Infinity Nikki

Call of Beginnings Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Call of Beginnings

Call of Beginnings is a Main quest under the Interlude Chapter Series in Infinity Nikki 1.1. See how to unlock this quest, where the strange gatherings of Esselings are, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Call of Beginnings Quest Location

Go to Wishing Woods

Call of Beginnings is located at Wishing Woods, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Players will need to head to the Wish Pass Office to look for Supervisor Lupabo to start the quest.

Wishing Woods Guide

How to Unlock Call of Beginnings

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Call of Beginnings
Infinity Nikki - Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes

Call of Beginnings will require players to complete the World Quest, Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes, in addition to finishing Chapter 8: Blooming Aurosa before accessing.

Players will also need to unlock Wishful Aurosa's makeup node before the quest unlocks.

List of All World Quests

Call of Beginnings Walkthrough

Unlock Wishful Aurosa's Makeup Node

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Makeup
After the Fiftteen Years, Echoes of Wishes quest, players can unlock the Makeup node for the Wishful Aurosa outfit in the Heart of Infinity menu. Unlock it to prompt the quest to start.

Go to the Wish Pass Office and Find Supervisor Lupabo

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Elastic Gel
Head to the Wish Pass Office and look for Supervisor Lupabo. Ask Lupabo about Elastic Gel and they will agree to give it to you. You will then be put into a cutscene and pass out afterwards.

You will wake up at the Grand Tree and Dakobo will let you know that Giroda is looking for you.

Find Giroda at the Temple of Wishes

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Giroda
Enter the Temple of Wishes and speak with Giroda. He will tell you that there is an influx of dark energy after Chigda was defeated.

He tells you to check up on the Swordsmith Ruins in the Wishing Woods, Dream Warehouse in Florawish and the Ripple Wine Cellar in the Abandoned District to see and purify the dark energy.

Check on the Strange Gatherings

Swordsmith Ruins

Head to Swordsmith Ruins and talk to Timis.
Head inside and start making your way deeper into the dungeon.
Purify the Esselings that comes your way. Note that there are more enemies now compared to your first run in the dungeon.

There will be areas that are afflicted with Dark Energy, and will damage you if you touch it. Be careful and purify these areas too!
4 Players can also look around for other Dews of Inspiration and Whimstars left behind in their previous runs.
Swordsmith Ruins Whimstars and Dews Guide
Once you arrive at the armory, defeat all the Esselings inside and purify all objects inside. Afterwards, investigate the forge.
6 Infinity Nikki - Beginning Timis End
After the cutscene, you will be teleported out of the dungeon. Talk to Timis to complete the Swordsmith Ruins investigation.

Dream Warehouse

Head to Dream Warehouse and talk to Nonoy.
Head inside and start making your way deeper into the dungeon.
Purify the Esselings that comes your way. Note that there are more enemies now compared to your first run in the dungeon.

There will be areas that are afflicted with Dark Energy, and will damage you if you touch it. Be careful and purify these areas too!
4 Players can also look around for other Dews of Inspiration and Whimstars left behind in their previous runs.
Dream Warehouse Whimstars and Dews Guide
Once you arrive at the platform, defeat all the Esselings inside and purify all objects inside. Afterwards, investigate the altar.
After the cutscene, you will be teleported out of the dungeon. Talk to Nonoy to complete the Dream Warehouse investigation.

Ripple Wine Cellar

Head to Ripple Wine Cellar and talk to Raggy.
2 Infinity Nikki - Cellar Dungeon
Head inside and start making your way deeper into the dungeon.
Purify the Esselings that comes your way. Note that there are more enemies now compared to your first run in the dungeon.

There will be areas that are afflicted with Dark Energy, and will damage you if you touch it. Be careful and purify these areas too!
Players can also look around for other Dews of Inspiration and Whimstars left behind in their previous runs.
Ripple Wine Cellar Whimstars and Dews Guide
Once you arrive at the office, defeat all the Esselings inside and purify all objects inside. Afterwards, investigate the trophy.
After the cutscene, you will be teleported out of the dungeon. Talk to Raggy to complete the Ripple Wine Cellar investigation.

Meet Up With Giroda at the Temple of Wishes

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Choice
After completing your investigation in the three dungeons, go back to Giroda and report to him that you've purified the dungeons.

Tell Giroda about the voices you've heard and choose the Stylist's Guild Memorial to follow the voice.

Go to the Stylist's Guild Memorial

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Mirror
Head into the Stylist's Guild Memorial and investigate the Infinity Mirror. You will be placed into a cinematic with the Mirror and Ena the Creator.

After the cutscene, talk to the purified Infinity Mirror to finish the quest.

Call of Beginnings Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP
x 1000
x 20000

New Heart of Infinity Nodes

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Infinity
Players will unlock the ability to receive Essence materials from Stoneville, as well as and the nodes for the Silvergale Aria's sketches in the Heart of Infinity menu.

Stoneville Guide

Silvergale's Feather

Infinity Nikki - Beginning Feather

Players will also receive the Silvergale's Feather, a special item from Ena and a required material to craft the newest Miracle Outfit.

Silvergale's Aria Outfit and Evolutions

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki Quest Slim

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Guides

Tutorial Quest Embark On An Unknown Journey
Chapter 1
Land Of Wishes Accident at the Clothing Store
Unexplained Coma Incidents Power Outage Rescue
Chapter 2
Wish Gathering The Truth is Close
Secret Ledger Go to the Dream Warehouse!
Chapter 3
First Meeting at Stoneville For Flamecrest Festival
Wish Collector's Crisis Petals, Glide!
Chapter 4
Track the Abandoned District! Corrupted Stoneheart
Come on! Market of Mirth! Attention! Faewish Sprite Spotted
Chapter 5
Choo-Choo Station Mystery Forgotten Settlement
To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Ghost Train
Unresolved Mystery
Chapter 6
Mysterious Wishing Woods Target! Wish Inspection Center!
Where is Afubo? Cleansing Oil Mission
A Special Wish Strange News at the Institute
Chapter 7
Find the Wish Master Recommendation Letters
Rescue at the Wishball Field Save Giroda
Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Showdown with Chigda!
Chapter 8
The Coming-of-Age Ceremony Wishful Aurosa
Interlude Chapter
Call of Beginnings


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