Infinity Nikki

List of Crafting Materials

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Infinity Nikki - List of Crafting Materials

Crafting Materials are items used to craft outfits and clothing pieces in Infinity Nikki. See a list of all Crafting Materials in the game, how to get them, as well as how to use them!

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List of Crafting Materials

Jump to a Material!
Animals Plants Bugs
Fishes Monster Drops Realm Rewards
Sovereign Items Thread of Purity

Animal Fur

All Items
Ambird FeatherAmbird Feather Astral FeatherAstral Feather Beretsant FeatherBeretsant Feather
Beretsant Feather Essence Bibcoon FurballBibcoon Furball Bibcoon Furball EssenceBibcoon Furball Essence
Bowler FluffBowler Fluff Bowler Fluff Essence Bowtie FluffBowtie Fluff
Bullquet FeltBullquet Felt Bullquet Felt EssenceBullquet Felt Essence Bunny FluffBunny Fluff
Bunny Fluff EssenceBunny Fluff Essence Celebcrow FeatherCelebcrow Feather Crown FluffCrown Fluff
Crowned FeatherCrowned Feather Cushion FluffCushion Fluff Dawn FluffDawn Fluff
Floof YarnFloof Yarn Floral FleeceFloral Fleece Floral Fleece EssenceFloral Fleece Essence
Florascent WoolFlorascent Wool Hooded FeatherHooded Feather Longstocking WoolLongstocking Wool
Longstocking Wool EssenceLongstocking Wool Essence Night VelvetNight Velvet Pony CurlsPony Curls
Pony Curls EssencePony Curls Essence Rose VelvetRose Velvet Shirtcat FluffShirtcat Fluff
Stallion LocksStallion Locks Suspenders FluffSuspenders Fluff Suspenders Fluff Essence
Wreath FluffWreath Fluff

Animal Fur can be collected by wearing the Bye-Bye Dust outfit and interacting with animals. Some animals may require a different approach when collecting their fur.

How to Groom Animals

Plants and Flowers

All Items
AromalilyAromalily Aromalily EssenceAromalily Essence ButtonconeButtoncone
DaisyDaisy Flight FruitFlight Fruit FlorapomFlorapom
Florapom EssenceFlorapom Essence GlimmergrassGlimmergrass GrasspomGrasspom
Grasspom EssenceGrasspom Essence Hare PowderHare Powder Hare Powder EssenceHare Powder Essence
LampbloomLampbloom LampchiliLampchili Pearly ShellPearly Shell
Rainy OrchidRainy Orchid Rainy Orchid Essence Seed PearlSeed Pearl
Seed Pearl EssenceSeed Pearl Essence SizzpollenSizzpollen Sizzpollen EssenceSizzpollen Essence
Sol FruitSol Fruit Starlight ScallopStarlight Scallop Starlit PlumStarlit Plum
Starlit Plum EssenceStarlit Plum Essence Stellar FruitStellar Fruit Sunny OrchidSunny Orchid
Sunny Orchid EssenceSunny Orchid Essence WindbloomWindbloom Windbloom Essence
WisteriasolWisteriasol Wisteriasol EssenceWisteriasol Essence WoolfruitWoolfruit

Plants and Flowers can be collected in the environment. Interact with the plants to pick them up and store them in your inventory.

Bugs and Insects

All Items
BalletflyBalletfly Blossom BeetleBlossom Beetle Blossom Beetle EssenceBlossom Beetle Essence
BustleflyBustlefly Bustlefly EssenceBustlefly Essence ChimecadaChimecada
Chimecada EssenceChimecada Essence Foodie BeeFoodie Bee GlimmerdropGlimmerdrop
GogglebugGogglebug KnitmothKnitmoth Mani BeetleMani Beetle
MaskwingMaskwing Pearl WingsPearl Wings Pin HopperPin Hopper
Scarf WormScarf Worm Scarf Worm Essence ScarfmothScarfmoth
Scarfmoth Essence SockoSocko Socko EssenceSocko Essence
WeavespiderWeavespider WiztleWiztle Wiztle EssenceWiztle Essence

Bugs and Insects can be acquired by catching bugs with the Afternoon Shine outfit. Bugs often emit a sound when nearby.

How to Catch Bugs


All Items
Bow FishBow Fish BrusherBrusher BrushieBrushie
CarryfinCarryfin Carryfin EssenceCarryfin Essence CombellyCombelly
Hairpin LoachHairpin Loach HandkerfinHandkerfin Handkerfin EssenceHandkerfin Essence
Kerchief FishKerchief Fish Kerchief Fish Essence Lamp FishLamp Fish
Lamp Fish EssenceLamp Fish Essence PalettetailPalettetail QuillfinQuillfin
Quillfin EssenceQuillfin Essence Ribbon EelRibbon Eel Ribbon Eel Essence
RuffinRuffin Ruffin EssenceRuffin Essence Toque FishToque Fish
Toque Fish EssenceToque Fish Essence TulletailTulletail Whisker FishWhisker Fish
Whisker Fish EssenceWhisker Fish Essence

Fishes can be obtained by using the Rippling Serenity outfit in fishing spots. A fishing minigame occurs when attempting to catch a fish.

How to Fish

Monster Drops

All Items
Avoidance ButtonAvoidance Button Bitey FabricBitey Fabric Brokenheart PatchBrokenheart Patch
Furious RibbonFurious Ribbon Grudging ClothGrudging Cloth Hard ScrapHard Scrap
Hollow KnotHollow Knot Radical LeatherRadical Leather Reckless Iron BuckleReckless Iron Buckle
Stern BeltStern Belt Struggled PatchStruggled Patch Tangled RibbonTangled Ribbon
Tough LeatherTough Leather Tricky PatchTricky Patch Wings FabricWings Fabric

Some materials have a chance to drop from enemies, which are called Esselings, upon purifying and defeating them.

Combat Guide

Realm Rewards

All Items
Bedrock Crystal: CommandBedrock Crystal: Command Bedrock Crystal: EnergyBedrock Crystal: Energy Bedrock Crystal: HurlBedrock Crystal: Hurl
Bedrock Crystal: PlummetBedrock Crystal: Plummet Bedrock Crystal: TumbleBedrock Crystal: Tumble Glitter Bubbles: CoolGlitter Bubbles: Cool
Glitter Bubbles: ElegantGlitter Bubbles: Elegant Glitter Bubbles: FreshGlitter Bubbles: Fresh Glitter Bubbles: SexyGlitter Bubbles: Sexy
Glitter Bubbles: SweetGlitter Bubbles: Sweet

Realm Rewards, like Bedrock Crystals, are materials that can only be dropped by bosses in the Realm of the Dark trials in Realm Challenges. These are used to craft clothes or items in the Wishfield.

All Realm Challenges and Guide

Sovereign Exclusive Materials

All Items
Glimmering ScaleGlimmering Scale Golden DewGolden Dew Vine of DreamVine of Dream
Golden FruitGolden Fruit

There are special items that you can get after defeating Sovereign bosses from Faction Styling Challenges. These are used to make outfit pieces of Miracle Outfits.

Thread of Purity

All Items
Thread of PurityThread of Purity

Thread of Purity is the main component of nearly all craftable outfits and clothing pieces in the game. You can easily get this material by simply playing through various quests.

Crafting Materials Tracking Function

Locate Materials Using Tracker in Map

The locations of nearby crafting materials can be shown in the map with the use of the collection tracker in the in-game map, which can be accessed with the notebook icon on the lower left side of the map screen.

When tracking, the nearest locations of the selected item will be highlighted in the map until you have obtained all of the items in the area.

Interactive Map and 100% Exploration Guides

Unlock Precise Tracking for Map Pins

Once you collected a specific number of a material, you will be able to unlock the Precise Tracking feature for the item, which displays the specific location of the item in the map instead of a highlighted area.

Do note that the the requirements to unlock Precise Tracking per material may vary depending on the item type.

How to Get Crafting Materials

Use Ability Outfits

Ability Outfit

The main way to get certain materials in the game is to use Nikki's Ability Outfits to groom animals, fish, catch bugs, or purify enemies.

You will get the corresponding outfits needed for this methods early on, so you can easily obtain these materials as you play through the game.

List of All Ability Outfits

Collect in the Overworld

Collect in Overworld

Other materials in the game are readily available in the overworld, as you can simply pick them up while travelling.

Complete Quests

Complete Quests

Certain quest will also yield materials as rewards once you complete them. Try completing main, world, random, or exclusive quests to have plenty of items in stock.

List of All Quests

Purchase in Shops

Infinity Nikki - Resonance Store

You can also purchase materials from NPCs found in towns and areas in the game in exchange for some Bling.

You can also buy these items at the Resonance shop found in the store menu, where you can exchange Surging Ebb and Tranquility Droplet for materials.

Obtain as Realm Rewards

Phantom Trial Bouldy Command

You can get crafting materials such as Bedrock Crystals by completing the challenges in the Realm of the Dark accessible by interacting with any Warp Spire all over Miraland.

Get From the Dig, Pear-Pal Feature

Dig, Pear-Pal Feature

You can obtain additional crafting materials using the Dig, Pear-Pal feature. This allows you to farm existing materials by placing them in a digging queue.

Select a duration of 4, 8, 12, or 20 hours, and the number of materials received will vary depending on the chosen time. Longer durations yield more copies.

However, not all crafting materials are compatible with the Dig, Pear-Pal feature.

Obtain as Reward from Faction Styling Challenges

Faction Styling Challenges

Completing Styling Challenges against faction members around towns in the game will also reward materials.

There are special items that you can obtain after defeating the Sovereign bosses in the Factions menu, which are used to create outfit pieces of Miracle Outfits.

Faction Challenge Guide

How to Use Crafting Materials

Use to Craft Outfits and Clothing Pieces

Crafting Outfits and Clothing Pieces

Crafting materials are mainly used to make Outfits and Clothing Pieces in the Sketches menu.

It is recommended to pick up all materials that you can find even if you do not need it so you can have a steady supply of materials in your inventory and to also slowly build up unlocking the Precise Tracking feature for the item.

How to Craft Clothing

Use in Realm of Escalation

Realm of Escalation

You can also convert crafting materials and turn them into Bling or Threads of Purity in the Realm of Escalation. Do note that you need Vital Energy, which is a limited daily resource, to use this feature.

Realm of Escalation Guide

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki - Items

List of All Items

All Items

All Item Types
Crafting MaterialsCrafting Materials Growth MaterialsGrowth Materials ConsumablesConsumables
Quest ItemsQuest Items CurrenciesCurrencies

Item Guides

All Item Guides
How to Get Bedrock Crystals How to Get Essence


1 SerinaSayu3 months

To obtain essence you have to first upgrade the corresponding ability to 1,000 in the heart of infinity. For example to get bunny fluff essence you can quickly get animal grooming insight from trading at the realm of nourishment. Once you have 1,000 insight activate the node in the heart of infinity. I instantly started to collect essence after that.


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