Infinity Nikki

All Shops and Clothing Store Locations

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Infinity Nikki - All Shops and Clothing Store Locations

There are multiple shops all over Miraland in Infinity Nikki, where stylists can purchase clothing, materials, and more. Read on for a list of all the shops, their locations, what they sell, and find out if shops restock their merchandise after a period of time.

Infinity Nikki - Momo AttentionAttention! We're in the process of updating this section. Check back later for updates!

All Shop Locations

All Shop Map Locations

Jump to a Shop!
1. Matilda's Botanical Home 2. Ritly's Materialtopia 3. Elena's Orchid Shop
4. Stray Hatty 5. Pavri's Hot Air Ballon Ride 6. Timido's Bug Bazaar
7. Maestrio's Gourmet Candy Store 8. Jarrett's Hot Air Baloon Ride

Matilda's Botanical Home

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Matilda's Botanical Home
Items Sold: Crafting Materials
Item Stock: You can only buy 10 of each item.

Matilda's Shop sell materials necessary for crafting outfits. You can find her cart parked right beside Padro's Boutique.

Matilda's Botanical Home Items

Shop Items
Daisy Image Daisy

Ritly's Materialtopia

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Ritly's Materialtopia
Items Sold: Crafting Materials
Item Stock: You can only buy 10 of each item.

Ritly's Shop sells Animal Materials that is useful for crafting outfits. You can find Ritly's cart parked just outside Marques Boutique.

Ritly's Materialtopia Items

Shop Items

Elena's Orchid Shop

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Elena's Orchid Shop
Items Sold: Crafting Materials
Item Stock: You can only buy 10 of each item.

Elena sells two types of Orchids. The Rainy Orchid, which are only available during rainy days, and the Sunny Orchid which are available during sunny weather.

You can find her Orchid Shop in Florawish.

Elena's Orchid Shop Items

Shop Items

Stray Hatty

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Stray Hatty
Items Sold: Whimstar
Item Stock: The shop's stock doesn't have any limit.

Stray Hatty is a creature found just west from the Stylist's Guild. It sells Nikki a total of 8 Whimstars in exchange for an increasing amount of Bling per purchase.

How to Farm and Spend Bling (Money)

Stray Hatty Whimstar Purchases

Whimstar Price
First Purchase 10,000 Bling
Second Purchase 10,000 Bling
Third Purchase 200,000 Bling
Fourth Purchase 300,000 Bling
Firfth Purchase 500,000 Bling
Sixth Purchase 1,000,000 Bling
Seventh Purchase TBA
Eighth Purchase TBA

Pavri's Hot Air Ballon Ride

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Pavri's Hot Air Ballon Ride Shop
Items Sold: Balloon Ride Service
Item Stock: The shop's stock doesn't have any limit.

Pavri's Hot Air Ballon Ride shop offers you to ride on a Hot Air Balloon for 200 Bling. By doing so, you can enjoy a scenic view of Florawish.

His shop is found atop the stairs of a house covered with many balloons.

Timido's Bug Bazaar

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Timido's Bug Bazaar
Items Sold: Bugs and Insects
Item Stock: You can only buy 10 of each item.

Timido sells Bugs and Insects that are useful for crafting Nikki's outfits. You can find his shop near the Wishtree in Florawish.

Timido's Bug Bazaar Items

Shop Items

Maestrio's Gourmet Candy Store

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Maestrio's Gourmet Candy Store
Items Sold: Combo Bonbons
Item Stock: You can only buy 5 of each item.

Maestrio sells two kinds of Combo Bonbons, which provide Nikki a temporary random outfit change.

You can find him standing outside of his house near Elena's Orchid Shop.

Mario's Gourmet Candy Store Items

Shop Items

Jarrett's Hot Air Balloon Ride

Map Location Overworld Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Jarrett's Hot Air Baloon Ride
Items Sold: Balloon Ride Service
Item Stock: The shop's stock doesn't have any limit.

Jarrett's Hot Air Balloon Ride Shop is located just outside of the inn. It shows you the scenic view from the other side of Florawish in exchange for 200 Bling.

All Clothing Store Locations

All Clothing Stores
Marques Boutique Padro's Boutique Fog's End
Noir Creed Sizzle & Stitch Joyful Journeys
Dye Workshop Specialist Overalls & Co. Echoes of the Heart
Seal & Baggy Hats Off to You Cry Babies
Wholesome Squash Store Dot? Dot! Cappy & Hairclips
Nature's Leafcraft Giroda's Specials Wishful Wonders
Heartbeat Handhelds Mood Battery Timis' Magic Makeup

Marques Boutique

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Marques Boutique
Shopkeep: Marques Jr.
Location: Florawish

Marques Boutique is located in Florawish, near the Wishing Tree in the plaza. The Fluttering Wishes dress is displayed outside the store, which can be purchased in the shop after buying every other item in stock.

Marques Boutique Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x4300
Bling ImageBling x13000
Bling ImageBling x17800
Bling ImageBling x16200
Bling ImageBling x17800
Bling ImageBling x10800
Bling ImageBling x11100
Bling ImageBling x32500
Bling ImageBling x8600
Bling ImageBling x9500
Bling ImageBling x28600
Bling ImageBling x32800
Bling ImageBling x13800
Bling ImageBling x18600
Bling ImageBling x18600
Bling ImageBling x14300
Bling ImageBling x6900
Bling ImageBling x8800
Bling ImageBling x26000
Bling ImageBling x6900
Bling ImageBling x8600
Bling ImageBling x8000
Bling ImageBling x14300
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Bling ImageBling x6900
Bling ImageBling x10000
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Bling ImageBling x3000
Bling ImageBling x11300
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Bling ImageBling x15900
Bling ImageBling x2600
Bling ImageBling x3200
Bling ImageBling x580000
Bling ImageBling x13600
Bling ImageBling x6500
Bling ImageBling x28600

Padro's Boutique

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Padro's Boutique
Shopkeep: Padro
Location: Florawish

Padro's Boutique can be found near the Surprise-O-Matic stall. The store is stationed by the path towards the Wishing Tree.

Padro's Boutique Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x58500
Bling ImageBling x7800

Niro's Fog's End

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Fog's End
Shopkeep: Niro
Location: Florawish

Fog's End can be found north of the Mayor's Residence Warp Spire, at the corner of the path. Niro can be found on a small wooden foundation surrounded by crates and boxes.

Fog's End Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800

Loran's Noir Creed

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Noir Creed
Shopkeep: Loran
Location: Florawish

Noir Creed can be accessed in the bridge, south of the residential area in Florawish. The shopkeep Loran only appears at night, from 22:00 to 03:59.

Noir Creed Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800

Brejora's Sizzle & Stitch

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Sizzle & Stitch
Shopkeep: Brejora
Location: Breezy Meadow

Sizzle & Stitch is located near the Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost Warp Spire. The shopkeep Brejora only appears during the day, from 04:00 to 21:59, near the stove outside the outpost.

Sizzle & Stitch Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800

Sandro's Joyful Journeys

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Joyful Journeys
Shopkeep: Sandro
Location: Stoneville

The Joyful Journeys shop can be found along the path from the Stoneville Entrance Warp Spire. Sandro is found on the right side of the road, by a house.

Joyful Journeys Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800

Saline's Dye Workshop Specialties

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Dye Workshop Specialties
Shopkeep: Saline
Location: Stoneville

Dye Workshop Specialties is stationed at the large circus tent southwest of the Village Fork Warp Spire. The area is a marketplace home to plenty of other shops selling crafting materials.

Dye Workshop Specialties Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800

Brett's Overalls & Co.

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Overalls & Co.
Shopkeep: Brett
Location: Stoneville

Overalls & Co. is found on top of a stone tree in Stoneville.

From the Lavenfringe Fields Warp Spire, travel south and head left on the nearest fork, near a herd of Florascent Sheep by the field. Continue onwards until you arrive at a signpost, then head right. Pass the house and wooden scaffoldings and cross the long bridge hanging over the village. Brett can be found by the southern fence in the farm area.

Overalls & Co. Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x6930
Bling ImageBling x20800

Flirtatious Fay's Echoes of the Heart

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Echoes of the Heart
Shopkeep: Fliratious Fay
Location: Stoneville

Echoes of the Heart can be found on top of a stone tree, east of the Dye Workshop.

How to Find Flirtatious Fay

From the entrance of the Dye Workshop, head right and proceed towards the northern side of the stone tree. Ascend upwards via the leaf trampolines and bird trampolines to reach Flirtatious Fay at the top of the stone tree.

Echoes of the Heart Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x15600
Bling ImageBling x13000

Trip Bag Baggy's Seal & Baggy

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Seal & Baggy Shop
Shopkeep: Trip Bag Baggy
Location: Abandoned District

Seal & Baggy is located in the Handsome Lads Circus in the Abandoned District. Travel to the Warp Spire and speak to Trip Bag Baggy southwest of the area, near the giant circus tent.

Seal & Baggy Items

Item Price

Top Hat Timothy's Hats Off to You

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Hats Off to You
Shopkeep: Top Hat Timothy
Location: Abandoned District

Hats Off to You can be found near the Barrel Home Warp Spire. After warping, turn around to find Top Hat Timothy on a bench between a barrel and a stack of boxes.

Hats Off to You Items

Item Price

Crying Kenny's Cry Babies

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Cry Babies
Shopkeep: Cring Kenny
Location: Abandoned District

Cry Babies can be found along the coast near the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire. From the Warp Spire, head towards the coast and follow the coastline northwards. Crying Kenny can be found on a wooden platform near a train.

Cry Babies Items

Item Price

Slick's Wholesome Squash Store

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Wholesome Squash Store
Shopkeep: Slick
Location: Abandoned District

Wholesome Squash Store is in the Abandoned District, near the Stone Steles Warp Spire. From the Warp Spire, jump down the stone tree to arrive at a plaza with a bald tree and a bird statue at the center. Face the bird statue and head left to find Slick and their stall.

Wholesome Squash Store Items

Item Price

Dottiebo's Dot? Dot!

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Dot? Dot!
Shopkeep: Dottiebo
Location: Wishing Woods

The Dot? Dot! shop is found directly across the In Front of the Wish Inspection Center Warp Spire in the Wishing Woods. The Wishing Woods area may only be accessed at the start of Chapter 6.

Dot? Dot! Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x41600
Bling ImageBling x9100

Pegobo's Cappy & Hairclips

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Cappy & Hairclips
Shopkeep: Pegobo
Location: Wishing Woods

Cappy & Hairclips is found within the residential area of the Grand Tree. Fast travel to the Grand Tree Residential Area Warp Spire and continue onwards. Face right before the ledge to find Pegobo and access their shop.

Cappy & Hairclips Items

Item Price

Leafybo's Nature's Leafcraft

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Nature's Leafcraft
Shopkeep: Leafybo
Location: Wishing Woods

Nature's Leafcraft is located directly to the left after teleporting to the Grand Tree Residential Area Warp Spire. Leafybo's shop is decorated with fauna and greenery, and their stall is adorned with Faewish Sprite-shaped balloons.

Nature's Leafcraft Items

Item Price

Morimoda's Giroda's Specials

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Giroda's Specials
Shopkeep: Morimoda
Location: Wishing Woods

Warp to the Grand Tree Residential Area and turn around to find the Giroda's Specials shop. Their stall is on an isolated platform next to a horn-like instrument.

Giroda's Specials Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800

Helaida's Wishful Wonders

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Wishful Wonders
Shopkeep: Helaida
Location: Wishing Woods

The Wishful Wonders shop is located near the Wish Celebration Center Warp Spire. Enter the celebration center and speak to Helaida near the center to access the shop.

Wishful Wonders Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800

Aimibo's Heartbeat Handles

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Heartbeat Handles
Shopkeep: Aimibo
Location: Wishing Woods

Heartbeat Handles is found past the Wishful Wonders shop. From the Wish Celebration Center Warp Spire, proceed onwards travel along the left path to find Aimibo near the back of the area.

Heartbeat Handhelds Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800

Gurida's Mood Battery

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Mood Battery
Shopkeep: Gurida
Location: Wishing Woods

Warp to the Wishcraft Lab Warp Spire and travel northeast to find the Mood Battery shop. Gurida is found at the 2nd level of the residences on the left.

Mood Battery Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x20800
Bling ImageBling x20800

Kalida's Timis' Magic Makeup

Shop Location
Shop Details
Shop Name: Timis's Magic Makeup
Shopkeep: Kalida
Location: Wishing Woods

Timis' Magic Makeup is a shop located near the Timis' Beauty Lab Warp Spire. From the Warp Spire, travel right and enter the archway to Kalida and their store.

In Version 1.0, Timis' Magic Makeup is the only store that sells makeup for Bling.

Timis' Magic Makeup Items

Item Price
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800
Bling ImageBling x7800

Do the Shops Restock?

Clothing Shops Do Not Restock

Infinity Nikki - Padro

Boutiques and Shops that offer clothing do not restock their items so you can only buy each one in a single purchase.

Shops That Sell Materials Restock After A Period of Time

Orchid Shop

For Shops that sell crafting materials, once their stock limit has reached zero, they will be restocking everything again after some time.

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5 Anonymous2 months

Cappy & Hairclips sells Confetti Vibe, Starlit Glow, Fluffy Pom

4 Anonymous3 months

i got an image for clarity


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