Infinity Nikki

To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown!

To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! is the third subquest of Chapter 5: Wishes and Delusions in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to defeat the Caged Greed, how to unlock the quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Chapter 5: Wishes and Delusions
Choo-Choo Station Mystery Forgotten Settlement To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown!
Ghost Train Unresolved Mystery

To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Quest Location

Go to Abandoned District

To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! is located in Abandoned District, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. You can get to this quest by going to the top of Prosperville, which is on the eastern side of Abandoned District.

How to Unlock To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown!
Infinity Nikki - Forgotten Settlement Forgotten Settlement

The To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! main quest can be unlocked after completing the Forgotten Settlement quest! You can start this quest by talking to the Station Manager at the top of Prosperville.

To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Walkthrough

Talk to the Station Manager and Activate the Skypass

Talk to the Station Manager and Activate the Skypass

After meeting the Leader of the Pieceys, you, Giroda, and Raggy, decide to go to the battlefield in Stonecrown. Stonecrown is located on an island in the middle of the Abandoned District area.

Travel to the Stonecrown via the Skypass

Use the floating ability of your Floral Memory outfit to ride the wind currents of the Skypass. Doing this will automatically lead you to the Stonecrown, specifically at Wishing Well.

The Wishing Well is the lower area of Stonecrown and the first area you will arrive in via the Skypass.

Floral Memory Outfit and Evolutions

Find the Catapult Seal King

How to Find the Catapult Seal King

Map Location

How to Get to the Catapult Seal King

Look for the Catapult Seal King, who is located at the north end of Wishing Well. Once you find the King, the Leader of the Pieceys will feed it so it can catapult you to the highest areas in Stonecrown.

Enter the Battlefield of the Stonecrown

After the Catapult Seal King launches you to the highest area in Stonecrown, head to the battlefield and help the Pieceys defeat the formidable monster, Caged Greed.

Defeat the Caged Greed

How to Defeat Caged Greed

Purify the Esselings around the Caged Greed

Jump on the platforms to reach the top and perform a Plunge Attack

The Caged Greed boss can be defeated by jumping on the platforms to reach the top and performing a plunge attack on its crown. You will need to redo this three times, each time its crown goes one level higher, and there will be spinning blades that will prevent you from jumping on the platforms.

There is no other way to defeat the Caged Greed other than the plunging attack.

Time Your Jumps Carefully on the Platform

Time your jumps carefully on the platforms when the spinning blades spawn. Because when you get hit by one, you will lose one heart from your health, and it will drop you to the previous platform you've jumped off from.

The spinning blades on the platforms will start spawning after you hit the Caged Greed with the Plunge Attack once.

Go to the Outpost and Check on Raggy

After defeating the Caged Greed, go to the outpost just outside the battlefield, and check on Raggy's condition.

To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP

Pearly Bird Sketch

Completing the To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! main quest will also reward you with the Pearly Bird Sketch as a special reward! You will be able to get this sketch after defeating Caged Greed.

All Cool Outfits and Clothing

Volunteer Corps Commander's Medal

Talking to Dreamer Cape Theo, the commander of the Pieceys, during this quest will reward you with the Volunteer Corps Commander's Medal! This medal is a quest item that can be used later in the Ghost Train main quest.

List of Quest Items

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Infinity Nikki Quest Slim

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Guides

Tutorial Quest Embark On An Unknown Journey
Chapter 1
Land Of Wishes Accident at the Clothing Store
Unexplained Coma Incidents Power Outage Rescue
Chapter 2
Wish Gathering The Truth is Close
Secret Ledger Go to the Dream Warehouse!
Chapter 3
First Meeting at Stoneville For Flamecrest Festival
Wish Collector's Crisis Petals, Glide!
Chapter 4
Track the Abandoned District! Corrupted Stoneheart
Come on! Market of Mirth! Attention! Faewish Sprite Spotted
Chapter 5
Choo-Choo Station Mystery Forgotten Settlement
To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Ghost Train
Unresolved Mystery
Chapter 6
Mysterious Wishing Woods Target! Wish Inspection Center!
Where is Afubo? Cleansing Oil Mission
A Special Wish Strange News at the Institute
Chapter 7
Find the Wish Master Recommendation Letters
Rescue at the Wishball Field Save Giroda
Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Showdown with Chigda!
Chapter 8
The Coming-of-Age Ceremony Wishful Aurosa
Interlude Chapter
Call of Beginnings


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