Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Sushi Zanmai Combo Meals and Food Menu

Sushi Zanmai is a Restaurant from Kamurocho in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8). Read on to learn more about Sushi Zanmai, its Food Menu, Combo Meals, and more!

Sushi Zanmai Location & Information

Store Front Map Image
Sushi Zanmai is located along Taihei Blvd just outside of Millennium Tower.
Area Kamurocho
Combo Meal Effect Slightly boosts Item Drop Rate

Sushi Zanmai Combo Meals

Combo Meal & Effect Food Items
A Vibrant Variety
Slightly boosts Item Drop Rate
Seafood Chirashi Bowl
Special Sushi Zanmai
Tuna Delicacies Combo
Slightly boosts Item Drop Rate
Special Tuna Bowl
Tuna Zanmai

Sushi Zanmai Food Menu

Menu Price Effects
¥ 3,190.00 ・HP+470
¥ 4,290.00 ・HP+530
¥ 4,708.00 ・HP+650
¥ 5,808.00 ・HP+615
¥ 3,938.00 ・HP+505

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

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