Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

The Blue Moon: Opening Hours and Things to Do

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The Blue Moon Inn
The Blue Moon is a shop in Rune Factory 5 (RF5) owned and operated by Murakumo. Read on to learn what you can do as well as the various info about the The Blue Moon!

How to Take a Bath and Opening Hours

Operating Hours

The Blue Moon Location
Operating Hours Weekdays and Holidays: 10:00AM - 10:00PM

It is also worth noting that you will not be able to take a bath from 1:00PM to 2:00PM as Murakumo will be on break. When you talk to him during these hours, he will just engage in regular conversation instead of offering the usual services at The Blue Moon.

Talk to Murakumo

Make your way to the counter and talk to Murakumo. Select I’d like to take a bath and pay 500G for the bath. This is a quick way to recover HP and RP so make sure to actively visit here.

Equip the Beginner’s Crest for Free Baths

Equip Beginner
The Beginner's Crest is the first crest you receive in the game and will be given to you by Livia once you join SEED. Equipping this crest allows you to takes baths for free at The Blue Moon early in the game. You can equip this crest by going to the SEED Crests section under Ranger Notes in the menu screen.

Things to Do at The Blue Moon

Full Recovery of HP, MP, and Status Ailments

Full recovery of HP, MP, and status ailments
When you take a bath, your HP and RP bars will be refilled all the way through. Additionally, any status ailments you currently have will be removed.

Bring A Forge or Cooking Table

Bring a forge or cooking table
Taking baths is a convenient way of refilling RP especially when leveling skills such as forging or cooking. You may opt to bring a forge or cooking table in front of the counter so you can easily take baths to recover RP.

Special Effects from Medicinal Baths

All baths cost 10,000G and last for 24 hours. You can only have 1 bath effect at a time. You cannot stack the effects and must wait for the effect to finish before equipping a new one.

Type of Bath Effect
Peaceful Bath Increase HP by 50%
Bold Bath Deal 20% more damage
Spiritual Bath Boost elemental attack damage by 20%
Growth Bath Increase EXP gain by 25%

Raise Bath Level

Raise Bathing skill level
Each time you take a bath, you raise the level of the bathing skill. Increasing your bath skills will increase your maximum HP, RP, and physical strength. Utilize your Beginner's Crest early in the game and take baths to quickly level up your bath skill.

Receive Items From Companions

Receive Items from Party
If you have any companions when you take a bath, you can receive items from them. If you can afford to take a bath, take that opportunity and take a bath together.

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