Infinity Nikki

Bouldy Location and Boss Rewards

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Infinity Nikki - Bouldy

Bouldy is a boss enemy that can be fought in the Hillside Cavern and Realm of the Dark in Infinity Nikki. Check out where to find Bouldy on the map and how to unlock Bouldy in this guide!

Bouldy Location in Infinity Nikki

Hillside Cavern Next to Relic Hill

Players can find Bouldy inside the Hillside Cavern that's right next to the Relic Hill Warp Spire in the Breezy Meadow region. After entering the cavern, you just need to go right when you come across a splitting path.

Breezy Meadow Map and Exploration Guide

Can be Fought in Realm of the Dark

Players can also fight against Bouldy in the Realm of the Dark. Since this is a Realm Challenge, you can access Bouldy's challenge stages from any Warp Spire!

Realm of the Dark Guide

How to Unlock Bouldy in Infinity Nikki

Progress the Secret Ledger Quest

Unlocking Bouldy in Secret Ledger

You can unlock Bouldy during the Secret Ledger sub-quest in Chapter 2! During the quest, you'll be tasked to go to Relic Hill and enter the cavern mentioned by the Wish Envoy. This is where you'll first encounter Bouldy and fight it!

After this boss fight, you'll also get a message from Tokar about how the Realm of the Dark has been unlocked. This indicates that Bouldy's challenge stages are now available to you!

Secret Ledger Quest Guide

Bouldy Boss Fight Rewards

Get the Raging Bouldy Sketch

After beating Bouldy for the first time during the main story, you can get the sketch for the Raging Bouldy top! Just interact with the glowing crystal that's left behind after the fight to claim the sketch.

Raging Bouldy Showcase and How to Get

Bouldy Realm Challenge Rewards

Trial Rewards
Phantom Trial: Bouldy (Command)
Infinity Nikki Mira EXPMira EXP x400
Phantom Trial: Bouldy (Hurl)
Phantom Trial: Bouldy (Plummet)
Infinity Nikki Mira EXP Mira EXP x400
Phantom Trial: Bouldy (Tumble)
Infinity Nikki Mira EXPMira EXP x400
Phantom Trial: Bouldy (Command)

Depending on the trial you're challenging, you can spend Vital Energy to get various types of rare crafting materials after beating Bouldy in the Realm of the Dark!

List of Crafting Materials

Cavern Bouldy Drops Valuable Items

Hillside Cavern Bouldy Rewards
Infinity Nikki BlingBling x500 Infinity Nikki Combat InsightCombat Insight x5 Infinity Nikki Thread of PurityThread of Purity x1

Bouldy will also respawn in the open world after the quest, so you can fight it again in the Hillside Cavern! Defeating Bouldy in the cavern will reward you with valuable items like Bling, Thread of Purity, and Combat Insight.

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