Infinity Nikki

Wish Gathering Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Wish Gathering

Wish Gathering is the first subquest of Chapter 2: The Lost Wishes in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock it, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Chapter 2: Wishes Without Wings
Wish Gathering The Truth is Close
Secret Ledger Go to the Dream Warehouse!

Wish Gathering Quest Location

Go to Florawish

Wish Gathering is located at Florawish, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Heading over to the gathering at northern ruins of Florawish will immediately start this quest.

How to Unlock Wish Gathering

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Wish Gathering
Infinity Nikki - Wishes Without Wings Wishes Without Wings

The Wish Gathering main quest can be unlocked after completing the entire Chapter 1: Wishes Without Wings quests and the Power Outage Rescue quest!

Power Outage Rescue Quest Guide

Wish Gathering Walkthrough

Search for Clues at the Gathering in the Morning (4:00-8:00)

Search for Clues at the Gathering in the Morning

Search for clues about the Wish Envoy in the gathering at the ruins, north of Florawish. Upon arriving at the gathering, you and Nonoy notice that there is a huge crowd waiting there already.

Ask the Townsfolk at the Assembly for Clues

Ask the Townsfolk at the Assembly for Clues

Ask the townsfolk, specifically Galio, and Lyna, for clues on whether they know something about the Wish Envoy. They can both be easily located by tracking this objective in the quest list menu.

Keep Talking to the Townsfolk for Clues

Keep Talking to the Townsfolk for Clues

After talking to Galio and Lyna, listen in to the group of three people talking about what they're going to wish for. The three people will be located behind where Lyna is.

The group of three people you need to look for is the man with a straw hat, a man with a brown shirt, and a small child with a white polo shirt.

Catch Up With the Wish Envoy

How to Catch Up With the Wish Envoy

Run after the Wish Envoy

Final Location of the Wish Envoy

After talking to the townsfolk, a cutscene with the Wish Envoy will occur, and the crowd will go rowdy, asking where are the Quick-Wish Bottles. The Wish Envoy escapes the scene and you and Nonoy decide to catch up to it.

Once you've caught up with the Wish Envoy, it introduces itself as Giroda the Faewish Sprite.

Go to Nonoy's Secret Base

Go to Nonoy's Secret Base, northwest of Florawish, to talk to her about what happened to her mother. Upon approaching the Nonoy's Secret Base will immediately trigger a cutscene.

Investigate the Strange Sound

Investigate the Strange Sound

Investigate the strange sound near the secret base. You later found out that the noise is coming from a wooden crate, with Galio inside of it. A cutscene with Galio explaining himself will occur afterward.

Go to the Eastern Ruins with Nonoy

After talking to Galio, you and Nonoy go to the eastern ruins of Florawish to investigate some clues about the Wish Envoy. You will need to follow Nonoy as you go to the eastern ruins.

Investigate Clues in the Ruins

All Clues Location in Eastern Ruins

Wish Bottle

Strange Bottle

Pieces of Note

Investigate the three clues in the eastern ruins, the graffiti of a  wish bottle, a strange bottle, and torn up pieces of a note. The location of all three clues will be within the eastern ruins.

After investigating all three clues, a cutscene with Giroda will occur.

Wish Gathering Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP

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List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Guides

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Chapter 1
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Unexplained Coma Incidents Power Outage Rescue
Chapter 2
Wish Gathering The Truth is Close
Secret Ledger Go to the Dream Warehouse!
Chapter 3
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Wish Collector's Crisis Petals, Glide!
Chapter 4
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Come on! Market of Mirth! Attention! Faewish Sprite Spotted
Chapter 5
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To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown! Ghost Train
Unresolved Mystery
Chapter 6
Mysterious Wishing Woods Target! Wish Inspection Center!
Where is Afubo? Cleansing Oil Mission
A Special Wish Strange News at the Institute
Chapter 7
Find the Wish Master Recommendation Letters
Rescue at the Wishball Field Save Giroda
Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Showdown with Chigda!
Chapter 8
The Coming-of-Age Ceremony Wishful Aurosa
Interlude Chapter
Call of Beginnings


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