
Guild Benefits and Perks


★ Version Updates: Version 3.9.0 Update
★ Limited-Time Event: Into the Cave Doused in Enmity Event
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters:Liselotte, Rustica, and Gil'uial
★ Invocation of The Star's Guidance Characters: Rusalka and Chiffon
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

Guild Benefits Banner

Playing MementoMori on your own is fun, but joining a Guild gives a whole host of benefits and perks! Read on to learn what these benefits and perks are and what you get out of them.

Guild Benefits and Perks

Access to Guild Raids

Guild Raids are Guild-exclusive Raids where the total damage dealt to a boss determines your rewards. On top of personal rewards, you can get guild rewards based on the total damage all guild members deal.

The total damage will be reset every day. Currently, there are two Guild Raid Bosses: Sonya and Luke. Below are the personal rewards you get and how much damage you need to have to get them from each bar count.

Sonya and Luke | Personal Damage Bar Count

Bar Count and Personal Damage Rewards
Bar Count Personal Rewards Damage Gold Holy Fragment
0 - Varies depending on the amount of damage 5
1 2500 10
2 2500 20
3 5000 30
4 15000 40
5 25000 50
6 50000 60
7 150000 70
8 250000 80
9 500000 90
10 1500000 100
11 2500000 110
12 5000000 120
13 15000000 130
14 25000000 140
15 50000000 160
16 150000000 180
17 250000000 200
18 500000000 220
19 1500000000 240
20 2500000000 260
21 5000000000 280
22 15000000000 300
23 25000000000 320
24 50000000000 340

Sonya and Luke | Guild Damage Bar Count

Bar Count and Guild Damage Rewards
Bar Count Guild Rewards Damage Gold Holy Fragment
0 - 25000 25
1 12500 50000 50
2 12500 100000 75
3 25000 150000 100
4 75000 200000 125
5 125000 250000 150
6 250000 300000 175
7 750000 350000 200
8 1250000 400000 225
9 2500000 450000 250
10 7500000 500000 275
11 12500000 550000 300
12 25000000 600000 325
13 75000000 650000 350
14 125000000 700000 375
15 250000000 750000 400
16 750000000 800000 450
17 1250000000 850000 500
18 2500000000 900000 550
19 7500000000 950000 600
20 12500000000 1000000 650
21 25000000000 1050000 700
22 75000000000 1100000 750
23 125000000000 1150000 800
24 250000000000 1160000 850

For each bar, you will receive up to one of the following rewards, depending on the probability of occurrence.

Guild Raid Random Rewards
Diamond Bag (S)
Diamond Bag (M)
Diamond Bag (L)

Please note that the gear level varies depending on the progress of your main quest.

Obtaining Guild Coins for the Guild Shop

Guild Shop
Joining a guild allows you to get Guild Coins used to trade items from the Guild Shop. These coins are obtainable through Guild Battles and Guild Missions.

To be able to participate in Guild Battles, enter the top 16 guilds, as they are the only ones allowed to participate in this event.

As of the Version 2.5.0 Update, players are awarded Guild Coins for every Guild Mission they clear. Missions include login, challenging Guild Raid, Quick Battle, and other in-game functions.

How to Collect and Use Guild Coins

Guild Battles

Guild Battles are when the top 16 guilds from the Guild Stock Ranking fight for bases on a map. It is divided into 2 phases. The Strategy Phase is when guilds plan their attacks and defenses, and the War Phase is when guilds execute their attacks and defend their bases.

Please note that Guild Battle pauses during Grand Battle Week. You can't participate the day you join a guild. This event rewards players with Gold, Diamonds, and Guild Coins.

Participating in Grand Battle

Being in a Guild allows players to participate in the Grand Battle and gives rewards based on the Guild's performance. The rewards are items that can help you upgrade your characters.

What is a Grand Battle

Be Sociable with Other Players

Joining Guilds allows players to interact with other players in the game. These guilds help their members with advice on builds and strategies for the Main Quest. Some guilds even have discord channels, fostering friendship and camaraderie.

MementoMori Related Guides

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List of All Tips and Tricks

Guild Guides
Guild Guide Guild Benefits and Perks
Guild Tree Guide Guild Raid Guide
How to Get Guild Stocks How to Collect and Use Guild Coins
What is the Legend League? What is a Grand Battle?
How to Win Guild Battles How to Accept Guild Invites


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