Infinity Nikki

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstars and Dews Location

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Swordsmith Ruins Whimstars and Dews Location

Swordsmith Ruins is one of the dungeons in Infinity Nikki. See the locations of whimstars and dews in Swordsmith Ruins, a walkthrough of the dungeon, and more!

Swordsmith Ruins Dungeon Overview

Unlocked During the Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Quest

Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins IMG Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Location
Quest Location Wishing Woods
Quest Rewards
#Mira EXPImage
Mira EXP

Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Quest Guide

Swordsmith Ruins Information

Whimstars 5
Dews of Inspiration 16
Location Wishing Woods

Swordsmith Ruins Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Guide

Swordsmith Ruins Walkthrough
Proceed forwards until you reach a guardian statue. Use the Starlet Burst outfit to shrink and pass the statue on the right side by hiding behind the crate.
Stay shrunk and step on the fan to fly upwards. From there, just keep following the path forward until you reach the Sword Courtyard.
Jump on the fan so you can fly to the platforms that lead to a hole in the wall. Go through it and head inside the pipe until you reach a room with some gears and two fans.
Use the fans to fly across onto the walkway. Once you're across, just head forward until you reach a broken bridge.
Jump to the fans again to fly across to the bridge. Head to the other end and do three more fan jumps to reach the Ventilation Tunnel.

As a note, you can jump mid-air to help control Momo and accurately jump to the next fan.
Hop across into the pipe and observe the timing of the fans. You'll want to cross when the fans are turned off, otherwise, you'll get blown off to the side.
Once you're past the pipe, there will be another one where the fan you'll need to dodge will be directly ahead of you instead of to your left. Use the small alcoves on the sides to dodge the wind and exit to the right at the end.

In case you have a hard time looking at the fan, you can use sound cues instead to know when it's safe to move forward.
After exiting the second pipe, you'll arrive in a room with a breakable floor. Go through it to get to the Sacred Corridor and follow the path forward to reach the Forge Tower.
Start off by doing two fan jumps to reach the horizontal fan that blows across the middle of the room. Once you've landed safely on the platform, take some time to observe your path upwards.
When you're ready, jump on the fan to the left to get to the next horizontal fan. This will take you to a series of three fan jumps that end with a horizontal fan that sends you through a series of fans that lead you to the Sword Sanctuary.

Remember that you can double jump between fans to help control Momo mid-air.
To clear this dungeon, you'll simply need to walk to the altar at the end of the hallway.

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Locations

All 5 Whimstar Locations

When you get to a section where you have to enter one of two tunnels, take the one on the left. Follow the path, and ride the fan's wind current as Momo to get to the Whimstar.
Once you make it past the long wind current tunnel, turn back into Nikki and jump up the opening on the wall above the exit you just went through. The Whimstar is in the room.
Once make it to the Sacred Corridor, before you jump over the gap where a fan blows wind, look down below. The Whimstar is located in an area just beside the fan.
Once you reach the checkpoint for the Sacred Corridor, look for a small entrance right underneath it. Turn into Momo via Starlet Burst. Make it past the guardian statue, then ride a wind current blown by a fan. The Whimstar is located behind some crates you can destroy with a plunging attack as Nikki.
As you ride up the various fans' wind currents upwards from the Dungeon, a Whimstar can be found high up in a separate room. Time your jump well to make it across the room.

All Whimstar Locations

Swordsmith Ruins Dew of Inspiration Locations

All 16 Dew Locations

No. Image How to Get
1-2 On a pipe above the first fan boost
3-4 Behind a large gear above the fan next to the Sword Courtyard respawn point
5-6 Below a gear platform that leads up to the next major area
7-9 Below the bridge on the way to the Ventilation Tunnel
10-11 On a tall rock formation next to the Ventilation Tunnel respawn point
12-14 In a secret room through the pipe below the Sacred Corridor respawn point
15-16 Above the path through the Sacred Corridor

All Dew of Inspiration Locations

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1 Anonymous3 months

I think step by step on how to get to the whimstar is better rather than just showing the location on where it is.


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