
Guild Tree Guide


★ Version Updates: Version 3.8.0 Update
★ New Events: Celebration Missions (2/14-2/27)
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters:Serruria , Spring Shizu, and Claudia
★ Invocation of The Star's Guidance Characters: Ophelia, Lea
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

Guild Tree Event banner

MementoMori's Guild Tree is a Tower Event where players can clear floors together with their guild. Learn more about how to clear the Guild Tree event, participants, event's mechanics and rewards.

How to Clear the Guild Tree Event

Join an Active Guild

guild join
Having more active members makes the guild tree event easier and more efficient, as more players can try to earn stars. Since each player has only 3 attempts to get stars, being in an active guild maximizes these opportunities.

Your guild doesn’t need to be in the top 16, similar to those in Guild Raids. However, it’s beneficial if your guild is active and has enough participants to complete the event.

Have 3 Different Teams Ready

smiley faces
The maximum number of characters to register is 20. Create 3 different teams from the 20 registered characters. Change team every after challenge to avoid the decrease in stats. The smiley face below the characters indicate if they have been used in a challenge before.


Avoid using only one team to maximize your team's stats while fighting the enemy.

Stats Reduced 2nd Usage (Yellow Smiley) 3rd Usage (Red Smiley)
ATK -50.0% -85.0%
HP -50.0% -85.0%
SPD -20.0% -30.0%

Attempt for Higher Difficulty to Get More Stars

Always try for higher difficulty as long as your team can beat it. Players can adjust the difficulty so even newer and lower-level characters can get stars. However, stronger players should aim for a higher difficulty to earn the stars to clear the floor.

Update the Bloom Bonus

The Bloom Bonus will significantly help boost your stats, so update that each round. Spend the Bloom points you get every time you make an attempt.

Below are the Bloom Bonus Details at level 20 and level 30.

Stat Effects Level 20 Level 30
ATK 400.0% 500.0%
HP 400.0% 500.0%
ACC 20.0% 25.0%
CRIT 20.0% 25.0%
CRIT DMG Boost 10.0% 15.0%
Debuff ACC 20.0% 25.0%

How to Collect Bloom Bonus

Compose Teams by Type

The number of Bloom Seeds you obtain from battles will change based on the character Types in your party. By setting more characters of the same Type in your party, you can obtain more of that type's Bloom seeds.

Please remember that the amount of Bloom Bonus you can obtain as reward from Guild Tree battles will increase based on your current Combo.

Increase Combo With Your Guild

Bloom Seed Reward Bonus
Each win adds a Combo and Bloom Seeds' rewards boost for 10 minutes.

Coordinate with your guild on when to challenge the Guild Tree so that the amount of Bloom Seeds you can obtain as rewards from the battles will increase based on your current combo.

If you were not able to continue the combo, it will go back to 0 and you will lose your Bloom seed rewards streak.

Guild Tree Event

Available on the Guild Tab

guild tree event

Players can find the Guild Tree event by selecting the Guild tab. The Guild Tree is a new content announced in the Version 2.9.0 Update as a limited-time event for guilds to participate in. When a guild member wins a Guild Tree battle, they can obtain stars based on their set difficulty level.

Who can Participate

Users who belong to a Guild can participate in the Guild Tree. Users cannot participate in the Guild Tree on the same day they have joined a guild, so it is recommended that they join a guild a day before. Please note that this restriction does not apply if a user has entered a guild on the same day it was formed.

Event Mechanics

Character Registration

guild tree event characters
In the Guild Tree, you participate in battles using characters who you have registered. You can register only 1 copy of each character. Registration can be done 1 time per day and is reset every day at 4:00 (Server Time).

Characters who have been registered but were removed from your roster due to awakening, releasing, etc., will become unusable.

Floor Clearance Conditions

floor conditions
Each Floor has a gauge with the words "★s Needed to Clear", and by maxing that gauge out, your guild can advance to the next Floor. The gauge can be filled by winning battles in the Guild Tree and obtaining ★s.

The higher the difficulty setting you select, the more ★s will be able to obtain. All guild members share the same gauge, so when any amount is filled, the amount will be applied to every member's progress.

Bloom Bonus

bloom bonus

Winning a Guild Tree battle rewards you with Bloom Seeds. There are three types of Bloom Seeds, each corresponding to one of the character types: Warrior, Sniper, and Sorcerer.

The more characters of the same type in your party, the more Bloom Seeds of that type you’ll earn from a victory. These seeds can be used to increase the Bloom Bonus level for each type. Raising a type’s Bloom Bonus level boosts the stats of all characters of that type, giving them an edge in Guild Tree Battles.


Floor Rewards

floor rewards
You can claim these rewards based on the Floors that your guild has cleared. You cannot claim these rewards if you join a guild after the Guild Tree event.

Mission Rewards

guild tree missions
You can claim these rewards when specific missions have been cleared.

Below are the Guild Tree Missions and their rewards:

Guild Tree Missions Rewards
Win at Guild Tree 3 times Bronze Key x 2
Holy Fragment x 100
Win 1 time at the Guild Tree with a party of 4+ characters of the same Type. Upgrade Panacea x 10
Obtain a total of 1300 Bloom Seeds EXP Orb (2hrs) x1
Mystery Rune Lvl 2 x 1
Achieve a combo of 5 Kindling Orbs (2hrs) x 1
Witch's Shard (R) x 10
Raise 1 Type's Bloom Bonus to Lvl 10 Diamonds x 100
Raise all Type's Bloom Bonus to Lvl 5 Diamonds x 100


Guild Rankings

Players can check the ranking of the Guilds in their World based on the last Floor they have cleared. If multiple guilds have the same last cleared Floor, their rankings will be decided by the time they cleared that Floor, with the earlier guilds ranking higher.

Member Rankings

Players can check the rankings of the Guild members based on the number of ★s they obtained during the current Guild Tree event.

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