Infinity Nikki

All Warp Spire Locations

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Warp Spires are teleporter structures placed in key areas to facilitate fast travel in Infinity Nikki. See all Warp Spire locations, how to unlock them, their rewards, and more!

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Whimstars - Infinity NikkiWhimstars Dews - Infinity NikkiDews of Inspiration Infinity Nikki - Warp SpiresSpires
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Warp Spire Interactive Map

Version 1.2 Warp Spire Map

When available, you can click the dropdown menu on top of the map to change region!

Interactive Map Key

All Collectibles in Infinity Nikki
Infinity Nikki - Warp SpiresWarp Spire Whimstars - Infinity NikkiWhimstar
Dews - Infinity NikkiDew of Inspiration Infinity Nikki - ChestChest
Whim BalloonWhim Balloon Dew of FireworkDew of Firework

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Warp Spire Locations

How to Get Warp Spire

There are seven (7) regions that have their own Warp Spires for you to unlock. This will help in traversing the huge open world of Miraland:

Memorial Mountains Warp Spires

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There are a total of 3 Warp Spires in the Memorial Mountains. All their locations are noted below:

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 By the Stylist’s Guild Memorial
First Warp Spire to unlock. Unlocks via the tutorial mission.
2 Beside the Statue in the Old Florawish Memorial
Found in a large circular landmark to the west of the area. Found near Kilo the Cadenceborn.
3 Florawish Lane
Found near the entrance of Florawish, next to a bridge.

Florawish Warp Spires

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Warp Spires with an asterisk are found underground or in caves.

There are a total of 9 Warp Spires in Florawish. All their locations are noted below:

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 Stylist's Guild Front Gate
Found next to the Stylist's Guild west of Florawish.
2 In Front of the Mayor's Residence
Found next to the Mayor's Residence east of Florawish.
3 Dream Warehouse Tower
Nearest teleporter to Florawish to access the Dream Warehouse.
4 Dream Warehouse Rooftop
Found at the top of the Dream Warehouse Tower.
5 Secret Base
Found north of Florawish.
6 Stitch Street
Found to the east of Florawish.
7 In Front of the Sanctum of the Observant
Found along the way to Wishing Woods. It is right next to a monastery-like structure.
8 Wish Pass Office
Found at the entrance of the cave that leads to Wishing Woods.
9 Well of Fortune
A teleporter found inside a mini-dungeon. The warp spire unlocks as you go through the Power Outage Rescue quest.

Breezy Meadow Warp Spires

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There are a total of 14 Warp Spires in Breezy Meadow. All their locations are noted below:

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch
Approach the building with piers south of Florawish.
2 Cicia Art Academy Field Base
Approach the house surrounded by purple trees below Memorial Mountains.
3 Bug Catcher’s Cabin
Look for the area surrounded by a yellow flower field. The area is found southeast of the Cicia Art Academy.
4 Meadow Activity Support Center
Found just above the river cutting through the middle of the region.
5 Meadow Wharf
Found in between two river deltas connecting the major river to the lake.
6 Relic Hill
Found in the mountainous area to the west of the region.
7 Lakeside Hill Lane
Found in the middle of the forest approaching Queen’s Palace Ruins
8 Queen’s Palace Ruins Entrance
Found near the ruined castle gate of the Queen’s Palace.
9 Queen’s Palace Ruins West Forest
Found to the west of Queen’s Palace ruins. It is situated beside the Forest Cavern’s entrance.
10 Queen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard
Found behind a wall when approaching from the front yard of the Queen’s Palace ruins.
11 Queen’s Palace Ruins High Tower
Climb the tower by following the bling trail until you reach an opening in the roof. Follow the dilapidated spiral staircase to get to the Warp Spire
12 Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost
Found at the southernmost point of Breezy Meadow. The Warp Spire is beside a huge castle gate.
13 Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost
Found to the southwest of the region. It is next to an abandoned camp littered with enemies.
14 Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp
Found deeper into the abandoned wisher camp area. It is next to a wooden wall that has clearly seen better days.

Stoneville Warp Spires

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There are a total of 8 Warp Spires in Stoneville. All their locations are noted below:

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 Stoneville Entrance
Found next to a small camp on the south bank of the river at the border of Stoneville and Breezy Meadow.
2 Village Fork
Found at the southern part of Stoneville. The Warp Spire is at ground level.
3 Flamecrest Stonetree
Climb up the Stonetree east of Stoneville. The Warp Spire is on top of the structure.
4 Lavenfringe Fields
Found near the lavender-colored fields in Stoneville. The Warp Spire is at ground level.
5 Gliding Training Stonetree
Climb up the Stonetree west of Stoneville. The Warp Spire is on top of the structure.
6 Chicchetto Manor
Found west of Stoneville at the entrance of a Manor in the middle of the woods.
7 Dye Workshop Stonetree
Climb up the Stonetree north of Stoneville left of the Dye Workshop. The Warp Spire is on top of the structure.
8 Rockfall Valley
Found near the cliff face that serves as the entrance to Abandoned District. Found a bit northwest of Stoneville.

Abandoned District Warp Spires

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There are a total of 29 Warp Spires in Abandoned District. All their locations are noted below:

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 Beside the Golden Fields
The first warp spire you will encounter in the Abandoned District. It stands beside a field of wheat with a scarecrow.
2 Golden Fields Stonetree Top
Climb the top level (3F) of the Stonetree of this island using air vents. It is near the Stoneheart of Golden Fields.
3 Golden Fields Old Dock
Found at the southwestern edge of the island at the lowest floor, Golden Fields 1F. The spire is next to a dock.
4 Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar
Accessible after unlocking the Skypass to Ripple Estate. It is right next to the Ripple Wine Cellar, which is also a mini-dungeon.
5 Barrel Grove
Jump to Ripple Estate 2F using the Catapult Seal south of Ripple Wine Cellar.
6 Barrel Home
Feed and use Catapult Seal southwest of the Barrel Grove spire to initiate higher jumping. You will need to complete the gliding challenge nearby to get its food though! The Spire is at the top level of the Stonetree.
7 Market of Mirth Entrance
Unlock the Skypass to Market of Mirth from Ripple Estate and activate this spire. It should be the first Spire you will encounter on this island.
8 Market of Mirth Summit Path
Follow the main quest of Market of Mirth to get to this Warp Spire. It is near a rope bridge and is on the way to the summit at the 2F layer of this island.
9 Handsome Lads Circus
Follow the path to the Summit from the Summit Path Warp Spire. This spire should be at the entrance of Layer 3F next to an arch.
10 Stellar Fishing Ground Trail
Unlock the Fishing Grounds Skypass from Handsome Lads Circus to get there. Follow the path inward to unlock this Spire.
11 Stellar Fishing Ground Peak
Climb the Stonetree of this island until you reach 3F. You will need to use a combination of jump pads and air vents to get here.
12 Windrider Mill Entrance
Unlock the Skypass going to this island from Barrel Home. The spire should be right next where you will land.
13 Windrider Mill Mid-Level
Found at the second level of the island. It is next to a pumpkin patch.
14 Windrider Mill Top
Found at the top level of the island. It is found near a windmill.
15 Choo-Choo Station Old Platform
The first warp spire you will encounter after riding the Skypass from Market of Mirth. Unlockable during the Main Quest.
16 Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center
Nearby warp spire in the inner yard of the station.
17 Choo-Choo Station Repair Station
Found at 2F of the Station Island. It is next to some dilapidated train engines.
18 Choo-Choo Station Stonetree Top
The warp spire at the top of the island. Found next to some train tracks.
19 Ghost Train Entrance
Found next to the entrance of the Ghost Train dungeon. Players will have a change to interact and unlock this during the Main Quest.
20 Prosperville Entrance
First warp spire encountered after using the Skypass from Choo-Choo Station.
21 Stone Steles
The warp spire found at the top of the island. It is next to a wall overtaken by vines.
22 Forgotten Village Dwelling
Warp Spire next to a village in this island. Follow the road from the main island and cross the bridge to reach this spire.
23 Volunteer Corps Watchtower 1
The first Warp Spire you encounter after using the Skypass towards this island.
24 Volunteer Corps Watchtower 2
Found to the left of the first Volunteer Corp Watchtower. Use a Catapult Seel to reach this level.
25 Wishing Well
Found at Stonecrown 3F directly above Volunteer Corps Watchtower.
26 Volunteer Corps Jail
Found on the north of the main island on Stonecrown 3F.
27 Stonecrown Peak
The warp spire at the top of Stonecrown. It is next to Silvergale’s resting place and can be encountered during the Main Quest.
28 Waterspouts Observatory
Warp Spire found on the right-most mini-island. Reach this mini-island using the bounce flowers and air vents from the main island.
29 Thuddy Squash Workshop
Warp Spire found on the left-most part of Stonetree. Reach this using the Skypass from Fishing Ground peak southwest of Stonetree.

Wishing Woods Warp Spires

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There are a total of 22 Warp Spires that are accessible in Wishing Woods so far. All their locations are noted below:

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 Elderwood Riverbank
First Warp Spire encountered after emerging from the Wish Pass.
2 In Front of the Wish Inspection Center
Found a bit north of the first Warp Spire. It is next to the Wiush Inspection Center which is a major location for the Main Quest.
3 Wishcraft Lab
Continue following the path north to arrive at Wishcraft Lab. A Warp Spire is placed at the center of the location.
4 Timi’s Beauty Lab
A Warp Spire found in front of Timi’s Beauty Lab. This dungeon is encountered through the main quest, so you cannot miss this.
5 Workshop Waterwheel
Simply continue following the path north and cross a bridge that has a waterwheel on the left. The warp spire can be found near it.
6 Farm Entrance
Move east from the Workshop Waterwheel spire to get to this teleporter. It is found next to a farm that cultivates flowers.
7 Shoal Slope
Found on the western bank of the shoal under the Grand Tree.
8 Grand Tree Shoal
Found inside a mini-island inside the shoal. It is the nearest warp spire to the base of the Grand Tree.
9 Bizarre Wish Hills
The warp spire on the left path of the withered area in Wishing Woods. It is next to some spilt paint presumably caused by the fruits scattered around the area.
10 Desperation Orb Warehouse
The warp spire on the right path of the withered area in Wishing Woods. It is next to some lumber that seems to have been abandoned for a long time.
11 Flower Valley Waterfall
The warp spire found on the southeast of the Great Tree. It is on the eastern bank of a river cutting through Wishing Woods from the Shoal.
12 Wish Celebration Center
A warp spire found next to the Wish Celebration Center. This one is found to the southeast of the Great Tree.
13 Aurosa Valley
Found further south when following the river. It is found northeast of the statue of The Wishing One.
14 Land of Starfall
Found on the southeast edge of the Wishing Woods. It is at the entrance of a forest east of the statue of The Wishing One.
15 Ascetic Camp
Found directly south of the Great Tree. It is right next to a huge tree stump that has been forgotten in time.
16 Swordsmith Ruins Gate
Found in front of a huge castle in the Swordsmith Ruins.
17 Ruins of the Guardians
Found a bit southeast of the Swordsmith Ruins Gate warp spire. It is also next to some ruins forgotten in time.
18 Secluded Cave
A lonely warp spire found at the southwestern edge of Wishing Woods. It is found near the mouth of the Secluded Cave.
19 Grand Tree Residential Area
Use three cannons to reach the first level of the Grand Tree. This is also part of the main quest so you will be able to access this as you go along.
20 Temple of Wishes
Use the Confetti Cannon near the Grand Tree Residential Area Warp Spire and climb up two Woven Pillars to reach this Spire. This is at the mid-level of the Grand Tree.
21 Garrison of the Paladins
From the Temple of Wishes Warp Spire, turn left and climb the Woven Pillar to reach a Confetti Cannon. Ride through a series of two Cannons until you reach this teleporter. This is considered as the top level of the Grand Tree.
22 Swordsmith Ruins Entrance
From the Shoal Sloap Warp Spire, head Southeast. You'll see this along the main road just before crossing the river river to the Grand Tree.

Firework Isles Warp Spires

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There are Eight Warp Spires found in the Firework Isles, with two being located on the Styleshaped Balloons above the ground. All their locations are noted below.

No. Image Name and Location Details
1 Sizzle and Spark Center
In front of the Carnival Tent. From the dock, follow the path upwards.
2 Songbreeze Highland Foothills
In the northern part of Flaming Forest. From the Sizzle and Spark Center Warp Spire, follow the path southwest until it curves north.
3 Songbreeze Highland Hillside
Near the cliff. Next to the broken bridge, north of Songbreeze Highland Foothills.
4 Fireworks Peak
On the back of the Songbreeze Highland Hillside Warp Spire, there should be a bouncy leaf you can use to jump and glide on top of the cave. Go west where you'll locate a chest surrounded by esslings, go around until you're on the northwest part of the hill. You should be able to locate cliff you can jump off to get on top where the warp spire is.
5 Crescent Shoal
Across the carousel and hot air balloons. Use the ruins in the lake to go here.
6 Entrance to Gloomy Cavern
From the Fireworks Peak Warp Spire, jump and glide down to east, near the giant floof balloons.

Styleshaped Balloons Warp Spires

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There are Two Warp Spires found in the Styleshaped Balloons floating above Firework Isles. These giant, hot air balloons are locked behind The Short Fuse Crew Returns quest!

No. Image Name and Location Details
7 Styleshaped Balloons Midway
There's a Warp Spire on the boat-shaped balloon. Use the other hot-air balloons to navigate across the sky and reach it.
8 Styleshaped Balloons Summit
On the side of the highest and largest castle-shaped hot air balloon.

How to Use Warp Spires

Used to Fast Travel Around the Map

Teleport to Warp Spires

Like in other open world games, the warp spire is Infinity Nikki's version of a fast travel point. Once unlocked, Nikki can easily select and teleport to that warp spire for easier navigation.

Unlock Warp Spires by Approaching It

To unlock the Warp Spires' teleport function, players must unlock the spires by approaching and then interacting with them. They will also give players 20 Diamonds as a reward for unlocking them!

How to Farm Diamonds

Do Realm Challenges in Warp Spires

Realm Challenges

In addition to the above features, you can also do Realm Challenges on any warp spires you have unlocked. Realm Challenges allow you to escalate materials into Blings, Threads, Bubbles, and more!

All Realm Challenges and Guide

Warp Spire Trophy Unlock

Walking the Wishful Lands Trophy

Gold Trophy Gold Walking the Wishful Lands
Activate 50 Warp Spires

Players can obtain the Gold trophy, Walking the Wishful Lands by activating 50 Warp Spires.

There are lots of places to explore in Miraland so use our interactive map to guide you on where to go!

Trophy Guide and Achievements List

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Stoneville Abandoned District Wishing Woods

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Breezy Meadow Stoneville
Abandoned District Wishing Woods
Firework Isles

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Well of Fortune Dream Warehouse
Ripple Wine Cellar Ghost Train
Timis's Beauty Lab Swordsmith Ruins
Queen's Palace Ruins: Inner Court

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2 Vabout 2 months

Missing Firework Isles Warp Spire: Along the path between Flaming Forest and Songbreeze Highland.

1 Anonymous3 months

You are missing one slightly below 7 in the Wishing Woods


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