Infinity Nikki

A Special Wish Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - A Special Wish

A Special Wish is the fifth subquest of Chapter 6: in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock it, where to find Glimmergrass and Crowned Feathers, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Chapter 6: Encounter in the Woods
Mysterious Wishing Woods Target! Wish Inspection Center! Where is Afubo?
Cleansing Oil Mission A Special Wish Strange News at the Institute

A Special Wish Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

A Special Wish is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. From Timis's Beauty Lab, teleport to the Wish Inspection Center Warp Spire to get back to the Auditng Station

How to Unlock A Special Wish

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- A Special Wish
Infinity Nikki - Cleansing Oil Mission Cleansing Oil Mission

A Special Wish main quest can be unlocked after completing the Cleansing Oil Mission quest. Players will need to be at the Stylist Heroine rank to automatically get the quest.

List of All Main Quests

A Special Wish Walkthrough

Return to the Scene of the Accident

Infinity Nikki - Special Oil

After completing the Timis's Beauty Lab dungeon, teleport to the Wish Inspection Center Warp Spire and you will get into a cutscene where Afubo fixes the pipe with the Ultra-Light Cleansing Oil.

Leave and Talk to Director Boboda

Infinity Nikki - Special Outside

After the cutscene, head out and talk to the group of Faewish Sprites and Director Boboda. Afubo reveals that she's been making a Faewish Sprite Doll for a girl's wish and needs materials for it.

Collect Glimmergrass and Crowned Feather

Infinity Nikki - Special Afubo

Afubo will ask you to collect Glimmergrass and Crowned Feathers for the doll. You can find these materials around Wishing Woods.

Glimmergrass Location

Infinity Nikki - Special Glimmergrass

Glimmergrass is the local floral around the Wishing Woods. They are a blue flower found all over the area.

Crowned Parrot Location

Infinity Nikki - Special Bird

Crowned Feathers can be obtained by grooming Crowned Parrots, which are found on the roofs of the Wish Inspection Centers. Equip your Bye-Bye Dust Animal Grooming outfit and look up to these roofs to see these bird perching on top.

Use the Tracker

Infinity Nikki - Special Tracking Screen

If you are having trouble locating this materials, use the tracking feature in the Map screen found on the bottom left corner.

Go to the Transport Office

Infinity Nikki - Special Doll

After collecting these items, head back to Afubo and hand her these items. You will watch a cutscene and end the quest there.

A Special Wish Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP
x 1000
x 50
x 20000

Worn-Out Wish Bottle

Infinity Nikki - Special Reward 1

Completing the A Special Wish main quest will reward you with the Worn-Out Wish Bottle from Afubo.

List of Quest Items

Wish Handbook

Infinity Nikki - Special Reward 2

Completing the A Special Wish main quest will reward you with the Wish Handbook Sketch. Complete the crafting items required to unlock this Piece!

List of All Clothing Pieces

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki Quest Slim

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Guides

Tutorial Quest Embark On An Unknown Journey
Chapter 1
Land Of Wishes Accident at the Clothing Store
Unexplained Coma Incidents Power Outage Rescue
Chapter 2
Wish Gathering The Truth is Close
Secret Ledger Go to the Dream Warehouse!
Chapter 3
First Meeting at Stoneville For Flamecrest Festival
Wish Collector's Crisis Petals, Glide!
Chapter 4
Track the Abandoned District! Corrupted Stoneheart
Come on! Market of Mirth! Attention! Faewish Sprite Spotted
Chapter 5
Choo-Choo Station Mystery Forgotten Settlement
To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Ghost Train
Unresolved Mystery
Chapter 6
Mysterious Wishing Woods Target! Wish Inspection Center!
Where is Afubo? Cleansing Oil Mission
A Special Wish Strange News at the Institute
Chapter 7
Find the Wish Master Recommendation Letters
Rescue at the Wishball Field Save Giroda
Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Showdown with Chigda!
Chapter 8
The Coming-of-Age Ceremony Wishful Aurosa
Interlude Chapter
Call of Beginnings


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