Rune Factory 5 Walkthrough Comments

Calamity's Edge Walkthrough and Story GuideComment

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    2 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    thats true! I even bring the last boss (3rd floor) from the floating speed and the Medusa from lighting area and the last boss (dragon) from basasara hideway.. I even don't need to fight Gideon lol I just need to keep use the heal magic

    1 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I'd like to make a slight correction here. You may not be able to bring any Townsfolk through the gate to Calamity's Edge to fight against Gideon or The Fathomless Dread, but you CAN bring monsters! I had the color fairies (Red, Yellow, and Blue) with me, and they made the boss fights much, much easier. I can only imagine how much easier things would be if someone brought tamed Boss Monsters. That's all~ Thanks for the info and the content! Super helpful during my playthrough.

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