Infinity Nikki

Ripple Wine Cellar Whimstars and Dews Location

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Ripple Wine Cellar Whimstars and Dews Location

Ripple Wine Cellar is one of the dungeons in Infinity Nikki. See the locations of Whimstars and Dews in Ripple Wine Cellar, a walkthrough for the dungeon, and more!

Ripple Wine Cellar Dungeon Overview

Unlocked During the Track the Abandoned District! Quest

Track the Abandoned District! IMG Track the Abandoned District! Location
Quest Location Abandoned District
Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP

Track the Abandoned District! Quest Guide

Ripple Wine Cellar Information

Whimstars 4
Dews of Inspiration 21
Location Abandoned District

Ripple Wine Cellar Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Guide

Ripple Wine Cellar Walkthrough
Once inside the Ripple Wine Cellar, go straight down the corridor, then turn right, and head down the stairs until you reach a room with a waterway in the middle.
In the room with a waterway in the middle, head to the right side until you enter another room with the platforms on a rail tracks placed in the middle.

Jump to the first set of platforms, then jump to the second set of moving platforms outside of the room.
Ride the second set of moving platforms until you reach the next area underground. You will then switch moving platforms with the one located at the northwest corner in that next area.
Ride the next moving platforms until you reach the area with falling barrels.
Upon arriving in the area with the falling barrels, strategically position yourself within the four moving platforms while it moves forward along the rail tracks.
At the end of the falling barrels area, jump to the little island in the middle, and jump onto the last set of moving platforms.
At the end of the last set of moving platforms, jump to the platform at the bottom of the tracks before the moving platforms hit the water.
Jump over the floating barrels and platforms until you reach the next area at the northeast corner of the underground area.
Time your jumps carefully to cross the long stretch of water. Use the moving floating barrels as platforms. We recommend using the float ability of the Floral Memory Outfit in this part of the Ripple Wine Cellar.
Jump to the last set of floating barrels and head to the platform with the stairs on the northeast corner of the area. Climb up the stairs until you reach the office where the other humans are lurking around.
After the cutscene with Stony and the other humans, purify the Esselings that have been summoned within the room.
A cutscene will occur afterward with Stony and the other humans. You confront and ask them what are they doing in the Abandoned District.

Ripple Wine Cellar Whimstar Locations

All 4 Whimstar Locations

Inside Ripple Wine Cellar, near a stack of boxes and barrels located on an elevated platform.
Inside Ripple Wine Cellar, near a wooden lamppost that can be reached by riding the rail platform.
Inside Ripple Wine Cellar, nearby a large barrel which is currently placed along the routes of the sewer
Inside Ripple Wine Cellar, atop a wooden board placed on an elevated platform. To reach this area, jump towards the large barrels from the Reservation Spot until you reach an area where a sequence of barrels are floating on water. Eventually, you'll encounter three rows of barrels floating on the water. Jump towards a barrel on the last row, and ride it out until you reach the area where you can land. From there, track down the Whimstar to acquire it.

All Whimstar Locations

Ripple Wine Cellar Dew of Inspiration Locations

All 21 Dew Locations

No. Image How to Get
1-2 Behind the crates and barrels on the Transport Part section.
3-4 To obtain these dews enter the cave in front of the transport part section.
5-6 On the wooden dock, near the second minecart.
7-9 On the Reserve Vault Section, there is a barrel on the cave to the left jump over there to locate these dews.
10-12 Behind the metal tanks. Jump over the moving barrels in the east to locate these dews.
13-15 Follow the barrels in the sewers to locate these dews.
16-17 From the barrels, jump over to the floor and walk up until you found the railings from where you came earlier.
18-19 Jump over to the huge barrels to locate these dews.

We are still looking for the last set of Dews in this dungeon.

All Dew of Inspiration Locations

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2 Anonymous3 months

There the last 3 Dew, this tunnel in front of nikki is the tunnel to the 4th Whimstar, need to roll the big barrel. zzz

1 Anonymous3 months

There the last 3 Dew, this tunnel in front of nikki is the tunnel to the 4th Whimstar, need to roll the big barrel


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