Infinity Nikki

Realm of Escalation Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Realm of Escalation Guide

Realm of Escalation is a domain where you can get Bling and Threads of Purity in exchange for Vital Energy in Infinity Nikki. See how to unlock the Realm of Escalation, how to use it, and its release date here!

How to Unlock Realm of Escalation

Finish New Guidance: Realm of Escalation Quest

Talk to Tokar
You can unlock the Realm of Escalation once you complete the New Guidance: Realm of Escalation World Quest! You can unlock this once you talk to Tokar in the Stylist Guild!

Additionally, you can meet Tokar after you talk to Dada, Nonoy, and Hiya in the Stylist Guild during the quest, Unexplained Coma Incidents!

Realm of Escalation Location

Located Everywhere, Access by Warp Spires

Teleport to Warp Spires.png

Realm of Escalation is located everywhere, the same goes for all the Realm Challenges! All you have to do is teleport to a Warp Spire to access it!
All Warp Spire Locations

How to Use Realm of Escalation

Go to a Warp Spire

Warp Spire

Head to the nearest Warp Spire within the area. If there aren't any nearby, you could press M and simply teleport to one!

Approach the Altar of Escalation

Altar of Escalation
Select Realm Challenge and Realm of Escalation.

Once inside the Realm of Escalation, an altar named Altar of Escalation will stand before you. Approach it and press F.

Select a Target Material

Select a Target Material
You can choose either Blings or Threads of Purity to craft in the Escalation Menu.

Select the Items You Wish to Escalate

Select the Items You Wish to Escalate
Afterward, you can choose which items to use to craft Blings or Threads of Purity. Press escalate once you're done!

Note that you would need at least one item to complete the crafting process!

What is Realm of Escalation?

Use to Obtain Key Materials

Altar of Escalation
The Realm of Escalation is where you can exchange Vital Energy and materials to get Blings, and Threads of Purity. Thus, if you ever run out of those materials, the Realm of Escalation is one of the quick and accessible ways to obtain them!

The amount of Blings, Threads of Purity, and Mira EXP you'll receive will vary on how many materials you'll use to craft. Essentially, you'll receive more rewards when you use more materials to craft.

Realm of Escalation Release Date

Released on December 5, 2024

Realm challenges Release Date

The Realm Challenges were released on December 5, 2024 when Infinity Nikki's servers went live! Realm of Escalation is the first challenge you'll unlock once you progress in the story!

Infinity Nikki Release Date Guide

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Infinity Nikki - Realm Challenge

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All Realm Challenges Stages

Infinity Nikki Stages
Realm of Nourishment Realm of Eureka Realm of Escalation
Realm of the Dark Realm of Breakthrough


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