Infinity Nikki

Gameplay Mechanics Guide

★ Latest: Version 1.4, Wish Carnival Party and Wishing Dance Party
☆ New Gacha Banner: Into the Illusion
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Infinity Nikki - Gameplay Mechanics Guide

Infinity Nikki includes various gameplay features for players to enjoy. Here is a summary of Infinity Nikki's main gameplay mechanics and what you can do in the game!

Infinity Nikki Gameplay Overview

Infinity Nikki Gameplay Features

In Infinity Nikki, you can explore an expansive world to collect various materials needed for crafting outfits. As you go through the game's story and quests, you can participate in styling challenges and use the clothing you've obtained to put together fashionable outfits!

As the dress-up mechanics are still the core of Infinity Nikki, most of its other gameplay features serve as ways to get more clothing and upgrade them. The game also releases limited-time outfits and events periodically, so there'll always be new clothing and rewards to collect!

Collect Clothing and Dress Up Nikki

Infinity Nikki Wardrobe Screen

Like with other games in the Nikki franchise, the heart of Infinity Nikki is in collecting clothes to turn Nikki into a style icon! Instead of being a simple customization feature, clothing has another layer of mechanics and can eventually be leveled up to strengthen Nikki's Wardrobe.

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Fill Up the Compendium with Outfit Sets

Infinity Nikki Clothing Stats

Infinity Nikki Main Clothing Stats
Elegant Fresh Sweet
Sexy Cool

Each clothing item in Infinity Nikki belongs to an outfit set. They'll also have their own stats, rarity, and theme labels, which are important when you need an outfit that consists of a certain stat or theme. The higher a stat's numerical value is, the stronger it is in that respective stat!

You can view all the clothes you've collected in the Compendium. Completing an Outfit by collecting all of its respective clothing pieces will also allow you to earn additional rewards from the Compendium!

List of All Clothing Pieces

Level Up Your Clothing via Glow Up

Glow Up Clothing Upgrade

If you have enough materials such as Blings, Shiny Bubbles, and Threads of Purity, you can level up your clothing pieces with the Glow Up function. Each level raises that clothing's stats by a certain amount, so it's best to prioritize pieces that you often use in styling challenges!

Glow Up Guide: How to Glow Up Clothing

Evolve Your Outfits to Get Alternate Versions

Clothing Evolution Requirements

Over time, you'll eventually start accumulating duplicates of certain clothes. If you manage to collect copies of an entire Outfit set, you can consume some additional materials to evolve the outfit and get a recolored version of it!

Clothing Evolution Guide

Open World Mechanic Introduced

Infinity Nikki Open World Exploration

What separates Infinity Nikki from its predecessors is that it features a vast, open world called Miraland that you're free to explore! The game's main story revolves around your journey, and you'll unlock more of Nikki's abilities as you make exploration progress.

Advancing through the story will unlock more regions, and you can easily traverse through them with the help of Whimcycles and the Floral Gliding ability that becomes accessible later on!

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Complete Quests and Meet Characters

Nikki with an NPC

All Infinity Nikki Quest Types
Main Quests Exclusive Quests
World Quests Random Quests

There will be various types of quests that you can do, and completing their objectives can also act as your guide across the different areas of Miraland. While roaming around, you may even come across other characters who'll need assistance and get rewards for helping them!

List of All Quests

Find Whimstars and Treasure in Each Region

Whimstars and Treasure

Current Regions in Infinity Nikki
Memorial Mountains Florawish Breezy Meadow
Stoneville Abandoned District Wishing Woods

One of your main objectives in the game is to find and collect the many Whimstars that are scattered across Miraland. Sometimes they'll be hidden in plain sight while other times, you'll need to complete certain challenges or puzzles to get them!

Apart from Whimstars, there are also plenty of treasure chests that can be found across the various regions. These contain valuable rewards like Diamonds and Blings, and can even include clothing sketches!

Interactive Map and 100% Exploration Guides

Get Abilities with the Heart of Infinity

Heart of Infinity Ability Outfit

You can use the Whimstars you've collected to unlock sketches for Ability Outfits in the Heart of Infinity skill tree! Ability Outfits give you access to different types of helpful exploration abilities. Bubbly Voyage, for example, will allow Nikki to float briefly upon making a jump!

Main abilities like Fishing, Bug-Catching, and Animal Grooming can also be upgraded in the Heart of Infinity. As you activate more nodes on the skill tree, you can gather more materials when using upgraded abilities!

Heart of Infinity Guide

Combat and Defeat the Esselings

Purifying and Defeating Enemies

Sometimes, you'll also need to purify areas that have been invaded by dangerous enemies known as Esselings. This can be done with the Wind of Purity outfit. Defeated enemies will also drop unique crafting materials!

Infinity Nikki's combat system is on the simpler side, and you just need to land several hits on enemies to defeat them. However, you'll still need to keep an eye on your heart meter at the bottom of the screen. This indicates the number of hits that Nikki can still take during a fight.

Combat Guide: How to Fight

Level Up to Unlock More Game Content

Leveling Up in Infinity Nikki

Certain quests or gameplay features will be locked behind your Stylist Rank or Mira Level. You can raise these by simply doing your dailies, completing quests, or finding treasure in the open world.

Once it's unlocked, your Pear-Pal will be a handy tool that lets you access most gameplay features from one screen. If it has a red notification icon at the top left corner of your main screen, this means you can raise your levels, claim some rewards, or gain access to a new feature!

Pear-Pal Guide

Find Collectibles and Craft Clothing

Infinity Nikki Crafting Materials

Miraland has a bountiful supply of materials and items that can be used to craft clothing. It's always a good idea to grab whatever you can find on your travels so that you have the resources you need to bring your sketches to life!

Sometimes, you'll need to use your abilities to gather certain types of crafting material. Each time you use these abilities, you'll also earn Insights, which can be used to further strengthen your abilities in the Heart of Infinity!

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Collect Materials Found Across Miraland

Collecting Plants in Infinity Nikki

You can find loads of items by simply interacting with objects of interest that you come across. Investigate every shining spot and open any chests you find to keep your inventory stocked up! If there's a particular item you need, you can also track their locations on the map.

How to Track Materials

Groom Animals to Get Extra Items

Grooming Animals in Infinity Nikki

The Bye Bye Dust Ability Outfit will allow you to groom animals in the game. Apart from the cute interactions, you'll also be able to get valuable materials from brushing friendly critters! Some creatures are easy to scare off, so be sure to approach them slowly.

How to Groom Animals

Go Fishing in Bodies of Water

Fishing in Infinity Nikki

Eventually, you can craft the Rippling Serenity Ability Outfit to go fishing! Simply approach a body of water with the outfit equipped and cast your line. Catching fish in Infinity Nikki involves a small mini-game that requires a bit of concentration, but is otherwise easy to master!

How to Fish in Infinity Nikki

Catch Bugs with Your Net

Catching Bugs in Infinity Nikki

The Afternoon Shine outfit will allow you to catch bugs as well! Catching bugs is a lot simpler, however, since you just need to equip the outfit and bring out your net once the insect is close enough.

How to Catch Bugs in Infinity Nikki

Craft Clothing with Sketches

Crafting Screen in Infinity Nikki

If you have an outfit sketch and all the required materials it lists, you can craft the outfit set yourself and add it to Nikki's Wardrobe! Crafting is one of the main sources of clothes, especially in the early game, so be sure to keep track of the sketches and materials that you've obtained.

How to Craft Clothing

Gain Victory in Styling Challenges

Styling Challenge Given Theme

In Infinity Nikki, styling challenges are the main reason why you want to have clothing with stronger stats. In these challenges, you'll need to put together outfits that follow the given theme. The stronger your clothing pieces are stats-wise, the higher your score will be!

You can encounter styling challenges during quests and when you interact with certain NPCs on the map. At Mira Level 25, you'll also unlock the Mira Crown contest, which is a game mode that will periodically refresh its challenges and rewards!

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Beat Stylist Factions for Rewards

Ebony Scissors Styling Faction

Throughout Miraland, you'll encounter members of different Stylist Factions. If you manage to win their styling challenges, you can obtain valuable rewards such as Diamonds and sketches!

Once you beat all the factions in an area, you'll be able to challenge its respective Sovereign. These challenges are more difficult, especially since you'll need to have stronger pieces that fall under their corresponding stat type.

All Factions and Members Guide

Challenge Mira Crown Styling Rounds

Mira Crown Contest

The Mira Crown styling contest offers numerous levels of styling battles that can be challenged. You'll be rewarded based on the rating that you're able to achieve with your outfits. Try to get Perfect ratings so that you can gain enough stars to claim additional rewards!

Mira Crown Styling and Pinnacle Contest

Participate in Limited-Time Banners and Events

Infinity Nikki Events Screen

Infinity Nikki also features limited-time gacha banners and events. Players can get exclusive clothing or rewards from these, so be sure to stay updated on the latest news so that you don't miss out on them!

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Pull for Rare Clothes in Resonance Banners

Resonance Gacha Banners

Resonite and Revelation Crystals can be used to make pulls on the Permanent Banner and Limited-Time Banners respectively. If you have Diamonds on hand, you can use them to purchase more pulls as well!

If you need stronger clothing pieces, you can try pulling for 5-star clothing pieces from the available Resonance Banners. A 5-star clothing piece is guaranteed with every 20 pulls!

Pity System and Gacha Explained

Join Events for Limited-Time Rewards

Wishfield Journal Event Objectives

Infinity Nikki periodically releases new events, which can include in-game events, web events, or community events. Here, players can complete event tasks to get valuable rewards and in-game items!

List of All Events and Schedule

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Tips and Tricks Partial

Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

How-To Guides
How to Get Clothing How to Craft Clothing
How to Add Friends How to Get a Bike
How to Get and Upgrade Eureka How to Heal and Recover Hearts
How to Use Vital Energy Wisely How to Glow Up Clothing
How to Unlock Mail How to Track Materials
How to Get Insight How to Get Free Pulls
How to Claim All Free Rewards How to Claim Pre-Registration Rewards
How to Change Time How to Raise Your Mira Level
How to Fish How to Link Accounts
How to Raise Your Styling Rank How to Save Progress
How to Upgrade the Camera How to Recycle Clothes
How to Read Luminous Bloom Messages How to Get Portable Firework: Surprise
How to Ride the Sky Monarch -
Customization Guides
Profile Customization Guide Character Customization
Clothing Evolution Guide How to Change Skin Tone
How to Change Eureka Colors -
Ability Guides
How to Change Ability Outfits How to Fight
How to Groom Animals How to Catch Bugs
How to Use Whimsicality How to Jump and Float
How to Use Floral Gliding How to Repair Things
How to Use Violinist How to Shrink
Daily Guides
Daily Activities Guide Daily Wishes Guide
What Time is the Daily Reset?
Puzzle Guides
All Whimstar Puzzles Whimstar Ball Puzzle Guide
Fish Quiz Answers Play the Melody with Purifying Orbs
How to Guide the Ball to the Designated Area -
Location Guides
Expedition Photo Locations Fishing Association Location
Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Location Unboxing Thrill Guide
Hot Air Balloon Location Azure Secret Location
Where to Find Ricardo Granny Angelica's House Location
All Pink Ribbon Eel Locations Where to Find the Cloud Top Balloon
All Tips and Tricks
Gameplay Mechanics Guide Best Tidal Guidance Outfit
How Does the Compendium Work? Camera Guide
Trophy Guide What Happens When You Die?
Kilo the Cadenceborn Dew Rewards Microtransactions Guide
Controller Guide How to Reach Pro Stylist Fast
What to Do With Duplicate Clothing? All Whim Exchange Rewards
All Sparklight Treasures Rewards Bullquet Aroma Formula


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