Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Craft General's Shield: Info and Materials

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General's Shield is a type of Shield in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn how to craft General's Shield, its stats, effects, and materials needed to craft it!

General's Shield Armor Info

Basic Info

Subtype Shield
Skill Level 89

Price and How to Get

Buying Price Selling Price
- 1150000

General's Shield Stats and Effects

0 3110 0 2800
Psn Res +50%, Seal Res +50%, Par Res +50%, Slp Res +50%, Ftg Res +30%, Sick Res +40%, Drain Res +50%

How to Craft General's Shield


Mat. 1 Mat. 2 Mat. 3
General's Orb
(Qty.: 1)
Rune Sphere Shard
(Qty.: 1)
Dragon Bones
(Qty.: 1)
Mat. 4 Mat. 5 Mat. 6
Big Crystal
(Qty.: 1)
- -

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Rune Factory 5 - Rainbow ShieldRainbow Shield Rune Factory 5 - GeneralGeneral's Shield Rune Factory 5 - Rune ShieldRune Shield


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