Infinity Nikki

All Folklore Mini-Game Locations

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Infinity Nikki - All Folklore Mini-Game Locations

Infinity Nikki has a collection of Folklore Mini-Games unique to each region of the game, and award Diamonds when completed. See a list of all Folklore Mini-Game Locations in this guide!

All Mini-Game Guides
Crane Flight Marble King
Among Pieceys Wishing Orb Express

All Folklore Mini-Game Locations

List of All Folklore Mini-Games

Florawish Crane Flight

No. Guide
Residence at Florawish Lane's Exit

The first Crane Flight Folklore Mini-Game is found near the NPC Ciceto on Florawish Lane, who is also the NPC to talk to for unlocking the Folklore Guide function in the Pear-Pal.
Florawish Stylist's Guild First Floor

The next box game is inside the Stylist's Guild, near the couches to the left of Dada's reception area on the first floor.
Shop at Great Wishtree Square

There is a Crane Flight located on a table outside a shop near the Great WIshtree Square.
Inside the Daisy Inn

Another box game can be found inside the Daisy Inn, where you first meet Timis during the events of the Unexplained Coma Incidents main quest.
Secret Base

There is a Crane Flight game at Nonoy's Secret Base, located on top of a table near the base's outer walls.
Laymona's Doorstep

The NPC Laymona's house is in close proximity to another Crane Flight game. Laymona's house can be found north of the Florawish Guard's Office.
Inside Ray and Wing's

Players can enter Ray and Wing's to find another box game as soon as they enter, on their left.
Inside Bibcoon's Chuckle Club

Another Crane Flight mini-game is inside the Bibcoon's Chuckle Club, at the bottom floor by the far wall from the stairs.
Nonoy's Home Living Room

There is a box game inside Nonoy's Home, in the living room. It's under a painting beside the sofa.
Flora Wharf

There is a folklore mini-game at Flora Wharf, close to one of the front stalls by the roadside.
Corner of Stitch Street

A table near the house at the corner of Stitch Street holds the last Crane Flight game in Florawish.

The Folklore Minigame for the Florawish region is the Crane Flight box game, which has players controlling a paper crane that needs to avoid obstacles in its path.

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Breezy Meadow Marble King

No. Guide
Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch

The first Marble King box game is found south of the Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch Warp Spire.
End of Meadow Bridge

There is another Marble King game by the end of the Meadow Bridge, southeast of the Meadow Activity Support Center.
Near the Swan Gazebo

There is a box game in a shack found northwest of the Swan Gazebo, along the roadside.
Behind the Bug Catcher's Cabin

The back part of the Bug Catcher's Cabin has a Marble King mini-game by the wall of the building.
Meadow Activity Support Center Terrace

There is a Marble King game directly northwest of the Meadow Activity Support Center Warp Spire.
Cicia Art Academy Field Base Second Floor

The first box game in Cicia Art Academy Field Base is found on the second floor, by the building's back. Use the walls on the southern side of the building to get up on the upper floor.
Shepherd Cottage at the Meadow Border

The Shepherd's Cottage can be found west of the Meadow Activity Support Center. There is another Marble King game on the premises of the cottage.
Meadow Wharf

There is a table at the Meadow Wharf that has a box game sitting atop it.
Cicia Art Academy Field Base Terrace

The second Cicia Art Academy Field Base box game is on the first floor, on the tables across the bike rental service.
Near Relic Hill

There is a box game in a crumbling building northeast of the Relic Hill and west of the Meadow Wharf Warp Spires.
Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost Guard Barracks

One of the southernmost parts of Breezy Meadows houses the last box game, near the guards stationed at the gate.

For the Breezy Meadows area, the Folklore Mini-Game is the Marble King box game, which is a pinball-like game that involves shooting a ball into a goal at the top of the box.

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Abandoned District Among Pieceys

No. Guide
Inside the Village Market Tavern

There is an Among Pieceys game in the largest tent in the Village Market of Stoneville.
In Front of Cicchetto Manor

Another box game can be found on the tables outside of Cicchetto Manor.
Beside the Windmill at Golden Fields

This Among Pieceys game is found inside a cart by the Golden Fields Windmill.
Beside the Equipment at Ripple Estate

The next box game is located beside a catapult seal on top of this stone pillar at Ripple Estate.
Under the Platform in the Haystack Maze

There is a Folklore Mini-Game on the lower section of the Haystack Maze area at the Market of Mirth.
Near the Cabin at the Stellar Fishing Ground

One of the cabins at the Stellar Fishing Ground has an Among Pieceys game on its porch.
Beside the Lake North of Windrider Mill

There is a box game located at the northern shoreline of the Windrider Mill Stonetree.
Near the Waiting Room at Choo-Choo Station

An Among PIeceys game can be found at this spot at the Choo-Choo Station.
At the Abandoned Volunteer Corps Jail Camp

The next box game can be found south of the Abandoned Volunteer Corps Jail Camp Warp Spire.
Inside the Residence West of Prosperville

There is a Folklore Mini-Game inside a crumbling house in the above area of Prosperville.
At the Stall in the Thuddy Squash Workshop

One of the northwestern islands of Stonecrown holds the last Among Pieceys box game.

The Among Pieceys Folklore Mini-Game is the box game of the Abandoned District region and is a memory game wherein players have to track the location of a Faewish Sprite doll.

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Wishing Woods Wishing Orb Express

Number Guide
Along the path near the Wish Pass Office exit

The first Wishing Orb Express game is found east of the tunnel that leads to the Wishing Woods.
Wish Inspection Center

There is a Wishing Orb Express box game close to the Wish Inspection Center warp spire.
Wishcraft Lab Nurture Department

There is another box game northeast of the Wishcraft Lab warp spire.
Near the entrance of the Beauty Lab

The area northwest of Timis's Beauty Lab is home to another Wishing Orb Express game.
Beauty Lab Market Area

Further north of Timis's Beauty Lab is another box game.
Near Timis's Farm

There is a Folklore Mini-Game east of the Farm Entrance warp spire.
On the platform table in the Grand Millewish Tree residential area

There is a mini-game northeast of the Grand Tree Residential area warp spire.
Near the Temple of Wishes

The second Wishing Orb Express game is found higher up in the Grand Millewish Tree, near the Temple of Wishes area.
Central Platform in the Wish Celebration Center

There is another box game east of the Wish Celebration Center warp spire.
Near the Wish Celebration Center

South of the previous box game is another Wishing Orb Express game.
Aurosa Valley Management Office

The last box game is found southeast of the Ascetic Camp warp spire.

The Wishing Orb Express Folklore Mini-Games found in the Wishing Woods involve guiding faewish sprite figurines on a grid to have them correctly deliver their orbs to the marked spots.

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How to Play the Folklore Mini-Games

Crane Flight

The Crane Flight mini-game will have the player take control of a moving crane that has to avoid obstacles in its path by tilting or switching lanes, until it reaches the end of the track.

Crane Flight Mini-Game Guide

Marble King

The Marble King box game takes place on a sloped field wherein players have to send the marble to a goal at the top of the box by aiming it to avoid obstacles on the path.

Marble King Mini-Game Guide

Among Pieceys

Among Pieceys is a memory game that will shuffle a faewish sprite doll around other pieceys dolls. The faewish doll is hidden under the pieceys dolls, and players will have to pay attention to which doll it's under.

Among Pieceys Mini-Game Guide

Wishing Orb Express

Wishing Orb Express is a game that involves using and rotating arrows to direct the faewish sprite figurines along a path to the designated delivery area for their orbs.

How to Unlock Folklore Mini-Games

Find in the Overworld

To unlock Folklore Mini-Games, you need to find their boxes hidden across the game's overworld.

The Folklore Guide in the Pear-Pal keeps track of all the Folklore Mini-Games you can encounter and is unlocked by speaking to the NPC Ciceto in Florawish, who is also beside the first Crane Flight game.

Pear-Pal Guide

What Are Folklore Mini-Games?

Region-Specific Mini-Games

Folklore Mini-Game in the Overworld

Folklore Mini-Games are games that are specific to a certain area in Miraland. These games can be found scattered across the world and are considered a pastime for that region.

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Infinity Nikki - All Folklore Mini-Game LocationsAll Folklore Mini-Game Locations Infinity Nikki - Crane Flight Mini-Game GuideCrane Flight Mini-Game Guide
Infinity Nikki - Marble King Mini-Game Guide.pngMarble King Mini-Game Guide Infinity Nikki - Among Pieceys Mini-Game Guide.pngAmong Pieceys Mini-Game Guide
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