Rune Factory 5 Walkthrough Comments

Ludmila Favorite Gifts and Romance EventsComment

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    8 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    (continuued, part 2) Romance events appear as side events. In fact, most side events are romance events, although there are some multi-day town side events after you complete the main story. These are indicated by a yellow bubble with an exclamation point.

    7 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    (continued) to ask someone to start dating you, go on a date, or propose. You can most definitely have multiple dating partners. However, be aware that the more partners you have, the less likely someone will new start dating you. I read that there's only a 10% success rate if you have more than 5 partners. Since you can only ask someone to date once per relationship level, I'd highly recommend you save first then reload if they reject you.

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I know it's a little late for your reply, but I hope others can find this info helpful. The phrasing is incorrect that you must not have completed any other romance events. I daresay that would be impossible to do unless you completely ignore all of the other bachelors and bachelorettes. Rather, I think it should be phrased "No other side event is going on." You can check this in the Events tab. If it says something like "I should see what's happening around town," then you are clear...

    5 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I tried following the steps to get ludmila but no matter what I can’t get her romance event

    4 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    it isn't really possible to avoid others romance events so please elaborate. Many also speak on having multiple dating partners as well. If you're new (which I am and anyone who bought it on release) Or are romance episodes different from events or something I am missing here?

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