Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Sweet Hearth: Opening Hours and Things to Do

★ Follow along with our Story Walkthrough.
☆ Build your bonds by giving the best gifts for each character!
★ Learn how dishes are prepared in our Cooking Guide.
☆ Wield the strongest types of weapons in combat.
★ Earn SEED Points to develop and improve town.
☆ Capture Wanted Monsters to increase your SEED Rank!

Sweet Hearth
Sweet Hearth is a shop in Rune Factory 5 (RF5) owned and operated by Randolph and Yuki. Read on to learn what you can do as well as the various info about Sweet Hearth!

What is Sweet Hearth?

Sweet Hearth Info

Operating Hours: Weekdays: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Holidays: 9:00AM - 1:30PM
Initial Offering ・Purchase 2 recipe bread
1st Expansion ・Quantity of purchasable recipe bread increases from 2 to 4
・Yuki starts to sell outfits
2nd Expansion ・Quantity of purchasable recipe bread increases from 4 to 6
3rd Expansion ・Quantity of purchasable recipe bread increases from 6 to 9

Choose From 5 Types of Recipe Bread

RandolphRandolph YukiYuki LucyLucy PriscillaPriscilla

You can talk to any of the clerks and choose from any of the 5 recipe breads to purchase. At the early stages of the game, you may only purchase 2 recipe bread per day but you can increase the quantity by expanding the bakery. You will also have to choose between Lucy and Priscilla to work at Sweet Hearth.

Yuki Sells Outfits With the 1st Expansion

Yuki sells outfits
After the 1st Expansion of Sweet Hearth, Yuki will start to sell clothes so if you want switch outfits, you may choose to do so. Cross-dressing is not an option as you may only purchase clothes of your character's gender.

List of All Outfits and How to Change Clothes

What To Buy at Sweet Hearth

Recipe Bread

Item Price
Crafting Bread 150G
Weapon Bread 180G
Chemistry Bread 120G
Farming Bread 250G
Cooking Bread 100G



Price Male Female


Price Male Female


Price Male Female
Navy Casual

Pop Casual
Gold Casual

Cool Casual


Price Male Female
Cream Formal

Cerezo Formal
Sunset Formal

Sky Formal
Cloud Formal

Snow Formal


Price Male Female


Variant/Price Male Female
Heavy Armor Style
Red Armor Style


Variant/Price Male Female
Purple Wizard
Blue Wizard
Green Wizard

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

All Shops and Expansions Partial Banner.png
List of Shops and Best Expansions to Buy

Other Shop Guides

The Blue Moon Professor & Renamer
Serendipity The Crystalabra
True Strike Smithy How to Unlock Ludmila's Flower Shop
Sweet Hearth Rigbarth Clinic
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