Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Craft Vital Gummi: Materials and Effects

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This is a guide to crafting Vital Gummi, a Medicine in the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about crafting Vital Gummi, its materials, and its effects!

How to Craft Vital Gummi

Main Recipe
Alternative Recipe
Medicine Materials and Effects
Vital Gummi
Vital Gummi
Blue Crystal Flower Blue Crystal Flower Bok Choy
Powders and Spores Liquids -
Skill Level: 83
Medicine Materials and Effects
Vital Gummi
Vital Gummi
Big Blue Crystal Flower - -
- - -
Skill Level: 93

Vital Gummi Info


Buying Selling
2000000 G 1500 G

Vital Gummi Effects

Effects Max Vitality+1

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