Infinity Nikki

Embark on an Unknown Journey Quest Guide

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Infinity Nikki - Embark on an Unknown Journey

Embark on an Unknown Journey is a subquest of the Prologue: A Reunion Across Worlds in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock it, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Embark on an Unknown Journey Quest Location

Go to Memorial Mountains

Infinity Nikki Embark on an Unknown Journey Quest Location

Embark on an Unknown Journey is located at Memorial Mountains, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. You will automatically be transported to this quest location after completing the Tutorial Quest.

How to Unlock Embark on an Unknown Journey

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Embark on an Unknown Journey
Infinity Nikki - Tutorial Quest Tutorial Quest

The Embark on an Unknown Journey main quest can be unlocked after completing the Tutorial Quest!

Tutorial Quest Guide

Embark on an Unknown Journey Walkthrough

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

After completing the Tutorial Quest, you will be transported to Memorial Mountains, inside an unfamiliar ruins. You will need to go down the corridor to the left until you reach a room with a cabinet blocking the way.

You will need to investigate the cabinet to continue progressing the story.

Investigate the Area

Investigate the area to find a solution on how to go over the cabinet blocking the way. You will then see a Whimstar located on the southwest corner of the room, opposite of the cabinet.

All Whimstar Locations

Check the Special Star

Check the special star

Approach the vines and interact with them to enter the little room with the Whimstar inside. A cutscene will occur with Nikki absorbing the Whimstar into the Heart of Infinity.

Heart of Infinity Guide

Craft the Bubbly Voyage Outfit

Craft the Bubbly Voyage Outfit

Once you've obtained the Whimstar, you can craft the Bubbly Voyage outfit with the materials Momo gathered. Obtaining the Bubbly Voyage outfit will give you jumping abilities.

How to Craft Clothing

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

You can use the higher jump by holding on to the jump and forward button at the same time to jump over the cabinet blocking the way. Then, you need to follow the stone path with the Blings to the right.

Afterwards, jump over the obstacles until you reach the Esseling blocking the path.

Collect Whimstars

Collect Whimstars

You will need to collect two Whimstars to craft the Purification Outfit, which can purify the Esseling blocking the path.

How to Get Whismtar 1

The first Whimstar is located on the left from where the Esseling is, under a stone gazebo.

How to Get Whismtar 2

The second Whimstar is located beneath a wooden trapdoor. You will need to use Momo's ability to see where the Whimstar is. You will need to press the button that will prompt on your screen to activate Momo's ability.

Once you have locked on to its location, perform a jump drop by jumping and then pressing the button that will prompt on your screen to drop and break the wooden trapdoor.

Acquire the Wind of Purity Sketch in the Heart of Infinity

Acquire the Wind of Purity sketch in the Heart of Infinity

Open the Heart of Infinity to acquire the Wind of Purity Sketch, so you can craft the Purification Outfit!

Heart of Infinity Guide

Craft the Wind of Purity Outfit

Craft the Wind of Purity Outfit

After getting the sketch for the outfit, look around for the materials to craft the Wind of Purity Outfit. You will need three Woolfruits, two Daisies, and two Buttoncones.

List of All Items

How to Get the Materials for the Wind of Purity Outfit

Location of the Materials for the Wind of Purity
You can grab the two Daisies and two Buttoncones northeast from the second Whimstar is located.
You can grab the three Woolfruits from the Woolfruit Tree northwest from the second Whimstar is located.

Purify the Esselings

Purify the Esseling blocking the path to continue leaving the unfamiliar ruins. Once you approach the fancy stained glass window in the corridor, you will unlock the Resonance Gacha Banners!

All Resonance Gacha Banners Guide

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

Afterward, you will need to continue going towards the corridor and leave the unfamiliar ruins. You will then encounter a group of Esselings at the end of the corridor.

Purify the Esselings

Purify the group of Esselings by doing the jump drop, pressing the jump button, and then the drop button afterward. Make sure to aim where all the Esselings will be hit.

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

Leave the Unfamiliar Ruins

After defeating the Esselings, a cutscene with Dada will occur, where she shows you a Pear-Pal, what is a Stylist, and the Mysterious Coma Incidents.

Once the cutscene ends, go through the door and leave the unfamiliar ruins.

Pear-Pal Guide

Keep Moving Ahead

Keep moving ahead on the stone path until a cutscene occurs, which will automatically take you to the town of Florawish.

Embark on an Unknown Journey Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki Quest Slim

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Guides

Tutorial Quest Embark On An Unknown Journey
Chapter 1
Land Of Wishes Accident at the Clothing Store
Unexplained Coma Incidents Power Outage Rescue
Chapter 2
Wish Gathering The Truth is Close
Secret Ledger Go to the Dream Warehouse!
Chapter 3
First Meeting at Stoneville For Flamecrest Festival
Wish Collector's Crisis Petals, Glide!
Chapter 4
Track the Abandoned District! Corrupted Stoneheart
Come on! Market of Mirth! Attention! Faewish Sprite Spotted
Chapter 5
Choo-Choo Station Mystery Forgotten Settlement
To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Ghost Train
Unresolved Mystery
Chapter 6
Mysterious Wishing Woods Target! Wish Inspection Center!
Where is Afubo? Cleansing Oil Mission
A Special Wish Strange News at the Institute
Chapter 7
Find the Wish Master Recommendation Letters
Rescue at the Wishball Field Save Giroda
Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Showdown with Chigda!
Chapter 8
The Coming-of-Age Ceremony Wishful Aurosa
Interlude Chapter
Call of Beginnings


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