Infinity Nikki

Come on! Market of Mirth! Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Come on! Market of Mirth!

Come on! Market of Mirth! is the third subquest of Chapter 4: Land of the Abandoned in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to reach the top of Market of Mirth, how to purify the Stonedew Flora, how to unlock the quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Chapter 4: Land of the Abandoned
Track the Abandoned District! Corrupted Stoneheart
Come on! Market of Mirth! Attention! Faewish Sprite Spotted

Come on! Market of Mirth! Quest Location

Go to Abandoned District

Come on! Market of Mirth! is located at Abandoned District, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Gliding over to the island of Market of Mirth at the north side of Abandoned District will trigger this quest.

How to Unlock Come on! Market of Mirth!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Come on! Market of Mirth!
Infinity Nikki - Corrupted Stoneheart Corrupted Stoneheart

The Come on! Market of Mirth! can be unlocked after completing the Corrupted Stoneheart quest!

Corrupted Stoneheart Quest Guide

Come on! Market of Mirth! Walkthrough

Go to the Market of Mirth

Go to the Market of Mirth via the Skypass, which can be unlocked at the end of the Corrupted Stoneheart quest. Remember to equip your Floral Memory Outfit before going into the Skypass.

Floral Memory Outfit and Evolutions

Find Carson

Find Carson

Enter the Market of Mirth and find Carson. After reaching the middle of the market, a cutscene will occur with Raggy, Lazy Steps Sitty, and Curly-Arch Frizzy.

Play Shoot-a-Scarecrow

Start playing Shoot-a-Scarecrow by talking to Fluffytime Puffy. In the minigame, you need to use your Purify abilities and shoot the green Scarecrows. You need to at least have a final score of 90 points in a span of 45 seconds.

Shooting a green scarecrow will give you 10 points, while shooting a red scarecrow will make you lose 5 points. The scarecrows spawns randomly during the whole minigame's duration.

Wind of Purity Outfit and Evolutions

Talk to Feeder Piecey and Feed the Seal Fae

Talk to Feeder Piecey and feed the Seal Fae to activate the Catapult Seal. Use the Catapult Seal to reach the higher platforms above the Market of Mirth.

Reach the Top of the Market of Mirth

Reach the Top of the Market of Mirth

After getting launched by the Catapult Seal in the Market of Mirth, explore around the higher platforms until you get to the top of the Market of Mirth. Reaching the top of the Market of Mirth will let you meet Carson.

How to Reach the Top of the Market of Mirth

Reach the Top of the Market of Mirth Walkthrough
Go towards the rope bridge, then cross it until you reach a Warp Spire.
Go towards the left side of the Warp Spire and jump on the huge blue and green colored plant to jump on the wooden platforms on the side of the mountain.

Keep going forward until you encounter a Piecey getting in trouble with some Esselings.
Purify all the Esselings and help the Piecey in trouble. Afterward, the Piecey will let you use its Catapult Seal to reach the top of the Market of Mirth.

Purify the Stonedew Flora in the Market of Mirth

Carson tells you that you can revive the Stoneheart in Market of Mirth by purifying the Stonedew Flora at the west and north side.

How to Purify the Stonedew Flora - West

West of Market of Mirth Stonedew Flora
From the top of Market of Mirth, glide down from the west side until you reach the platform with the Stonedew Flora.
Purify the Esseling surrounding the Stonedew Flora. Once every Esseling is defeated, a Piecey will grab the Stonedew Flora and take it to the Stoneheart at the top of the Market of Mirth.

How to Purify the Stonedew Flora - North

North of Market of Mirth Stonedew Flora
From the top of Market of Mirth, glide down from the north side until you reach the platform with the labyrinth made of Hay and the Stonedew Flora in the middle.
Purify all the Esselings surrounding the Stonedew Flora.
Talk to the Heart Keeper, named The Grand Gatsby, at the entrance of the labyrinth.
Find the outfit of the Heart Keeper in the labyrinth. There will be three part of the outfit and you can start with the Headscarf located behind the Stonedew Flora at the middle of the labyrinth.
The left glove of the outfit is located the east side of the labyrinth stuck in the bunny-shaped hay.
The right glove of the outfit is located the west side of the labyrinth placed on top of the bunny-shaped hay.
Give all parts of the outfit to the Heart Keeper and the Piecey will take the Stonedew Flora to the Stoneheart at the top of the Market of Mirth.

Return to the Stoneheart in Market of Mirth

Return to the Stoneheart in Market of Mirth

After getting all the Stonedew Flora, return to the Stoneheart at the top of Market of Mirth, and watch the Stonehart bloom again.

Activate the Skypass to the Choo-Choo Station

Activate the Skypass to the Choo-Choo Station

Go to the gliding station at the top of the Market of Mirth and activate the Skypass to the Choo-Choo Station.

Come on! Market of Mirth! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP

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Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Showdown with Chigda!
Chapter 8
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Call of Beginnings


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