 - Shade Stone

You will start finding Shade Stone ore deposits at the central area of 17F, behind a cracked wall. Upgrading a weapon with a Shade Stone makes your weapon decrease the target's resistances on hit.

How to Beat Giga Dragon Mummy

RF5 - Giga Dragon Mummy
Battle Tips
・Arena continuously drains RP

Arena continuously drains RP

RF5 - continuous RP drain

The arena where you fight Giga Dragon Mummy continuously drains your RP. As your RP will go down very quickly, use it all up as soon as possible so it doesn't go to waste. Keep in mind that once your RP drops down to 0, avoid using ultimate attacks or charge attacks as these will take a chunk of your HP instead.

How to Beat Death Lance

RF5 - Death Lance
Battle Tips
・Throw a spell seal to stop it from charging
・Stay back and prepare to dodge when it glows

Throw a spell seal to stop it from charging

RF5 - sealed Death Lance

Death Lance will charge around the room for the most part and will be difficult to hit with any attack. When the lock icon disappears, quickly throw spell seals to restrain Death Lance so you can unleash your attacks freely.

It also has a faster and more powerful charge attack that will make it zoom to the other side of the room. When Death Lance starts to glow (yellow aura), quickly back away and prepare to dodge the attack.

Offer Giant Crops to the gates at 19F

RF5 - giant crop gates

On the four corners of 19F are treasure rooms blocked by gates that requires you to offer a Giant Crop each. Once you have grown the required Giant Crop, harvest and offer it to the corresponding gate to unlock the treasure room.

Location Required Giant Crop Treasures
Northwest Doom Pumpkin Art of Attack, Art of Defense, and Art of Magic recipes
Golden Doom Pumpkin TBD
Northeast King Cabbage Iron Geta recipe
Golden King Cabbage TBD
Southwest Tyrant Turnip Rune Vest recipe
Golden Tyrant Turnip TBD
Southeast Princely Potato Indigo Ribbon recipe
Golden Princely Potato TBD

After opening the treasure chest behind one of the gates locked by the regular Giant Crops, another gate will appear on your next visit that will require the Golden version of that Giant Crop.

How to Beat Reincarnation

RF5 - Reincarnation
Battle Tips
・Heals after each screech attack
・Throw spell seals every chance you get

Heals after each screech attack

RF5 - Reincarnation screech

Reincarnation will be at lv240, which is much higher than the last bosses (Death Lance is lv210). Most of its attacks are the same as Uroboros in Cloudheim, but you should watch out for its screech attack the most.

Not only can it deal damage and inflict Paralyze, it will also heal Reincarnation each time, and it will be used very often. If your weapon can't outdamage its healing, escape the battle and craft a stronger weapon.

Throw spell seals every chance you get

RF5 - sealed Reincarnation

Most of Reincarnation's powerful attacks also make it vulnerable to spell seals. Restrain it on every chance you get to stop its attack and get a few seconds to unleash yours.

Obtain Resplendent Chests for defeating Reincarnation

RF5 - Resplendent Chests

Four Resplendent Chests will appear next to the exit each time you beat Reincarnation. These chests contain endgame items, including materials and equipment.

Tips for Clearing Rigbarth Maze

Prioritize upgrading armor

Since you already beat the final story boss, chances are you already have a weapon powerful enough to deal decent damage to the enemies in the first few floors of Rigbarth Maze. Now you only have to worry about how much damage you can take.

The monsters in the Rigbarth Maze will start at level 120 and will get much stronger as you progress. If you haven't equipped a better armor for a long time, you'll end up consuming a lot of recovery items here.

Prioritize crafting better armor and accessories first until the monsters on the floor you're currently on can only deal manageable damage.

Not all floors have fast travel points

RF5 - Rigbarth Maze no fast travel point

Before you warp back to Rigbarth to restock and take a break, make sure to check your map first to see if you can fast travel to the same floor. Unlike the other dungeons, not all floors in Rigbarth Maze have fast travel points.

The only fast travel points in this dungeon are the Entrance, 1F, 5F, 10F, and 15F.

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Calamity's Edge Rigbarth Maze


4 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Thanks, this really helped!

1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I would like to contribute my findings about the lvl 19 Rigbarth Maze Golden Crops walls chest. The treasure I received were all weapon recipes: - Golden Doom Pumpkin = Gae Bolg; Break Hammer - Golden King Cabbage = Dragon Slayer, Balmung - Golden Tyrant Turnip = Executioner, Rune Edge - Golden Princely Potato = Magic Broom, Hand of God Hope this is helpful


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