Silent Hill 2 Remake Walkthrough Comments

Hangman Puzzle GuideComment

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    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    hard mode has 5 and 6 wrong, these are the correct ones: 6 correct innocent is: "Desperation's grip suffocates the air, . . . On this night of judgment, pain sets both men free." (it is NOT guilty 5) 6 correct guilty is: "Death of the blameless, a damnable sin, . . . Demons dressed in piety, they perished as well.." (it is NOT innocent 6) 5 correct guilty is: "The victim's eyes wide with terror and fright, . . . A show of brute strength, for all to abide." (it is NOT guilty 6)

    3 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    hard 5 and 6 are backwards

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