Battlefield 2042

Story and Plot Summary

Battlefield 2042 (BF2042), Story and Plot Summary Banner size:440x247

Without a story campaign, EA has announced that they will drop lore bits via official media outlets like their official Battlefield website and short films. In this guide, we'll talk about the story of Battlefield 2042!

Battlefield 2042 Backstory

The Year is 2041

Battlefield 2042 Sandstorm
Our story first takes place in the year 2041. In the wake of the war of 2020 (Battlefield 4), extreme climate change reaches an all-time high in the 2030s. Freak weather storms, rising sea levels, the collapse of governments, the second great depression, the list goes on. This all culminated in 1.2 billion people becoming displaced, which led them to band together in the hopes of surviving this new world. These refugees would come to be known as Non-Patriated, or No-Pats for short.

Kayvan Bechir Gets Contacted By Oz

Opulent Doha Playable Map in BF 2042
The early part of our story comes from the blog entry of Kayvan Bechir, a Qatar-based journalist, who has been interested in the story of the armed No-Pats but has had no success in getting a contact person within its ranks. That is until Oz, whom we would come to know as the commander of the largest group of No-Pats, contacted Kayvan.

Kayvan Travels With No-Pats for A Year

Shipping Docks BF2042
Now is a good time to mention that No-Pats aren't exactly seen as a welcomed entity by the governments, at least not publicly. Being a group that consists of 1.2 billion members, different people with different "values" can latch onto its name quite easily. These people can range from refugees to global terrorists vying for pity points. This is why after Kayvan was contacted by Oz, the Qatari Police broke down his doors in an attempt to arrest him for aiding a terrorist. Kayvan escapes and gets on a boat to travel around with the No-Pats under Oz and gets to meet a few of the in-game specialists.

Transporting Food, People, and Guns

Kourou, French Guiana BF 2042 Map
During the early months of the sea voyage, Oz's contingent of No-Pats were involved in cargo transport such as delivering pork belly and smuggling refugees. But the later he got into the voyage, the more questionable the acts became. At one point, they were involved with smuggling weapons inside pineapples for a Russian-sponsored Militia group. This delivery gets ambushed by American soldiers. Kayvan gets shot, but survives.

Arrival in Antarctica and Hostaged by Russians

BF2042 Map Antarctica
After the ambush, Kayvan and the rest of the No-Pats flee to Antarctica. To continue the journey, the No-Pats needed oil that was usually provided by the Russians in Antarctica for free. However, Russia decided to have a new policy. Oil for allegiance.

Russia vs America

The new cold war between Russia and America, the last remaining superpowers in the world, is about to reach an apex with their conflict and Russia wants as many people on their side as possible. Kayvan wonders if maybe the point Oz broughtallong all this time was to show how the world has forced the No-Pats to do its dirty work just to survive.

Irish Rescues the No-Pats and Heads to London

Exodus 04 Ship
Shortly during the stalemate, Oz sent one of their most capable captains, Irish, to rescue the stranded No-Pats and bring them on the ship. This was when Kayvan realized that he's tired of the adventures. Kayvan wanted to settle down somewhere in Cairo after landing on the African coast. But Oz had other plans. He tasked the ship and Irish to head to the sunken city of London and retrieve a package.

The Events of the Short Film Exodus and the Aftermath

At this point, we catch up to the events of what happened in the Short Film Exodus. However, we can at least see in the eyes of Kayvan what happened behind the scenes of the film.

Irish Returns to the Ship

After Irish brings the briefcase to the ship and handcuff Clayton Pakowski, Clayton claims that Oz is a terrorist and plans to start World War 3 with the information inside the briefcase. The briefcase contained information about an experimental satellite weapon belonging to the Americans is about to crash near Doha, Qatar in 36 hours. The Americans don't want the satellite to fall into Russian hands because it can spark a war between the two biggest superpowers.

Oz and Irish Conflict

Ozs Men attack the Exodus
Just as Oz's men can be seen over the horizon in their aircraft to pick up the package, Irish turns tail into a category 5 storm to try and lose them. A fight for the briefcase ensues and Irish's son gets taken by an enemy soldier. Kayvan, not wanting to be in the backlines, tried to run after the soldier but stopped to release Clayton when he said that he wanted to help.

Mission Failed, Data Sent

Briefcase information was sent
With the soldier holding Irish's son hostage, Irish is forced to hand over the briefcase. As the soldier was about to kill Irish's son, Clayton saves his life but at the cost of his own. After the battle, we see that a dead enemy soldier was able to send the information in the briefcase to Oz.


In one corner, we have Oz. A madman who wants to start World War 3 between the last two superpowers of the world to build a new place for all No-Pats. On the other, we have Irish. An ex-marine who's seen the cost of war on the civilians caught between the fighting. These two men want similar futures for the No-Pats, but their methods of reaching that future differ greatly.

With a transmitter in hand, Irish makes a call out to all No-Pats who can hear him. "The only way to stop this war is to get in the middle of it. 36 hours to Doha. Get ready to fight".

Battlefield 2042 Story and Plot Summary

Without a real campaign mode, the story content of Battlefield 2042 will be left to media and multiplayer content. We've caught up to the current information given to us by EA and we're eagerly waiting for the release of the game to play multiplayer and find more out more lore bits for you, so stay tuned for the game's official release!

Story Mode: Will There Be a Campaign?

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