Infinity Nikki

Giovanni Character Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Giovanni Character Guide

Giovanni is a character in Infinity Nikki. Check out all the character details about them here!

Infinity Nikki - Momo AttentionAttention! This page contains major spoilers for Infinity Nikki's Main Storyline!

Giovanni Character Information

Giovanni Character Details

Age Gender Faction
- Male -
Location -
Description Sells Wishflight Paper

Giovanni Voice Actor

No Official Voice Actor Announcement

There is currently no official news on who Giovanni's voice actor is. Please stay tuned for updates once we can confirm who voices Giovanni in the game!

All Voice Actors and Cast

Who is Giovanni?

Sells Wishflight Paper

Giovanni Sells Wishflight Paper
Giovanni is introduced as a stylist who sells replicas of the legendary Wishflight Paper to grant people's wishes. He can usually be found at the Great Wishtree Square during the early chapters!

The Prophet

Giovanni is the Prophet
In Chapter 5's Unresolved Mystery quest, Giovanni reveals to Nikki that he is the prophet. He also shares that he has possession of the Dark Whim and the Desperation Orb.

Giovanni tells everyone about his disappointment for the Wishing One, the Faewish Sprites, and the Pieceys as they all failed to help everyone during the dark times.

List of All Main Quests

A Wish Collector

Giovanni Wish Collector
Spindle tells Nikki that Giovanni started being a Wish Collector at the young age of fifteen. Back then, Giovanni was a sweet child who loved to tinker with new Whimtechs.

Unfortunately, Giovanni and 10 other stylists disappeared leaving a lot of people heartbroken.

Giovanni Quest Appearances

Chatpter 1 - Land of Wishes

Go to Great Wishtree Square During the Day to Buy Wishing Items

Nikki meets Giovanni in Chapter 1's Land of Wishes quest. He is at the Great Wishtree Square where he sells replicas of the legendary Wishflight Paper!

Land of Wishes Quest Guide

Chapter 3 - First Meeting at Stoneville

Infinity Nikki - First Meeting Giovanni
Nikki is set to find Giovanni at Stoneville once she learns that he might be targeted by the Prophet. Thankfully, they meet again in Chapter 3's First Meeting at Stoneville quest!

During their meeting, Giovanni uses his recommendation and makes Nikki a contestant for the Flamecrest Festival.

First Meeting at Stoneville Quest Guide

Chapter 5 - Unresolved Mystery

Giovanni Chapter 5 Appearance
Giovanni makes a surprising entrance at the end of Chapter 5's Unresolved Mystery quest. He steals the Aureum Vase from Nikki and the group. In the same cutscene, Giovanni also reveals that he is the Prophet and the man behind the coma cases!

Unresolved Mystery Quest Guide

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