Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

Christmas Guide

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Rune Factory 5 - Christmas Day.png
This is a guide to Christmas, a Festival held on Winter 25 in Rune Factory 5. Read on to learn what you can do with your romantic interest in-game on this day!

Christmas Guide

Christmas Basic Information

Season & Date Winter 25
Req. SEED Points 1500
How to Host Automatically Held

Christmas is a holiday that is similar to other events such as Beach Day and New Year. Outside of a date that you can partake in with your romantic interest in-game, there are no other events or contests during this day that players can participate in.

How to Go On a Date on Christmas

Steps to Date on Christmas
  1. Must Already Be in a Relationship
  2. Ask the Day Before Christmas (On Winter 24)
  3. Head to the Great Tree Plaza at the Given Time

Must Already Be in a Relationship

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Before attempting to go out on a date for Christmas, players must note that they must already be in a "dating" relationship with another character before they can unlock this unique Romance Event.

The option to even date for Christmas will not be triggered when players talk to characters whom they are not actively dating, which will result in Christmas Day progressing normally like a regular holiday.

Ask the Day Before

Rune Factory 5 - Ask the Day Before.png
Christmas is a holiday that can be spent with a player's romantic interest in-game. In order for a character to go out on a date with you on Christmas, simply talk to them the day before.

They'll ask you out on a date the following day, which players simply have to accept.

Don't Be Late

Rune Factory 5 - Don
The date with your partner will occur at 19:00 PM, near the Great Tree Plaza. Around that time, head over to the plaza within the hour-long period to catch up with your date. A cutscene will then occur, with their partner being left in their party after the date.

Other Things to Do on Christmas Day

Relax With Your Friends

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As a "free day" of sorts for players to make do with as they wish, Christmas can be spent generally in the company of your friends. Give them gifts throughout the day to increase your Friendship Levels with them, or listen to unique dialogue that they'll say throughout the holiday.

Most characters on this day can be found in either the Great Tree Plaza area or the Festival Grounds.

How to Raise Friendship Level

Raid Dungeons

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You can also use this day to go out and clear dungeons around Rigbarth. This will help to boost your skills and levels in preparation for the next dungeon that you unlock by progressing through the story.

Catch Up on Farming Duties

Rune Factory 5 - Catch Up on Farming Duties.png
One final thing that players can do is to farm. Although players will have this just one day to catch up farming duties they may have not done before, plenty of stuff in relation to farming can actually be done in a day. While doing it on a holiday may seem counter to the festive spirits, it is actually the perfect time to plant seeds in preparation for harvesting them the following season!

Farming Guide and How to Grow Crops Well

Rune Factory 5 Related Links

Festivals Partial Banner.png

Festival Calendar

All Festivals

Season Date Festival
Spring 6 Cooking Contest
Spring 10 Bean-Throwing Festival
Spring 15 Fish Variety Contest
Spring 19 Flower Festival
Spring 28 Spring Harvest Festival
Summer 1 Beach Day
Summer 11 Buff-a-Move Festival
Summer 15 Buddy Battle Festival
Summer 19 Seaside Lights Festival
Summer 28 Summer Harvest Festival
Autumn 3 Handicraft Contest
Autumn 12 Valentine's Day
Autumn 15 Eating Contest
Autumn 19 Tricky Treats
Autumn 25 White Day
Autumn 28 Autumn Harvest Festival
Winter 3 Snow Brawl
Winter 13 Squid Catch
Winter 25 Christmas
Winter 28 Winter Harvest Festival
Winter 30 New Year
Spring 1


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