Infinity Nikki

List of All Currencies

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Infinity Nikki - List of All Currencies

Here is a complete list of currencies in Infinity Nikki and where to use them in-game. See how to get each Infinity Nikki currency and other commonly spent resources in this guide!

All Currency Guides
Bling Infinity NikkiBling DiamondDiamond Stellarite Infinity NikkiStellarite
Infinity Nikki - Resonite CrystalResonite Crystal Revelation Crystal Infinity NikkiRevelation Crystal

All Infinity Nikki Currencies and Uses

List of Infinity Nikki Currency Types

There are many types of currency that are used in Infinity Nikki. You can mostly use these to get certain items in exchange.

Bling for Crafting, Upgrades, and Vendor Purchases

Bling is the main, universal currency of Infinity Nikki. While they may be abundant and somewhat easy to earn, you'll end up spending a lot of Bling on processes like crafting and upgrading clothes or abilities.

If you have extra Bling to spare, you can also spend them on clothes or other items sold by Vendors across Miraland!

Main Sources of Bling

Best Ways to Get Bling
Realm of Escalation
◆ Rewards from Daily Wishes
Quest Completion Rewards

There are many ways to obtain Bling in Infinity Nikki. You can even find them scattered around the overworld! However, the sources listed above are the most consistent methods of getting large amounts of Bling. Check out our guide below for more Bling farming methods!

How to Farm and Spend Bling (Money)

Diamonds for Buying Crystals

Diamonds are a rare currency that's used to buy Resonite and Revelation Crystals from the Store. You can also spend Diamonds to restore your Vital Energy, though this isn't advisable for free-to-play players since Diamonds are harder to obtain without paid methods.

Main Sources of Free Diamonds

Best Ways to Get Free Diamonds
◆ Rewards from Daily Wishes
Quest Completion Rewards
Open World Exploration
Redeem Code, Mail, and Event Rewards

Free Diamonds are more limited in supply since apart from Daily Wishes, most of the Diamond rewards can only be claimed once. However, as we can expect the world of Infinity Nikki to continuously expand, more free Diamonds will likely become available via the sources above!

How to Farm Diamonds

Resonite Crystals for Permanent Banner Pulls

Resonite Crystals are a gacha currency that's used to make pulls on the Permanent Resonance Banner. Since these can only be used on the Permanent Banner, it's better to use them up quickly to try and get better clothing pieces!

Main Sources of Resonite Crystals

Main Sources of Resonite Crystals
◆ Purchased from the Store
Mira Level Rewards
Mira Journey Battle Pass
Redeem Code, Mail, and Event Rewards

Apart from purchasing Resonite Crystals in the store, you can occasionally receive them as rewards from the other sources listed above.

How to Get Resonite Crystals

Revelation Crystals for Limited Banner Pulls

Revelation Crystals are the other gacha currency that's used to make pulls on Limited Resonance Banners. Sometimes, you may obtain these Crystals with a timer icon. This means that they'll expire after a certain period, so you'll need to use them while they're still valid!

Main Sources of Revelation Crystals

Main Sources of Revelation Crystals
◆ Purchased from the Store
Upgraded Mira Journey Battle Pass
Redeem Code, Mail, and Event Rewards

There are less Revelation Crystals that are rewarded compared to Resonite Crystals. If your Revelation Crystals aren't set to expire, it's best to save them for Limited Banners that you really want to pull from.

How to Get Revelation Crystals

Surging Ebb for Buying Rare Materials

Surging Ebb is an extra currency that you can obtain by getting duplicate 4-star or 5-star items when pulling on Resonance Banners. These can be used in the Store to buy additional Crystals and crafting materials of higher rarity!

Tranquility Droplet for Buying Common Materials

Tranquility Droplet is another currency that's obtainable by getting duplicate 3-star items when pulling on Resonance Banners. You can also use them in the Store to purchase a limited amount of Crystals and lower rarity crafting materials.

Stellarite for Buying Diamonds and Special Items

Stellarite is a premium type of currency that you need to top up using real money. However, you can use Stellarite to exchange them for more Diamonds or buy special clothes and bundle packs that are only available in the Store.

How to Get Stellarite: Top-Up Guide

Other Commonly Spent Resources

Commonly Used Infinity Nikki Materials

Material Where to Use & Sources
Thread of Purity Used as a Crafting Material and Spent on Clothing Upgrades
Quest Rewards
・Styling Challenges
Realm of Escalation
・Buy from the Store
Shiny Bubbles Used to Glow Up Clothing
Quest Rewards
・Styling Challenges
Realm of Escalation
・Buy from the Store
Shining Particles Used to Upgrade Eureka
Mira Journey Battle Pass
Whimstars Unlocks Sketches and Ability Nodes in the Heart of Infinity
Open World Exploration
Insights Unlocks Ability Nodes in the Heart of Infinity
・Picking Up Collectibles
・Grooming Animals
Catching Fish
Catching Bugs
Fighting Enemies
Realm of Nourishment
Calm Thoughts Evolves 4-Star Outfits
Realm of Breakthrough
Heartfelt Thoughts Evolves 5-Star Outfits
Realm of Breakthrough
Heartshine Evolves 5-Star Banner Outfits
・Deep Echoes Pull Milestones

While these items aren't technically classified as currency in the game, they are all resources that are commonly spent on upgrades. As such, you'll want to keep most of these stocked up in your inventory as much as possible!

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