Infinity Nikki

List of Growth Materials

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Infinity Nikki - List of Growth Materials

Growth Materials are items used to used to level up your outfits and unlock ability nodes in the Heart of Infinity in Infinity Nikki. See a list of all Growth Materials in the game, how to get them, as well as how to use them!

Infinity Nikki - Momo AttentionAttention! We're in the process of updating this section. Check back later for updates!

List of Growth Materials

All Growth Materials

All Items
HeartshineHeartshine Calm ThoughtsCalm Thoughts Shiny BubblesShiny Bubbles
Shining ParticlesShining Particles Mira EXPMira EXP Collection InsightCollection Insight
Combat InsightCombat Insight Bug-Catching InsightBug-Catching Insight Animal-Grooming InsightAnimal-Grooming Insight
Fishing InsightFishing Insight Sprouting MelodySprouting Melody Forest WhisperForest Whisper
Citrus BurstCitrus Burst Herbal ScentHerbal Scent Heartfelt ThoughtsHeartfelt Thoughts
Summer FragranceSummer Fragrance Verdant AromaVerdant Aroma Herbal AromaHerbal Aroma
Midsummer BreezeMidsummer Breeze Viney InfusionViney Infusion Meadow ZestMeadow Zest
Mossy HushMossy Hush Glitter Bubbles: FreshGlitter Bubbles: Fresh Glitter Bubbles: SexyGlitter Bubbles: Sexy
Glitter Bubbles: ElegantGlitter Bubbles: Elegant Glitter Bubbles: SweetGlitter Bubbles: Sweet Glitter Bubbles: CoolGlitter Bubbles: Cool
Grace of LeavesGrace of Leaves

How to Get Growth Materials

Use Ability Outfits

Ability Outfit

The main way to get certain materials in the game is to use Nikki's Ability Outfits to groom animals, fish, catch bugs, or purify enemies.

You will get the corresponding outfits needed for this methods early on, so you can easily obtain these materials as you play through the game.

List of All Ability Outfits

Collect in the Overworld

Collect in Overworld

Other materials in the game are readily available in the overworld, as you can simply pick them up while travelling.

Complete Quests

Complete Quests

Certain quest will also yield materials as rewards once you complete them. Try completing main, world, random, or exclusive quests to have plenty of items in stock.

List of All Quests

Purchase in Shops

Infinity Nikki - Resonance Store

You can also purchase materials from NPCs found in towns and areas in the game in exchange for some Bling.

You can also buy these items at the Resonance shop found in the store menu, where you can exchange Surging Ebb and Tranquility Droplet for materials.

Realm of Nourishment

Realm of Nourishment.png

Growth Materials, specifically Insights, can also be found within the Realm of Nourishment by trading materials in exchange for it.

All Realm Challenges and Guide

How to Use Crafting Materials

Use to Glow Up Outfits

Glow Up Upgrade.png

Growth Materials such as Shiny Bubbles are used to glow up outfits to upgrade their stats.

How to Glow Up Clothing

Used for Outfit Evolutions

Infinity Nikki - Outfit Evolution Bling Cost.png

Growth Items such as Calm Thoughts and Heartstone are used to evolve outfits via the Pear-Pal Menu.

Clothing Evolution Guide

Unlock Abiliity Nodes in Heart of Infinity

Acquire the Wind of Purity sketch in the Heart of Infinity.png

Growth Materials such as Ability Insights are used to unlock ability nodes in the Heart of Infinity. You will have to use a corresponding Ability Insights to unlock their respective nodes.

Heart of Infinity Guide

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki - Items

List of All Items

All Items

All Item Types
Crafting MaterialsCrafting Materials Growth MaterialsGrowth Materials ConsumablesConsumables
Quest ItemsQuest Items CurrenciesCurrencies

Item Guides

All Item Guides
How to Get Bedrock Crystals How to Get Essence


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